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تجارب الأعضاء مع مستشفى الحرس الوطني+نماذج الإختبارات+استفسارات

إستفسارات ونتائج الوظائف المدنية

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته اتمنى احد يفيدني بنوعية الامتحانات اللي يقدمها مستشفى الحرس الوطني لطالبي الوظيفه انا قدمت عليهم وقالو بيدقون الشهر...

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  #31 (permalink)  
قديم 04-03-2010, 05:43 PM
تاريخ التسجيل: Sep 2009
المشاركات: 453
معدل تقييم المستوى: 0
،ثلاثيني،الرياض، محترف الإبداع،ثلاثيني،الرياض، محترف الإبداع،ثلاثيني،الرياض، محترف الإبداع،ثلاثيني،الرياض، محترف الإبداع،ثلاثيني،الرياض، محترف الإبداع،ثلاثيني،الرياض، محترف الإبداع،ثلاثيني،الرياض، محترف الإبداع،ثلاثيني،الرياض، محترف الإبداع،ثلاثيني،الرياض، محترف الإبداع،ثلاثيني،الرياض، محترف الإبداع،ثلاثيني،الرياض، محترف الإبداع
Post تجربتي بالتقديم على مستشفى الحرس+نموذج امتحان+مواقع مساعدة

مدينة الملك عبدالعزيز الطبية للحرس الوطني بالشئون الصحية - الرياض ص ب 22490 الرياض 11426
هاتف رقم: 0088-252 1 966+
مكتب التوظيف المحلي : 12925 / 12300
التقديم في الشؤون الصحية بالحرس الوطني مفتوح طوال العام على موقعهم الرسمي

عادة تصلك رسالة من الموقع خلال 48 ساعة بالحضور للمستشفى

وبعد ذلك الذهاب الى مستشفى الحرس بالرياض تحديداً البوابة رقم _(2)_ مكتب التوظيف ومعاك التالي :-
السيرة الذاتية وتكون مكتوبة باللغة الانجليزية.
صورة شخصية .
صورة لبطاقة الاحوال والاصل .
صورة لمؤهلاتك العملية والخبرة ان وجدت .
وراح يسالك الموظف هل قدمت على الموقع وبعدها يسويلك اختبار في اللغة الانجليزية يسمى الاختبارا المبدئي مكون من عشر اسئلة كل سئوال عليه درجة والاجابات تكون اختيارية يعني تختار الجواب A أو B أو C أو D اذا عديته ونتيجة امتحانك ستة من عشرة واعلى يعطيك موعد للاختبار الرئيسي للغة الانجليزية وعادة يكون السبت او الاحد فقط .

اذكر من ضمن الاسئلة في الاختبار المبدئي طبعاً بالانجليزي الكتاب على الرف ويعطيك خيارات هل تستخدم ON أو IN أو Under ، وسئوال اخر مشابه لاستخدامات الـ ON أو AT مع ايام التاريخ والسنة بشكل عام سائلة سهلة وسبق خذيناها من ايام الثانوي .الله المستعان
نجي للاخبتار الرئيسي ومدته مائة دقيقة على مائة سئوال
تكون متواجد في اليوم المحدد للاختبار عند نفس مكتب التوظيف قبل الاختبار بنصف ساعه يجي راعي الباص يضفكم ويوديكم لداخل المستشفى في قاعة على الكمبيوتر وبيجيك واحد مرجود كل شوي يقول ياشباب ترى الاختبار مدته مائة دقيقة ومتوتر وقلق ويجيب القلق للي حوله مادري هو كذا طبعه ولا علشان البنات يبي يترزز وعلى طاري البنات يكون في نفس القاعة بنات يختبرون فاثقل وخل عنك كثرة التلفت ، نرجع لموضوعنا الاختبار بشكل عام مقسم كالتالي :-
اختبار الاستماع عليه = Listening Comprehension = 25

