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قسم أرشيف الوظائف مرجع الوظائف القديمة

Maintenance Engineer- Electrical

قسم أرشيف الوظائف

Job Title: Maintenance Engineer- Electrical Department: Maintenance Job ********: Jeddah Job Type (Full time/Part time): Full time Contract Type...

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  #1 (permalink)  
قديم 24-03-2010, 04:35 PM
الصورة الرمزية يـرِبــِشٌ
مراقب سابقاً
تاريخ التسجيل: Nov 2009
الدولة: /!/ ،،‘‘ الارض مؤقـــتـــا ،،‘‘ /!/
المشاركات: 27,975
معدل تقييم المستوى: 21474922
يـرِبــِشٌ محترف الإبداعيـرِبــِشٌ محترف الإبداعيـرِبــِشٌ محترف الإبداعيـرِبــِشٌ محترف الإبداعيـرِبــِشٌ محترف الإبداعيـرِبــِشٌ محترف الإبداعيـرِبــِشٌ محترف الإبداعيـرِبــِشٌ محترف الإبداعيـرِبــِشٌ محترف الإبداعيـرِبــِشٌ محترف الإبداعيـرِبــِشٌ محترف الإبداع
Maintenance Engineer- Electrical

Job Title: Maintenance Engineer- Electrical
Department: Maintenance
Job ********: Jeddah
Job Type (Full time/Part time): Full time
Contract Type (Perm/Temp): Perm
Start date:

Job description

· The selected candidate will be responsible for the supervision of the equipment maintenance in a given plant.
· Should have demonstrable experience in electronic and electrical control systems and general mechanical engineering.
· He will be accountable for the management of operational costs.
· Managing of preventative maintenance system for an integrated manufacturing plant that incorporates a complex mix of both process and assembly type operations with computerized environment.
· Capability to undertake specific development programs of ***hines for improving production and expanding capacity.
· Ability to produce periodic management reports that are clear and concise is also an essential requirement.
· Sound people management skills are essential as is experience in managing workload and achieving relevant operational KPI's such as plant run rates, lost productivity due to down time and completion rates.
· This position may require you to get hands on from time to time however your key responsibility will be to manage the productivity of the day and shift and to drive a culture of a premium maintenance service to support a world class manufacturing plant.
· A strong track record in managing a team that follows sound OH&S practices is essential.

Required skills

BSC electrical engineering
Ability to produce excellent results under high pressure situations.
Candidate would have professional qualifications in engineering specialized in Mechanical or Electrical Engineering.
As a minimum, qualifications at a trade level in electrical or mechanical engineering is essential.
Working experience in Computerized Maintenance Management System or ERP system with Plant Maintenance Module will be an added qualification.
Fluent in English.
Team Player, with excellent communication and people’s skills, and ability to work in a diverse and multi-cultured work environment
Excellent leadership qualities
Willing to teach and learn

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