وهذه بعضا من اعمالي:
هذا الجزء من تلخيصي لمادة النثر لاحدى طالبات الكلية
لرواية"رسلاس امير اثيوبيا"
In the 18th century English literature, the East was the fashion. Rasselas' setting is in the East where an Eastern prince Rasselas and his sister travel from Abissinia to Egypt, and where Imlac sees the world of Palestine, Syria, Iraq, Persia and Arabia -- the bed of Islam.
Like many others of his time, the writer borrowed from the Arabian Nights. The Arabian Nights was a source of inspiration for Johnson's novel Rasselas.
Rasselas depicts images of some Eastern civilizations, and portrays the natural beauty and luxury of the East. It opens with the description of the royal palace in the Happy Valley. Also the novel is mentioned the Egyptian generosity and the luxury of the palace where the Bassa (Basha) of Egypt lives.
Such description recalls the luxurious scenes of the palaces of the Muslim Abbasid Caliphs including Haroun Al-Rashid in the Arabian Nights. In addition there is the reference to the various civilizations of the East.