اختبـــار القواعد عليه = Grammar = 30

اختبار المفردات عليه = Vocabulary = 25

اختــــبار القراءة عليه = Reading Comprehension = 20
ونصيب الاسد زي ماهو واضح للقواعد خل اعصابك هادية وروق المنقى واشربلك عصير ليمون من عند دكتور كيف تراه جنب القاعة وابدأ باسم الله وحل وراح تحصل نتيجة امتحانك على موقع المستشفى نفسه .
بالنسبه للدبلوم يشترطون أن تحصل في امتحانك على الـ 45 او الـ 50 بالنسبه للبكالوريوس فيشترطون الـ 65 درجة .
بعدها باسبوعين يتصلون عليك لاجراء المقابلة المبدئية وتكلم عن نفسك بالانجليزي وليش اخترت المستشفى .... الخ .
لاحظ اخي او اختي انه لديهم قائمة يقيمون عليها بالنسبه لمظهرك واعتنائك بنفسك واجوبتك وتنمكنك وبعدها يرسلون هالتقييم للقسم الذي يحتاج لموظفين وتكون المقابلة النهائية هناك .

مواقع قد تساعدك لتحديد مستواك في اللغة الانجليزية وتعليمك أيضاً :

اللغة الانجليزية للمبتدئين

تحديد مستواك ." وش انت من لحية " .

تعلم الانجليزية بالصوت والصورة

برنامج لاختبار لغتك عن طريق الفلاش

مصادر الموضوع : تجربة شخصية معاهم ..موضوع منقول من احد الاخوات ..نموذج الامتحان منقول من احد الاخوان ..

لا تنسوني من طيب دعائكم بالذرية الطيبة والوظيفة والرزق الحلال

التعديل الأخير تم بواسطة ،ثلاثيني،الرياض، ; 04-03-2010 الساعة 05:47 PM
  #32 (permalink)  
قديم 04-03-2010, 05:47 PM
تاريخ التسجيل: Sep 2009
المشاركات: 453
معدل تقييم المستوى: 0
،ثلاثيني،الرياض، محترف الإبداع،ثلاثيني،الرياض، محترف الإبداع،ثلاثيني،الرياض، محترف الإبداع،ثلاثيني،الرياض، محترف الإبداع،ثلاثيني،الرياض، محترف الإبداع،ثلاثيني،الرياض، محترف الإبداع،ثلاثيني،الرياض، محترف الإبداع،ثلاثيني،الرياض، محترف الإبداع،ثلاثيني،الرياض، محترف الإبداع،ثلاثيني،الرياض، محترف الإبداع،ثلاثيني،الرياض، محترف الإبداع


English ******** Proficiency Test

(Version I - B)

Section I

Listening Comprehension (20 marks)

Instructions for items 1 through 20:
You will hear 20 statements or questions. Select the one item (a, b, c or d) which comes closest in meaning to the statement, or which answers the question correctly. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. You will have 15 seconds to answer each question.
1. a) Every day is the same.
b) Every driver works on his car.
c) He uses his car every day.
d) He enjoys his work every day.

2. a) He loves coffee.
b) He drinks his coffee slowly.
c) He drinks very little coffee.
d) He never drinks coffee.

3. a) He still has it.
b) He likes to keep old books.
c) He doesn’t have it anymore.
d) He is carrying it with him.

4. a) My car is in good condition.
b) My car broke down on the highway.
c) I got up early.
d) I was driving fast.

5. a) I am a nurse at King Fahad Hospital.
b) I live in Riyadh.
c) I live with my family.
d) I love my work.

6. a) He is injured. B) He is safe. C) He is dead. D) He is alive.

7. a) They don’t want people to smoke.
b) They want people to smoke more.
c) They don’t smoke cigarettes.
d) They encourage people to smoke.

8. a) There are no cars.
b) The streets are empty.
c) There are a few cars.
d) There are many cars.

9. a) We don’t need any sugar. B) We need to buy sugar.
c) We have enough sugar. D) We have plenty of sugar.

10. a) We enjoyed the party. B) The party was boring.
c) We weren’t late for the party. C) We didn’t enjoy the party.

11. a) They love each other.
b) They always play together.
c) They always fight with each other.
d) They are always together.

12. a) I don’t like it. B) I like it a lot.
c) I like it a little. D) I dislike it.

13. a) He went to the library.
b) He went to the supermarket.
c) He went to the post office.
d) He went to school.

14. a) He is seldom sick.
b) He is frequently sick.
c) He is usually sick.
d) He is always sick.

