عرض مشاركة واحدة
  #1 (permalink)  
قديم 10-05-2022, 07:09 PM
موظف12 موظف12 غير متصل
عضو متواصل
تاريخ التسجيل: Dec 2017
المشاركات: 72
معدل تقييم المستوى: 15
موظف12 يستحق التميز
Red face عاجل مطلوب مشرف شؤون موظفين في الدمام

السلام عليكم

مطلوب مشرف شؤون موظفين

لدية شهادة بكالوريوس في نفس المجال او مجال الاداره

لديه خبره لا تقل عن 3 سنوات في ادارة شؤون الموظفين

متمكن ولديه الرغبه في العمل بجدية وانضباط

لكلا الجنسين

ترسل السيرة الذاتية في ملف PDF فقط مع كتابة العنوان : مشرف شؤون موظفين ( سيتم تجاهل اي ايميل لا يحتوي على العنوان )

على البريد التالي : gro@ricionline.com

العمل في مدينة الدمام وذلك حسب الوصف الوظيفي التالي :

Job Profile of HR Supervisor

Compliance with all legislation related to employment

Employment Contracts:
Issue and record Employee Offer Letters / Salary Letters and Employment Contracts.
Approve Updated Organizational Charts On A Monthly Basis And
Maintain Complete / Accurate Personnel Records.

Develop written human resources policies and procedures. Ensuring compliance.

Job Descriptions:
Prepare written job descriptions for each staff position

Recruitment and Selection:
Establish a standard process for timely recruitment and selection.

Orientation / Counseling:
To provided orientation to all new staff to the organization. Provide counsel and
assistance to Employees at all levels in accordance with the Company's Policies and
procedures as well as relevant legislation.

Ensure appropriate communication at all staff levels.

Training and Development:
Staff members are trained and provided with opportunities to acquire new
knowledge and skills.

Ensure a motivational climate in the Organization, Including adequate opportunities
for career growth and development.

Performance Management:
Monitor and evaluate performance through a performance management process.

Compensation and Benefits:
Provide fair compensation and reasonable benefits.

Health and Safety:
Provide a work environment that is healthy and safe.

Discipline and Termination:
Discipline and termination processes are established.

Conflict Resolution:
A conflict resolution process is in place for the organization.

Performance Management:
To maintain and develop leading edge HR Systems and processes to
address the effective management of employees in relation to the following:
-Staff Induction
-Staff Retention
-Management Development / Career Development
-Succession Planning
-Competency Building

رد مع اقتباس