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قسم أرشيف الوظائف مرجع الوظائف القديمة

وظائف بوزارة البترول والثروة المعدنية" لذوي الخبرة "

قسم أرشيف الوظائف

The Ministry of Petroleum & Mineral Resources, Saudi Arabia, is s eeking to employ :- Petroleum Engineering Consultant The Ministry of...

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قديم 11-04-2010, 02:30 AM
عضو جديد
تاريخ التسجيل: Aug 2009
المشاركات: 18
معدل تقييم المستوى: 32
ساهر الدمام يستحق التميز
وظائف بوزارة البترول والثروة المعدنية" لذوي الخبرة "

The Ministry of Petroleum & Mineral Resources, Saudi Arabia,
is s eeking to employ :-

Petroleum Engineering Consultant

The Ministry of Petroleum & Mineral Resources
more than 15 years
Competitive Salary
Exploration and Production
Start date
Middle East
1-year contract (Extendable on a yearly basis)
Saudi Arabia
Description of Petroleum Engineering Consultant

Petroleum Engineering Consultant

Duties and Responsibilities:
• Study and review upstream regulations and guidelines for oil and gas companies operating in the Kingdom and suggest necessary modification according to best practice and international standards.
• Develop (KPI) to monitor the performance of oil and gas companies operating in the upstream sector in the Kingdom.
• Review, evaluate and check adequacy of appraisal plans, and provide input to management.
• Evaluate field development plans, and study alternatives development plans for optimal field development.
• Leading and working in teams to develop and implement guidelines and rules to review the methods of assessing the annual reserves of the operating companies and performing reserves audit.
• Participating in implementing rules, regulations and ag****ents on companies operating in the upstream sector in the Kingdom.
• Training the technical staff in petroleum engineering field.
• Develop and updates plans and programs needed to upgrade performance amongst the Ministry staff and determine the requirements necessary to do so.
• Carry out other work related to his area of expertise as requested by the Ministry.
Skills required for Petroleum Engineering Consultant
Minimum Requirements: -
• Bachelors Degree in petroleum engineering. Post graduate degrees will be an advantage.
• Must possess a minimum of 20 years of work experience in petroleum engineering (at least 10 years experience in reservoir management, field development, reserves estimation and auditing).
• Experience with international regulations , guidelines, and standards related to upstream sector .
• Experience in using petroleum engineering & reservoir simulation software.
• Excellent command of written & spoken English.
• Ability & knowledge In preparing and supervising technical studies in his field.
• Ability to lead work teams & prepare development programs.
Office Based. May require traveling .

Geophysical Consultant

The Ministry of Petroleum & Mineral Resources
more than 15 years
Competitive Salary
Exploration and Production
Start date
Middle East
1-year contract (Extendable on a yearly basis)
Saudi Arabia

Description of Geophysical Consultant

Duties and Responsibilities:
• Become familiar with all rules and regulations related to his area of work.
• Review geophysical activities and evaluate field test results, processing and interpretation and submits recommendations.
• Review field reports related to exploration, appraisal and development operations of the operating companies and providing advice to management.
• Supervising, leading, performing and/or participating in performing studies and research undertaken by the Ministry and contracted consulting firms.
• Participating in implementing rules, regulations and ag****ents on companies operating in the upstream sector in the Kingdom.
• Participation in the development of the geophysical software in the Ministry with regard to technical aspects.
• Develop and updates plans and programs needed to upgrade performance amongst the Ministry staff and determine the requirements necessary to do so.
• Training the technical staff in acquisition, processing and interpretation.
• Carry out other work related to his area of expertise as requested by the Ministry.
Skills required for Geophysical Consultant
Minimum Requirements:
• Bachelors Degree in Geophysics. Post graduate degrees will be an advantage.
• Must possess a minimum of 20 years of work experience in Geophysical Survey, Processing and Interpretation. (at least 10 years of which should be in Interpretation).
• Experience in all branches of seismic data acquisition(marine, transition zone, and land).
• Experience in related technical aspects of upstream contracts is preferable.
• Ability to Evaluate the field *********s, processing techniques& interpretation methods.
• Ability to use software to reprocess seismic data and interpretation.
• Ability to integrate geotechnical data to produce exploration Prospects in frontier & mature basins.
• High level of computer mapping skills using latest software .
• Excellent command of written & spoken English.
• Ability & knowledge In preparing and supervising technical studies in his field.
• Ability to lead work teams & prepare development programs.
• Ability to upgrade work procedures.
Office Based. May require traveling.