15. a) I will stay home tonight.
b) I will go to a lecture tonight.
c) I won’t leave tonight.
d) I will leave tonight.

16. a) My back hurts.
b) I have an earache.
c) My tooth hurts.
d) I have a sto***hache.

17. a) I want to leave right away.
b) I’m not in a hurry.
c) I don’t care if I leave late.
d) I don’t have to leave immediately.

18. a) He borrowed it. B) He rented it.
c) He bought it. D) He is fixing it.

19. a) I am waiting for the bus. B) I am 170 centimeters.
c) I am 70 kilos. D) My shirt is white.

20. a) He sold it to me. B) I borrowed it from him.
c) He gave it to me as a gift. D)d) I am buying it from him.

Sections II-IV (90 minutes)

Section II

Grammar (60 marks)

Select the correct answer to each question below on your answer sheet. Choose only one answer for each question.
1. If you ____________ to be successful in life, work hard.
a) wanting c) want b) wanted d) will want

2. “Are you going to visit them next week?”
“I don’t know. I __________.”
a) might c) would b) maybe d) will

3. Those hats are _________________.
a) there’s c) them b) their d) theirs

4. I am tired ____________ studying. Let’s go for a walk.
a) of c) by b) to d) for

5. Could you tell us ________________?
a) where is the hospital
b) is where the hospital
c) where the hospital is
d) the hospital is where

6. I’ll neither use these words ___________ will I ever remember them.
a) nor c) but b) or d) and

7. They arrived while I ____________ the flowers.
a) water c) was watering
b) would water d) watering

8. What did you have ____________ lunch?
a) on c) of b) in d) for

9. This is the place _____________ the accident occurred.
a) which c) where b) in that d) what

10. This book cost five dollars, ________________ it?
a) didn’t c) isn’t b) doesn’t d) hasn’t

11. “Did they get any pictures there?”
“Yes, they got _____________.”
a) any c) much b) some d) nothing

12. “This lecture is boring.”
“Yes, it is.______________ leave?”
a) Why we didn’t c) Let b) Why we don’t d) Why don’t we

13. We got the repairman ______________ our radio.
a) fixed c) to fix b) to fixing d) fixes

14. This room is ________________ the kitchen.
a) as wide as c) more wide than
b) as wide than d) so wide as

15. My brother can’t speak Spanish, and ______________.
a) neither do I c) so can I
b) either can I d) neither can I

16. They have been living in Riyadh ______________ 1980.
a) for c) by b) since d) until

17. The weather is ______________ today than it was yesterday.
a) more good c) better b) best d) the best

18. He only knows __________ words in English.
a) much c) a little b) a few d) lots

19. I like coffee, but my wife ________________.
a) isn’t c) hasn’t b) wasn’t d) doesn’t

20. Our neighbors stay by ____________ most of the time. They rarely have visitors.
a) theirselves c) they b) themselves d) their

21. He didn’t like his job at first, but now he __________ it very much.
a) likes c) like b) liking d) liked

22. He didn’t remember _____________________.
a) where is going c) to go where
b) where to go d) going where

23. Do you know ______________?
a) how he is tall c) how tall he is
b) how is he tall d) how tall is he

24. We still remember the day _____________ we won the game.
a) what c) where b) when d) who

25. Before he left, he __________________ a glass of milk.
a) drinks c) drunk b) drank d) has drunk

26. Shall I ask Ahmed to see you when he ____________?
a) will return c) returned b) should return d) returns

27. The library ______________ during the holidays.
a) will redecorate c) will be redecorated
b) redecorates d) will be redecorating

28. What’s wrong ________________ your car?
a) of c) into b) to d) with

29. ______________ you meet us at the airport tonight?
a) Have c) Ought b) Couldn’t d) May

