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  #1 (permalink)  
قديم 17-10-2024, 05:08 PM
اخصائي للتوظيف اخصائي للتوظيف غير متصل
عضو متواصل
تاريخ التسجيل: Nov 2012
المشاركات: 178
معدل تقييم المستوى: 25
اخصائي للتوظيف يستحق التميز
Logistic Coordinator - Coordinator

Position: Logistic Coordinator
Job Location: Qassim
English Language: Good
Requirements and skills • Bachelor’s degree in business administration, Logistics, Supply Chain Management, or a related field.
• Certifications such as the Certified Logistics Associate (CLA) or Certified Supply Chain Professional (CSCP) can be advantageous.
• Prior experience in logistics or transportation may be preferred or required.
• Strong proficiency with logistics and supply chain management software (ERP systems).
Job Description:
• Planning and monitoring inbound and outbound shipments.
• Negotiating and securing transportation rates.
• Coordinating with vendors, suppliers, and transport companies.
• Planning and managing inventory control.
• Ensuring warehouse, transportation, and customer services work in unity and meet their commitments.
• Preparing and maintaining detailed logistics documentation and reporting.
• Implementing new projects and strategies to improve logistical efficiency.
• Complying with all company, local, state, and federal transportation regulations.
• Coordinate the dispatch and delivery of goods with personal drivers or through third-party carriers.
• Maintain accurate stock lists and manage inventory audit processes.
• Analyze logistical problems and develop new solutions.
• Interface daily with customer service teams to work on order management and troubleshooting.
• Ensure safety standards are met in accordance with company and regulatory guidelines.
• Optimize routing and dispatch systems to minimize transport costs and enhance customer satisfaction.
• Evaluate existing logistical procedures and refine them for greater efficiency

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الرجاء إرسال السيرة الذاتية عن طريق الأيميل: gasrecruit@gasarabian.com
مع كتابة المسمى الوظيفي في العنوان.

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