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قسم أرشيف الوظائف مرجع الوظائف القديمة

وظائف شاغرة في مستشفى الملك فيصل التخصصي

قسم أرشيف الوظائف

أعلن مستشفى الملك فيصل التخصصي ومركز الابحاث عن توفر وظائف صحية شاغرة في مدينة الرياض ويرغب في كفاءات مناسبة وللاطلاع على قائمة الوظائف المتاحة و...

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  #1 (permalink)  
قديم 19-01-2010, 01:33 PM
الصورة الرمزية TRANSLATOR
عضو مميز
تاريخ التسجيل: Aug 2007
المشاركات: 792
معدل تقييم المستوى: 134068
TRANSLATOR محترف الإبداعTRANSLATOR محترف الإبداعTRANSLATOR محترف الإبداعTRANSLATOR محترف الإبداعTRANSLATOR محترف الإبداعTRANSLATOR محترف الإبداعTRANSLATOR محترف الإبداعTRANSLATOR محترف الإبداعTRANSLATOR محترف الإبداعTRANSLATOR محترف الإبداعTRANSLATOR محترف الإبداع
وظائف شاغرة في مستشفى الملك فيصل التخصصي

أعلن مستشفى الملك فيصل التخصصي ومركز الابحاث عن توفر وظائف صحية شاغرة في مدينة الرياض ويرغب في كفاءات مناسبة
وللاطلاع على قائمة الوظائف المتاحة و شروط التقديم
عن طريق الرابط التالي

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هذه صورة من الوظائف التي اعلنت بتاريخ اليوم 18 / 1 /2010 , لان الموقع فيه مشاكل تقنية , وهناك المزيد من الوظائف الشاغرة المعلنه في الموقع

Job Title
Senior Medical Technologist

Riyadh, SA

Organization Name

Department Description

Brief Description

Acts in a lead capacity for a specialized subsection/unit function of a Laboratory section. Performs the duties of a Medical


Detailed Description

Job Requirements

Organizes work flow and day-to-day operations of the subsection. Ensures all work to be completed and reported promptly. Assigns staff to maximize efficiency and productivity. Disseminates appropriate information to subordinates. Maintains the computerized Laboratory Information System for the subsection.

Ensures that optimum levels of supplies are available to provide uninterrupted services; maintains an ordering and supply inventory system.

Assists in development of new methodologies and the evaluation of new equipment. Updates policy and procedures manuals in accordance with specified guidelines.

Performs analyses, tests and procedures per established Laboratory standards, maintaining quality control of the subsection. Participates in the Quality Assurance programs of the section. Investigates incident reports and implements associated corrective action. Maintains equipment repair logs and equipment operation, maintenance, and repair records of subsection.

Assists Section Supervisor in ongoing employee performance appraisal. Counsels subordinates to improve performance. Orients, trains, provides continuing education, and guides lower graded personnel, other Laboratory
and health care personnel, students and residents. Assists the Section Supervisor in evaluation of potential employment candidates. Implements and maintains appropriate Laboratory safety procedures and practices.

Participates in and contributes to quality improvement activities.

Follow all Hospital related policies and procedures.

Performs other related duties as assigned.

Additional Details

BSc. Medical Technology or related
3-5 years in assigned area (1 year in supervisory capacity or 1 year at KFSH & RC)
Registered as a Medical Technologist or *****alent in country of origin

Job Title
Senior Medical Technologist

Riyadh, SA

Organization Name

Department Description

Brief Description

Acts in a lead capacity for a specialized subsection/unit function of a Laboratory section. Performs the duties of a Medical


Detailed Description

Job Requirements

Organizes work flow and day-to-day operations of the subsection. Ensures all work to be completed and reported promptly. Assigns staff to maximize efficiency and productivity. Disseminates appropriate information to subordinates. Maintains the computerized Laboratory Information System for the subsection.

Ensures that optimum levels of supplies are available to provide uninterrupted services; maintains an ordering and supply inventory system.

Assists in development of new methodologies and the evaluation of new equipment. Updates policy and procedures manuals in accordance with specified guidelines.

Performs analyses, tests and procedures per established Laboratory standards, maintaining quality control of the subsection. Participates in the Quality Assurance programs of the section. Investigates incident reports and implements associated corrective action. Maintains equipment repair logs and equipment operation, maintenance, and repair records of subsection.

Assists Section Supervisor in ongoing employee performance appraisal. Counsels subordinates to improve performance. Orients, trains, provides continuing education, and guides lower graded personnel, other Laboratory
and health care personnel, students and residents. Assists the Section Supervisor in evaluation of potential employment candidates. Implements and maintains appropriate Laboratory safety procedures and practices.

Participates in and contributes to quality improvement activities.

Follow all Hospital related policies and procedures.

Performs other related duties as assigned.

Additional Details

BSc. Medical Technology or related
3-5 years in assigned area (1 year in supervisory capacity or 1 year at KFSH & RC)
Registered as a Medical Technologist or *****alent in country of origin

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