30. When he gets back, his father _____________ at home.
a) is being c) has been b) will be d) was

31. Mohammed _____________ many new words since he started school.
a) learn c) has learned b) learned d) have learned

32. Although he was not responsible, he was blamed _________the accident.
a) on c) for b) about d) with

33. The secretary apologized ____________ her careless typing.
a) on c) from b) of d) for

34. While I’m at the party tonight, I’ll be _____________ my new suit.
a) wearing c) to wear b) wear d) worn

35. I ____________ to smoke cigarettes but finally stopped.
a) use c) am used b) used d) was used

36. The skeleton ________________ the human body.
a) supporting c) is supported b) support d) supports

37. The cheapest way ______________ is by bus.
a) travel c) to traveling b) travels d) to travel

38. They put in __________ time on this project than on the last one.
a) less c) least b) little d) the least

39. _______________ you mind closing the ******?
a) May c) If b) Could d) Would

40. If I had enough money, I _____________ a camera.
a) would buy c) will buy b) had bought d) may buy

41. Since he was going to the party in his car, I asked him to pick me __________ on the way.
a) in c) off b) up d) around

42. He is ____________ working for that company.
a) since c) still b) yet d) anymore

43. People should always ____________ the truth.
a) to say c) tell b) told d) to speak

44. I wouldn’t mind _______________ with the *****ng, but I’m not going to wash the dishes.
a) to help c) help b) helping d) for helping

45. Food spoils _____________ if it is not kept in a refrigerator.
a) easy c) ease b) easily d) more easy

46. You’ve already signed your check, _____________ you?
a) don’t c) haven’t b) hadn’t d) didn’t

47. I’m looking forward to ________________ you soon.
a) seen c) seeing b) have seen d) see

48. This work ought to be ____________ care of immediately.
a) taken c) taking b) took d) take

49. The young lady ____________ at the desk is the secretary.
a) will sit c) sat b) sitting d) sits

50. The man _____________ life was saved was my father.
a) whose c) who’s b) of whom d) his

51. Wake up! You ____________ sleeping since 8 o’clock.
a) had been c) have been b) are d) have

52. He wanted us to have a look at the newly ____________ house.
a) construct c) constructed b) constructing d) construction

53. You can’t put two liters into this bottle because it _____________.
a) is small enough c) is big enough b) is too big d) isn’t big enough

54. We could have done better if we _____________ harder.
a) would try c) had tried b) try d) will try

55. I ______________ go to bed early than go shopping.
a) rather c) would prefer b) would rather d) prefer

56. Your tent is ________________ to ours.
a) alike c) like b) same d) similar

57. Could you lend me _____________ until tomorrow?
a) a few riyals c) few riyals b) a small money d) little money

58. By the time the police arrived, the thieves ______________ the money.
a) hide c) are hiding b) had hidden d) will have hidden

59. The flowers in the garden ___________ in ******.
a) were planted c) planted b) were planting d) was planted

60. Since your wife is away this weekend, ______________ you like to have dinner with us tonight?
a) will c) won’t b) do d) would


التعديل الأخير تم بواسطة ،ثلاثيني،الرياض، ; 04-03-2010 الساعة 05:55 PM
  #33 (permalink)  
قديم 04-03-2010, 05:49 PM
تاريخ التسجيل: Sep 2009
المشاركات: 453
معدل تقييم المستوى: 0
،ثلاثيني،الرياض، محترف الإبداع،ثلاثيني،الرياض، محترف الإبداع،ثلاثيني،الرياض، محترف الإبداع،ثلاثيني،الرياض، محترف الإبداع،ثلاثيني،الرياض، محترف الإبداع،ثلاثيني،الرياض، محترف الإبداع،ثلاثيني،الرياض، محترف الإبداع،ثلاثيني،الرياض، محترف الإبداع،ثلاثيني،الرياض، محترف الإبداع،ثلاثيني،الرياض، محترف الإبداع،ثلاثيني،الرياض، محترف الإبداع

Section III

Vocabulary (20 marks)
Choose the word closest in meaning to the underlined word or phrase. Choose one answer only.
61. Television is entertaining.
a) informative c) enjoyable b) expensive d) boring

62. Driving in this fog is hazardous.
a) safe c) prohibited b) dangerous d) simple

63. We’ll get in touch with you at the end of the holiday.
a) contact c) miss b) leave d) remember

64. The driver abandoned his car after the accident.
a) pulled c) repaired b) held on to d) left

65. My brother is looking for a permanent job.
a) lasting c) well-paying
b) temporary d) challenging

66. He spends a good deal of time
a) all of his c) a lot of with his friends.
b) almost no d) a small amount of

67. I still need further education.
a) more c) long distance
b) scientific d) necessary

68. I told him not to accelerate at the intersection.
a)slow down c) turn b)stop d) speed up

69. Your offer has been turned down.
a) accept ed c) changed
b) rejected d) postponed

70. Many people are injured every day on account of carelessness.
a) because of c) without b) despite d) in spite of

71. His money turned out to be a curse to him.
a) a benefit
b) a source of happiness
c) a blessing
d) a source of problems

