Personal Information:
1-Name: Mohammad naif Abdul-Ghani Saqer
2- Date of birth: 12/5/1987
3-Place of birth: K.S.A / Dammam
4-Marital Status: Single
5-Nationality: Jordanian
6-City: Al-Madina Al-Monorah
7-Address: King Abdul-Aziz st.
8-Phone number: +966 5 99177467
9-E-mail address: mohammad.saqer@hotmail.com.
1- Graduated from Al-Balqa' Applied University/jordan with a degree of Bachelor of Management Information System(M.I.S) in 2009.
2- Graduated from Al-Oloum Al-Shar'yah School/Al-madina with a degree of secondary certificate in 2005.
Career Objective:
I hope to work with team work.
I look forward to the development of software work.
I have the ability to deal with others.
Good working on computer programs:
Microsoft Office(Word , Excel And Power Point)
HTML ********.
C++ ********.
Visual Basic.
Arabic ******** (Mother ********)
English ******** (Good Spoken and Written)[/align]