تأسس الموقع عام 2006
Site was established in 2006

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وظائف المناطق المتفرقة الشمالية - الجنوبية - دول الخليج العربي

وظائف لأهل الخبرة في شركة معادن ...

وظائف المناطق المتفرقة

Mine Superintendent +++ Industry: Mining Job Location: Saudi Arabia Required Skills: 10 years underground mining, including supervisory experience....

موضوع مغلق
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  #1 (permalink)  
قديم 10-04-2007, 12:54 AM
مشرف سابق
تاريخ التسجيل: Sep 2006
المشاركات: 867
معدل تقييم المستوى: 186905
nayef محترف الإبداعnayef محترف الإبداعnayef محترف الإبداعnayef محترف الإبداعnayef محترف الإبداعnayef محترف الإبداعnayef محترف الإبداعnayef محترف الإبداعnayef محترف الإبداعnayef محترف الإبداعnayef محترف الإبداع
وظائف لأهل الخبرة في شركة معادن ...

Mine Superintendent +++

Industry: Mining
Job Location: Saudi Arabia
Required Skills: 10 years underground mining, including supervisory experience. Good English.
Career Level: Mid Career (Over 2 years experience)
Employment Status: Full time
Starting Date: February 2007
Preferred Nationality: India; Morocco; Poland; Romania; Saudi Arabia
Education: BSc in Mining Engineering or *****alent

Mill Superintendent+++

Industry: Mining
Job Location: Saudi Arabia
Required Skills: 10 years experience relevant to gold, silver, copper, zinc etc., including supervisory experience. Good knowledge in English and computer software.
Career Level: Mid Career (Over 2 years experience)
Employment Status: Full time
Starting Date: February 2007
Preferred Nationality: India; Morocco; Poland; Romania; Saudi Arabia
Education: BSc in Extractive ****llurgy or *****alent

Chief Exploration Geologist+++
رئيس الاستكشاف الجيولوجي

Industry: Mining
Job Location: Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
Required Skills: 10 years field and staff geological experience including 5 years as a Senior Geologist. Good English + Computer literacy in geological modeling and software.
Career Level: Mid Career (Over 2 years experience)
Employment Status: Full time
Starting Date: February 2007
Preferred Nationality: India; Morocco; Poland; Romania; Saudi Arabia
Education: BSc in Geology

Material & Inventory Controller+++
مراقب وجرد المواد

Industry: Engineering; Warehousing
Job Location: Saudi Arabia
Required Skills: 5 years relevant experience in warehousing for heavy industrial company. Good English + Good knowledge of PC and warehouse software.
Career Level: Mid Career (Over 2 years experience)
Employment Status: Full time
Education: Mechanical Engineer

HR Representative+++
ممثل موارد بشرية

Industry: Human Resources
Job Location: Saudi Arabia
Required Skills: 3 years experience in personnel work. Good English + Computer literacy and PC applications.
Career Level: Mid Career (Over 2 years experience)
Employment Status: Full time
Education: High School

Training Specialist+++
مشرف تدريب وتطوير

Industry: Human Resources
Job Location: Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
Required Skills: 3 yrs experience sourcing training programs and processing training activities. Fluent in English, Good communication skills and knowledge of computer software.
Career Level: Mid Career (Over 2 years experience)
Employment Status: Full time
Education: B.S in Business Administration

HR Strategist +++
استراتيجية الموارد البشرية

Industry: Human Resources
Job Location: Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
Required Skills: The candidate should have the essential skills of HR ‎where he listens to the employees and be able to solve ‎their problems accordingly with the group policy. ‎
* Demonstrated success in career development of HR ‎professionals
* Global thinking, and cultural diversity sensitivity and ‎adaptability
* Have at least 7 years experience as a professional ‎Human Resources senior specialist in a multinational ‎corporation, manufacturing. ‎
* Significant HR line experience in day-to-day HR ‎operations and demonstrated success in HR performance ‎improvement. ‎
* Demonstrated success in HR program and policy ‎needs analysis, and HR policy and program development.‎
* Demonstrated success in HR policy and program ‎implementation
* Implications of business strategy, and in defining how ‎HR should address these implications
* Excellent ability to develop job description and job evaluation for different job category
* Proactive personality
* Oracle HR system
Career Level: Mid Career (Over 2 years experience)
Employment Status: Full time
Education: B.S in Business Administration or relevant study area

Accounts Payable Supervisor+++

مشرف حسابات

Industry: Accounting/Auditing
Job Location: Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
Required Skills: Commerce or *****alent + 8 years related experience preferably within industrial environment at least 3 years in a supervisory position.
English and Computer literacy. Knowledge of financial systems and PC applications.
Career Level: Mid Career (Over 2 years experience)
Employment Status: Full time
Education: BA in Accounting

Accounting Supervisor+++
مشرف المحاسبة

Industry: Accounting/Auditing
Job Location: Saudi Arabia
Required Skills: 8 years related experience preferably within industrial environment at least 3 years in a supervisory position.
English and Computer literacy. Knowledge of financial systems and PC applications.
Career Level: Mid Career (Over 2 years experience)
Employment Status: Full time
Education: BA in Accounting

للتقديم السيرة الذاتية

  #2 (permalink)  
قديم 10-04-2007, 04:15 AM
تاريخ التسجيل: Nov 2006
الدولة: Riyadh
المشاركات: 8,067
معدل تقييم المستوى: 0
أبو زياد محترف الإبداعأبو زياد محترف الإبداعأبو زياد محترف الإبداعأبو زياد محترف الإبداعأبو زياد محترف الإبداعأبو زياد محترف الإبداعأبو زياد محترف الإبداعأبو زياد محترف الإبداعأبو زياد محترف الإبداعأبو زياد محترف الإبداعأبو زياد محترف الإبداع

Good luck for all of you

  #3 (permalink)  
قديم 10-04-2007, 12:18 PM
عضو مهم
تاريخ التسجيل: Feb 2007
المشاركات: 227
معدل تقييم المستوى: 37
محمد ال راجح يستحق التميز

thank you mr nayef

  #4 (permalink)  
قديم 11-04-2007, 01:30 AM
الصورة الرمزية skymax
عضو ماسي
تاريخ التسجيل: Feb 2007
المشاركات: 1,768
معدل تقييم المستوى: 49
skymax محترف الإبداعskymax محترف الإبداعskymax محترف الإبداعskymax محترف الإبداعskymax محترف الإبداعskymax محترف الإبداعskymax محترف الإبداعskymax محترف الإبداع

موضوع مغلق

(( لا تنسى ذكر الله ))

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