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قسم أرشيف الوظائف مرجع الوظائف القديمة

Declaration and a branch of the post of Director of Human Resource

قسم أرشيف الوظائف

Announces Human Resources Development Fund of the need to set the branch manager of the Fund in the Eastern Province - Dammam. Qualifications...

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  #1 (permalink)  
قديم 01-09-2009, 10:48 PM
الصورة الرمزية كمبو
عضو متواصل
تاريخ التسجيل: Jan 2009
الدولة: tabuk
المشاركات: 104
معدل تقييم المستوى: 33
كمبو يستحق التميز
Post Declaration and a branch of the post of Director of Human Resource

Announces Human Resources Development Fund of the need to set the branch manager of the Fund in the Eastern Province - Dammam.

Qualifications required:

- MA in management and its subsidiaries with the experience of not less than (8) years in one of the big corporations or banks, to be the last at least four years in a senior position.
- BA in management with experience of not less than (14) years in one of the companies or land banks, and be (10) years in leadership positions.

Applicants *******:

- Personal leadership.
- The ability to plan, implement and creativity.
- Has a high communication skills and create job opportunities.
- Perfection as the English ******** (spoken and written).
- Full knowledge of using computers.

Send CV to the following address:


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