72. In our department, we emphasize teamwork and cooperation.
a) reward c) stress b) tolerate d) order

73. He is a person who understands his obligations and attends to them.
a) limits c) restrictions
b) observations d) duties

74. The current schedule is convenient for everybody.
a) present c) previous
b) old d) first

75. Khalid answered the question instantly.
a) correctly c) later
b) incorrectly d) right away

76. Those spare parts are defective.
a) faulty c) perfect
b) expensive d) fake

77. You can pick out a shirt from this rack.
a) try on c) buy
b) select d) open

78. Keep on dialing until your call gets through.
a) Stop c) Postpone
b) Delay d) Continue

79. Mohammed cut down on cigarettes.
a) stopped smoking c) smoked more
b) cut out d) smoked fewer

80. I almost got lost on my way here.
a) surely c) nearly
b) completely d) mostly

Section IV

Reading Comprehension (20 Marks)
Read the following three passages and answer the questions that follow each passage on your answer sheet. Choose only one answer for each question.

Bad weather comes in many different forms. One kind of bad weather is the tornado. It is one of the most destructive storms that we have on earth.

A tornado is a long cloud which comes down from the sky. It is shaped like a funnel and consists of wind which whirls around and around extremely fast. In fact, the wind can ***** a speed of more than nine hundred kilometers per hour. Weather scientists are unable to know exactly when a tornado will occur. Fortunately, the tornado is not usually very big and does not last long.

There are about two hundred tornadoes annually in the United States, but in some years there are many more. Tornadoes that occur over water are calledwaterspouts.

81. The main idea of paragraph 2 is:
a) Tornadoes are very strong, but they do not last a long time.
b) Scientists can describe tornadoes, but they can’t predict when they might occur.
c) The wind speed can ***** 900 kilometers per hour.
d) Tornadoes are long funnel-shaped clouds.

82. The word annually in line 8 means _________________.

a) at one time c) monthly
b) in one place d) yearly

83. The author suggests that one good thing about a tornado is that it ______.

a) does not last long c) does not cause much destruction
b) whirls around fast d) only occurs over water

84. Tornadoes over water are called _________________.

a) water tornadoes c) waterspouts
b) water funnels d) water fountains

85. The annual number of tornadoes in the United States is about ________.
a) one hundred c) nine hundred
b) two hundred d) three hundred


Applying for a job is probably something most people enjoy least. There is a good deal of anxiety involved. People are often not sure whether they meet the requirements for the position. Lengthy application forms usually have to be filled out. An applicant must have credentials ready, such as diplomas from schools attended and transcripts of work there. Letters of reference are often required. Then there is the personal interview where the applicant must be met and evaluated by strangers. Certain jobs require a demonstration of skills and there are often other tests as well. It is no wonder that many people stay in the same job all their lives!

86. Applying for a job is something _________________.

a) that many people enjoy greatly
b) that requires very little effort
c) that few people really like
d) that doesn’t cause anxiety

87. Which of the following is NOT TRUE when one applies for a job:

a) A demonstration of skills may be required.
b) Application forms are usually very short.
c) Letters of reference are often necessary.
d) An applicant must often undergo a personal interview.

88. Transcripts are examples of _______________.

a) diplomas c) credentials
b) skills d) references

89. According to the passage above, a demonstration of skills is a kind of _____________.

a) application c) personal interview
b) test d) credential

90. The word anxiety in line 2 means _______________.

a) skill c) talent
b) intelligence d) worry


The food we eat seems to have profound effects on our health. Although science has made enormous steps in making food more fit to eat, it has, at the same time, made many foods unfit to eat . Some research has shown that perhaps eighty percent of all human illnesses are related to diet and forty percent of cancer is related to diet as well, especially cancer of the colon. People of different cultures are more prone to contract certain illnesses because of the characteristic foods they consume.