Mechanical Engineer Specialist

The Ministry of Petroleum & Mineral Resources
more than 15 years
Competitive Salary
Petrochemical and Refinery
Start date
Middle East
1-year contract (Extendable on a yearly basis)
Saudi Arabia

Description of Mechanical Engineer Specialist

Duties and Responsibilities:
• Gather data relevant to natural gas industry, compile information and prepare analytical reports.
• Review reports, provide feedback and make recommendations on issues that require decisions.
• Participate in the review of Feedstock/Fuel Applications including review of projects pre-feasibility studies.
• Conduct Tariff and Licensing Application Review for regulated facilities.
• Assist in the planning and execution of action plans for the Gas Regulator; and
• Assist in monitoring the progress of allocated projects to ensure compliance of the terms and conditions of the al********s.
• Assist in monitoring the performance of the licensees and benchmarking the licensees based on international good industry practices.
• Conduct regular inspections, audits, and investigations, and enforce Regulations and Rules of Implementation; and
• Perform miscellaneous job-related duties as directed.
Skills required for Mechanical Engineer Specialist
Minimum Requirements:
• Bachelors Degree in Engineering (Mechanical). Post graduate studies will be an advantage.
• Must possess a minimum of 15 years of work experience in Midstream Gas Industry/Gas Regulated Facilities (i.e. Common Carrier Pipelines / Local Distribution Network).
• Excellent command of written & spoken English.
• Ability & knowledge in leading & preparing technical studies in his field.
• Experience in related legal & technical aspects of upstream contracts.
• Ability to lead work teams & prepare development programs.
• Ability to work in cross-functional teams.
• Ability to upgrade work procedures, including working with IT groups to develop required software.
• Experience with upstream regulations preferred.
Office Based. May require traveling.

Chemical/Process Specialist

The Ministry of Petroleum & Mineral Resources
more than 15 years
Attractive Package
Petrochemical and Refinery
Start date
Middle East
1-year contract (Extendable on a yearly basis)
Saudi Arabia

Description of Chemical/Process Specialist

Duties and Responsibilities:
• Gather data relevant to Natural Gas industry, compile information and prepare analytical reports.
• Review Reports, provide feedback and make recommendations on issues that require decisions.
• Participate in the review of Fuel/Feedstock application including review of projects pre-feasibility studies.
• Conduct Tariff and Licensing Application Review for regulated facilities.
• Assist in the planning and execution of action plans for the Regulator; and
• Assist in monitoring the progress of allocated projects to ensure compliance of the terms and conditions of the al********s.
• Assist in monitoring the performance of the licensees and benchmarking the licensees based on international good industry practices.
• Conduct regular inspections, audits, and investigations, and enforce Regulations and Rules of Implementation; and
• Carry out such other duties as will be analyzed from time to time and
• Perform miscellaneous job-related duties as directed.
Skills required for Chemical/Process Specialist
Minimum Requirements:
• Bachelors Degree in engineering (chemical, process). Post graduate study will be an advantage.
• Must possess a minimum of 15 years of work experience in Midstream, Downstream Gas Industry and Petrochemical Industry (i.e. Ethane/NGL/Naphtha Crackers, Integrated Refinery/Petrochem)
• Excellent command of written & spoken English.
• Ability & knowledge in leading & preparing technical studies in his field.
• Experience in related legal & technical aspects of upstream contracts.
• Ability to lead work teams & prepare development programs.
• Ability to work in cross-functional teams.
• Ability to upgrade work procedures, including working with IT groups to develop required softwares.
• Experience with upstream regulations preferred.
Office Based. May require traveling.

Ministry of Petroleum & Mineral Resources
P .O . Box - 39622
Saudi Arabia
Fax: 0096638626733
OR by email:
To: patrol@mopm-ta.gov.sa
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