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قسم أرشيف الوظائف مرجع الوظائف القديمة

Employment opportunities, Faculty of Economics and Administrative

قسم أرشيف الوظائف

Welcome to the Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences and the availability of jobs (faculty members, lecturers, male candidates in the...

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  #1 (permalink)  
قديم 03-09-2009, 10:22 PM
الصورة الرمزية كمبو
عضو متواصل
تاريخ التسجيل: Jan 2009
الدولة: tabuk
المشاركات: 104
معدل تقييم المستوى: 33
كمبو يستحق التميز
Lightbulb Employment opportunities, Faculty of Economics and Administrative

Welcome to the Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences and the availability of jobs (faculty members, lecturers, male candidates in the following fields: Economics - Business Administration - Accounting - Finance - Banking).

First: Staff Members

We hope you to kindly follow the following steps:
Write a letter of request to recruit for a Dean of the College.
Get pictures of the following documents:
- Bachelor's degree
- Academic record of the Bachelor of
- Master
- Academic record of the Master
- Ph.D.
- Academic record of the PhD
Profile Updated

Put all the previous documents in the file and delivered to the Office of the Dean of the College or send e-mail: ceas.dean @ imamu.edu.sa

Second: Speakers (particularly the Saudis and provided that not less than the rate for very good)

We hope you to kindly follow the following steps:

Write a letter of request to recruit for a Dean of the College.
Get pictures of the following documents:
- Bachelor's degree
- Academic record of the Bachelor of
- Master
- Academic record of the Master
- CV updated
- Master's Thesis
Get recommendations DFA.

Put all the previous documents in the file and delivered to the Office of the Dean of the College or send e-mail: ceas.dean @ imamu.edu.sa

Third: assistants (particularly the Saudis and provided that not less than the rate for very good)

We hope you to kindly follow the following steps:

Write a letter of request to recruit for a Dean of the College.
Get pictures of the following documents:
- Bachelor's degree
- Academic record of the Bachelor of
- CV updated
Get recommendations DFA.

Put all the previous documents in the file and delivered to the Office of the Dean of the College or send e-mail: ceas.dean @ imamu.edu.sa


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