That food is related to illness is not a new discovery. In 1945, researchers realized that nitrates and nitrites (commonly used to preserve color in meats) as well as other food additives caused cancer. Yet, these carcinogenic additives remain in our food, and it becomes more difficult all the time to know which ingredients on the packaging labels of processed food are helpful or harmful.
The additives that we eat are not all so direct. Farmers often give penicillin to cattle and poultry, and because of this, penicillin has been found in the milk of treated cows. Sometimes similar ***** are administered to animals not for medicinal purposes, but for financial reasons. The farmers are simply trying to fatten the animals in order to obtain higher price on the market. Although the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has tried repeatedly to control these procedures, the practices continue.
A healthy diet is directly related to good health. Often we are unaware of detrimental substances we ingest. Sometimes well-meaning farmers or others do not realize the consequences of adding these substances to food without our knowledge.

91. In line 2, the word fit is closest in meaning to ______________.
a) athletic c) tasty
b) suitable d) adaptable

92. How has science done a disservice to people?
a) Because of science, disease caused by contaminated food has been virtually eradicated.
b) It has caused a lack of information concerning the value of food.
c) As a result of scientific intervention, some potentially harmful substances have been added to our food.
d) Scientists have preserved the color of meats but not of vegetables.

93. The word prone in line 6 is nearest in meaning to ____________.
a) willing c) healthy
b) unlikely d) predisposed

94. What are nitrates used for?
a) They preserve flavor in packaged foods.
b) They preserve the color of meats.
c) They are the objects of research.
d) They cause animals to become fatter.

95. Some farmers give certain ***** to their animals to ______________.
a) prevent them from getting cancer
b) increase the number of their off******
c) make them fatter
d) improve the standards of the FDA.

96. The word “these” in line 10 refers to __________________.
a) meat c) researchers
b) colors d) nitrates and nitrites

97. In line 10, the word carcinogenic is closest in meaning to ____________.
a) trouble-making c) money-making
b) color-retaining d) cancer-causing

98. Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE:
a) ***** are always given to animals for medical reasons.
b) Some of the additives in our food are added to the food itself and some are given to the living animals.
c) Researchers have known about the potential hazards of food additives since 1945.
d) Food may cause forty percent of the cancer in the world.

99. The word additives in line 13 is closest in meaning to ______________
a) extra substances c) natural substances
b) dangerous substances d) benign substances

100. What is the best title for this passage?

a) Harmful and Harmless Substances in Food
b) Improving Health Through a Natural Diet
c) The Food You Eat Can Affect Your Health
d) Avoiding Injurious Substances in Food
This is the end of the test.

stale = old
erratic = irregular
perptual = constant
mandatory = compulsory
obligations = duties

التعديل الأخير تم بواسطة ،ثلاثيني،الرياض، ; 04-03-2010 الساعة 05:58 PM
  #34 (permalink)  
قديم 04-03-2010, 05:56 PM
تاريخ التسجيل: Sep 2009
المشاركات: 453
معدل تقييم المستوى: 0
،ثلاثيني،الرياض، محترف الإبداع،ثلاثيني،الرياض، محترف الإبداع،ثلاثيني،الرياض، محترف الإبداع،ثلاثيني،الرياض، محترف الإبداع،ثلاثيني،الرياض، محترف الإبداع،ثلاثيني،الرياض، محترف الإبداع،ثلاثيني،الرياض، محترف الإبداع،ثلاثيني،الرياض، محترف الإبداع،ثلاثيني،الرياض، محترف الإبداع،ثلاثيني،الرياض، محترف الإبداع،ثلاثيني،الرياض، محترف الإبداع

بكذا يكون اكتمل الموضوع وموفقين جميعاً

التعديل الأخير تم بواسطة ،ثلاثيني،الرياض، ; 04-03-2010 الساعة 05:59 PM
  #35 (permalink)  
قديم 04-03-2010, 06:49 PM
عضو مهم
تاريخ التسجيل: Feb 2010
المشاركات: 251
معدل تقييم المستوى: 216
مبرمج دوت نت محترف الإبداعمبرمج دوت نت محترف الإبداعمبرمج دوت نت محترف الإبداعمبرمج دوت نت محترف الإبداعمبرمج دوت نت محترف الإبداعمبرمج دوت نت محترف الإبداعمبرمج دوت نت محترف الإبداعمبرمج دوت نت محترف الإبداعمبرمج دوت نت محترف الإبداعمبرمج دوت نت محترف الإبداعمبرمج دوت نت محترف الإبداع

