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عاجل مبرمجين .net - الرياض

وظائف منطقة الرياض

دة نص الرسالة إلى وصلت ليا طبعا مش هترجم لأن الإنجليزى مهم جدا بالنسبة ليهم Dear Mr,mtar sharm:d ARCOM has .NET developers positions ready for...

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  #1 (permalink)  
قديم 10-05-2009, 02:53 PM
عضو متواصل
تاريخ التسجيل: Aug 2008
المشاركات: 107
معدل تقييم المستوى: 34
مطار شرم يستحق التميز
عاجل مبرمجين .net - الرياض

دة نص الرسالة إلى وصلت ليا طبعا مش هترجم لأن الإنجليزى مهم جدا بالنسبة ليهم

Dear Mr,mtar sharm

ARCOM has .NET developers positions ready for immediate employment. You sent your CV to ARCOM before and this is why you are on our list.

It is Ok to pass this opportunity to others you know are matching the specs needed.

Please read the attached file carefully and send your CV only if you are 100% compliant. Thanks.

Jobs @ ARCOM

ودة المرفقات الى كانت فى اللإيميل

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
الموضوع:مطوري دوت نت (.NET Developers)
التـاريــخ : 9/5/2009 م
المرجع : AYK-2009-AM006 DotNET Dev
الصفحات : 2

ترغب آركوم في توظيف مطوري برامج في بيئة الدوت نت بالمواصفات المذكورة أدناه :

ARCOM wishes to hire full time .NET developers as per the specs below:

[ Relational DB :
o Understands basic relational database conceptsfor SQL Server 2008.
o Demonstrates proficiency with physical and logical database design.
o Confidently writes the four basic SQL statements.
o Possesses knowledge of various database access methods.
o Writes effective stored procedures.
[ Programming Languages :
o Possesses working knowledge of C#.net 2008.
o Good working experience in ASP.NET, C#, Java Script, CSS.
o Exhibits proficiency in HTML and one scripting ********.
o Reads and understands XML schemas.
o Creates effective XSL style sheets.
[ Architecture :
o Understands client/server, server-light, Ajax and internet systems architecture.
o Demonstrates familiarity with object and component methodology and technology.
o Good working experience in SharePoint 2007
[ Experience : 2 years continous relevant experience is a minimum.

Comments :
1. Male applicants only.
2. Applicants matching the above 100% only are expected to apply.
3. The CVs have to be updated and written in clear English.
4. Each CV have to be with a recent photo, and nationaility.
5. CVs have to be in Microsoft Office 2003 format attached to an email message.
6. CVs have to be emailed to jobs@arcom.com.sa .
7. The email subject line has to be (DotNET Developer).
8. Each message has to contain only one CV.
9. Applicants sending CVs more than once will be ignored.
10. Messages not comliant with the above will be ignored.
11. Last date for application : May 30th 2009.

Job Details :
1. ******** – Riyadh Saudi Arabia.
2. Duration – 3 years, renewable.
3. Package – SR5,225 total monthly package.
4. Health Insurance - included.
5. Evaluation – monthly evaluation.
6. Increase – Annual based on evaluation and published company policy.
7. Work visa will be provided.
8. Starting date is 30 days after letter of nomination.

بالتوفيق للجميع إن شاء الله والشركة رائعة
الراتب انا شايفه قليل الصراحة


(( لا تنسى ذكر الله ))

مواضيع ذات صله وظائف منطقة الرياض

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