04-07-2007, 02:35 AM
عضو جديد
تاريخ التسجيل: Oct 2006
المشاركات: 16
معدل تقييم المستوى: 38
المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة sager2006
You are scheduled to be tested on July 8, 2007 at 7:00 AM at the Mina Saud Recreation Center in Al-Zour, Kuwait. Please be advised that testing will take approximately 2 hours.
· Bring a printed copy of this notification and your CIVIL ID to be admitted. Only applicants will be admitted.
· If you are traveling from Saudi Arabia, you will need a passport to cross the border into Kuwait.
Regulations for Testing
You MUST be on time for the test. If you are late, you will NOT be admitted.
Do NOT bring any additional materials, for example, pen, folders, certificates, or electronic devices (leave your cell phone in your car). You will be supplied with all necessary test materials, including a pencil.
What happens after the Test?
If you have been selected for an interview, you will be informed through email and you will need to bring the following:
1. Original certificate of the General Secondary School or a certified copy.
2. Certificate of good conduct from the last school attended.
3. Copy of the Saudi Civil I.D. Card.
4. Four personal photographs (4x6). H0804B
Directions to Al-Zour, Kuwait
From the border of Saudi Arabia,
Take King Fahd bin Abdul-Aziz Highway (30) approximately 22 kilometers.
Turn right on Road 270 and go straight for about 10 kilometers towards Al-Zour.
Once you pass the petrol station, do a U-turn.
On your right, you will see a mosque and a large building.
Turn right into the driveway. Security will direct you to the parking lot at the mosque and then to the testing cente
مكان الأختبار في ميناء الزور في الكويت يعني لازم تجيب معاك الجواز