تقريبا اللي جاني مثل هذا وكانت مشكلتي بالقواعد بس

يبيلي اراجعها وتضبط اموري

يعطيك العافيه

  #36 (permalink)  
قديم 04-03-2010, 07:16 PM
الصورة الرمزية عاطل قفلت معه
نجم المنتدى
تاريخ التسجيل: Feb 2010
الدولة: مكهــ
المشاركات: 3,629
معدل تقييم المستوى: 214
عاطل قفلت معه محترف الإبداععاطل قفلت معه محترف الإبداععاطل قفلت معه محترف الإبداععاطل قفلت معه محترف الإبداععاطل قفلت معه محترف الإبداععاطل قفلت معه محترف الإبداععاطل قفلت معه محترف الإبداععاطل قفلت معه محترف الإبداععاطل قفلت معه محترف الإبداععاطل قفلت معه محترف الإبداععاطل قفلت معه محترف الإبداع

بالتوفيق للجميع

  #37 (permalink)  
قديم 04-03-2010, 07:59 PM
عضو مهم
تاريخ التسجيل: Mar 2008
المشاركات: 216
معدل تقييم المستوى: 40361
غلطة طموح محترف الإبداعغلطة طموح محترف الإبداعغلطة طموح محترف الإبداعغلطة طموح محترف الإبداعغلطة طموح محترف الإبداعغلطة طموح محترف الإبداعغلطة طموح محترف الإبداعغلطة طموح محترف الإبداعغلطة طموح محترف الإبداعغلطة طموح محترف الإبداعغلطة طموح محترف الإبداع

وعلى طاري البنات يكون في نفس القاعة بنات يختبرون فاثقل وخل عنك كثرة التلفت...
بصراحة النصيحة حلووووووة
يعطيك العافية على هالمجهود والله يوفق الجميع

  #38 (permalink)  
قديم 04-03-2010, 09:12 PM
تاريخ التسجيل: Sep 2009
المشاركات: 453
معدل تقييم المستوى: 0
،ثلاثيني،الرياض، محترف الإبداع،ثلاثيني،الرياض، محترف الإبداع،ثلاثيني،الرياض، محترف الإبداع،ثلاثيني،الرياض، محترف الإبداع،ثلاثيني،الرياض، محترف الإبداع،ثلاثيني،الرياض، محترف الإبداع،ثلاثيني،الرياض، محترف الإبداع،ثلاثيني،الرياض، محترف الإبداع،ثلاثيني،الرياض، محترف الإبداع،ثلاثيني،الرياض، محترف الإبداع،ثلاثيني،الرياض، محترف الإبداع

الله يعطيكم العافية على تفاعلكم الطيب
وعقبال مانبارك لكم با أعلى وافضل الوظائف

  #39 (permalink)  
قديم 04-03-2010, 10:14 PM
الصورة الرمزية أمااال
عضو نشيط
تاريخ التسجيل: Dec 2009
المشاركات: 173
معدل تقييم المستوى: 38
أمااال محترف الإبداعأمااال محترف الإبداعأمااال محترف الإبداعأمااال محترف الإبداعأمااال محترف الإبداعأمااال محترف الإبداعأمااال محترف الإبداع

الف شكر لك أخي وجزاك الله خيرا على هالمعلومات المهمه >>> وبالنسبه لاختبار البنات مافيه اختلاط البنات لوحدهم

  #40 (permalink)  
قديم 04-03-2010, 10:15 PM
الصورة الرمزية أمااال
عضو نشيط
تاريخ التسجيل: Dec 2009
المشاركات: 173
معدل تقييم المستوى: 38
أمااال محترف الإبداعأمااال محترف الإبداعأمااال محترف الإبداعأمااال محترف الإبداعأمااال محترف الإبداعأمااال محترف الإبداعأمااال محترف الإبداع

ومشكلتي معاهم اني ماعديت الاختبار دعواتكم اني اعديه مره ناسيه الانجلش وماعندي وقت ادرس

موضوع مغلق

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