عرض مشاركة واحدة
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قديم 06-06-2024, 12:50 PM
مفتاح بس خربان مفتاح بس خربان متصل الآن
عضو مهم
تاريخ التسجيل: Jun 2009
المشاركات: 269
معدل تقييم المستوى: 32
مفتاح بس خربان يستحق التميز
Looking for Cost Accountant in Jeddah

Looking for Cost Accountant in Jeddah.

* Requirements
* Bachelor’s degree in accounting, Finance, or a related field.
* Proven track record of at least 4 years of experience in cost accounting on Food sector.
* Strong knowledge of accounting principles, practices, and regulations.
* Proficient in using accounting software ERP system.

If interested, send your CV to this email ( job-ksa2015@hotmail.com )

#costing #job #cost #Accounting #Jeddah
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