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وظائف المناطق المتفرقة الشمالية - الجنوبية - دول الخليج العربي

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وظائف المناطق المتفرقة

Employment Opportunity 31 August 2009 9:17 AM This employment opportunity may interest students close to graduating The following is the criteria we...

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قديم 05-10-2009, 02:23 AM
عضو ماسي
تاريخ التسجيل: Apr 2009
المشاركات: 1,976
معدل تقييم المستوى: 525395
فاعل المعروف محترف الإبداعفاعل المعروف محترف الإبداعفاعل المعروف محترف الإبداعفاعل المعروف محترف الإبداعفاعل المعروف محترف الإبداعفاعل المعروف محترف الإبداعفاعل المعروف محترف الإبداعفاعل المعروف محترف الإبداعفاعل المعروف محترف الإبداعفاعل المعروف محترف الإبداعفاعل المعروف محترف الإبداع
وظيفة باستراليا

Employment Opportunity
31 August 2009 9:17 AM
This employment opportunity may interest students close to graduating

The following is the criteria we are looking for in a new recruit from La Trobe, which is based on the add we placed on ****.

Pearl/PHP programmer and Asterisk operator Required

We are a call centre based in Melbourne and are looking for one IT chief. Must have the following knowledge.

- Pearl and PHP programming
- Unix Administration
- Asterisk operation

We have 80 staff working and have taken over a new office on the same floor. To expand our current capacity we need more IT staff to support our growth. The knowledge of the above 3 areas is very important. You will be working all by yourself within the office and reporting straight to the MD.

Your responsibilities will be as under.
- Maintaining asterisk based telephone system
- Database administration
- Queries for databases
- System administration
- Basic networking

If you have the above knowledge and are looking to grow then email us.

$45,000 - $50,000

Thanks, awaiting your reply


Mahmood Reza
Human Resources Manager
24x7 Direct Pty Ltd.
Level 7, 84 William St, Melbourne, Vic – 3000
Phone: 0390141407
Fax: 0390141441
Mobile: -----
Email: mreza@24x7direct.com.au


(( لا تنسى ذكر الله ))

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