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قسم مشاريع وأفكار ممنوع مواضيع المساهمات او المشاركة

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قسم مشاريع وأفكار

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  #11 (permalink)  
قديم 19-09-2007, 08:56 PM
(عضو لم يقم بتفعيل عضويته)
تاريخ التسجيل: Jul 2007
المشاركات: 346
معدل تقييم المستوى: 0
zayed all najjar يستحق التميز

We provide turnkey plants for recycling and buffing of passenger and truck and OTR Tires.

Our plants start at an investment of only USD$550,000 through to USD$7,000,000.

The most up to date technology is utilized to provide you with machinery that works - and stays working. Our machines utilize technology that maximizes your production capabilities.

We manufacture and supply and install:
Primary and secondary shredders
Specially designed Granule and Powder Grinders Mills with screen, demagnetizing and fibre removal capabilities
Vibratory screens and demagnitizers
Tread stripping machines, buffing vibratory screens
Complete turnkey plants with production capabilities from ½ ton per hour to 10 whatever capability you desire

click to enlarge

Our equipment is extremely cost effective and designed for your company’s growth. All plants are easily upgradeable on a modular system.

If time and efficiency and quality end product are your desire, Progressive Crumb Supply has the answer. Our plants produce rubber crumb from grades of 4-7mm down to -200 mesh fine powder.

Our machines are ergonomically friendly and designed to meet both European and USA safety and electrical standards.
When we say turnkey, we mean turnkey. Apart from the building and the wiring of the building electrically, we provide the lot including installation, training of staff and ongoing consultation. Equipment is not simply delivered, set up and then left to your own devices.

Part of our turnkey plant is complete training of all staff on all aspects of Progressive Crumb Supply Tire Recycling machinery.

We offer a comprehensive Product buy back agreement whereby we offer to purchase the entire manufactured end product of your plant ensuring you have positive cash flow from month one. No need to search for end markets, no need for marketing or sales teams – we do it all for you. Your production and shipping software is fully inclusive in your package.

Spare parts are always easily available.

We do not charge for advice, we do not charge for providing plant layout schemes or drawings, we do not charge for installation or commissioning.

All you pay for is duties and taxes. We do not ask for massive upfront payments or deposits.

If you require cost effective, innovative Tire recycling equipment, you need to talk to us.

رد مع اقتباس
  #12 (permalink)  
قديم 19-09-2007, 08:57 PM
(عضو لم يقم بتفعيل عضويته)
تاريخ التسجيل: Jul 2007
المشاركات: 346
معدل تقييم المستوى: 0
zayed all najjar يستحق التميز

When tires are not easily accessible or not easily transportable, we provide an easy solution.
Mobile shredders

Shredders mounted directly onto a flat body truck or alternatively mounted on a low boy trailer.

Our shredders are designed for tires- not for plastic or wood - only for tires.

Shredder capability from 4 tons per hour to 20 tons per hour - totally dependant on your needs.

We supply, install and commission with feed conveyor and exit conveyor for direct feed into a truck for easy transportation. Both conveyors are fitted with Variable Speed Drives. Generators are not supplied as they are available in your country far less expensively.

Progressive Crumb Supply Mobile Shredders - the solution for difficult to access ********s.

رد مع اقتباس
  #13 (permalink)  
قديم 19-09-2007, 08:58 PM
(عضو لم يقم بتفعيل عضويته)
تاريخ التسجيل: Jul 2007
المشاركات: 346
معدل تقييم المستوى: 0
zayed all najjar يستحق التميز

An often asked question by those enquiring into the feasibility of commencing a Tire Recycling Plant is how feasible is this?

Do I need to spend copious amounts of time on feasibility studies? The answer, quite simply is NO.

Work through the numbers yourself and see how they stack up. Its easy. We'll show you how:

How do I know how many Tires there are available in my country?

Work on the general rule of 1 passenger Tire per head of population per annum.
Work on the general principle of ¼" light truck or truck Tire per head of population.

How many Tires does it take to make a metric ton of crumb rubber?

Passenger Tires weighing approximately 8kg each = 120 Tires
Truck Tires weighing approximately 45 kg each = 27 Tires

If you work the numbers through and are considering an average plant producing say 3 tons per hour, you would need in one 8 hour day (taking into account that you realistically obtain 6 hours of production time):

If using purely Passenger Tires - 2,160 per day single shift.
If using purely Truck Tires - 486 per day per shift.

The reality is that the majority of plants use a combination of both using about 1,000 passenger Tires per day per shift and about 250 truck Tires per day per shift.

Total passenger Tires per month working 21 days per month per shift = 21,000
Total truck Tires per month working 21 days per day per shift. = 5,250

Total passenger Tires per annum = 252,000
Total truck Tires per annum = 63,000

Now consider what you need to spend to obtain a plant and what the returns are. We shall use USD as a common currency.

A Turnkey 2-3 ton per hour plant would cost in the vicinity of USD$2 million.

Average receivables per month for Tire Collection and Sale of Crumb (yes, in most cases we are happy to buy the plants production capacity) total about $230,000.

Average outgoings including Machinery repayment total about $135,000.

Total Gross Profit per month = $95,000.

Feasible? YES

Expensive study? NO

Practical? YES

Please feel free to contact us with any genuine enquiry by completing as much of the enquiry page as you can.
Limited Vendor Finance to 20% of the plants value after deposit is available to approved clients. Terms and Conditions apply.

For plants over the value of AUD$5,000,000 after deposit, funding is available from EFIC to approved clients. Terms and conditions apply.
we give you advice how
Sale of a complete Tyre Retreading Plant
consisting of two production lines:
1) truck tyres and 2) car tyres

رد مع اقتباس
  #14 (permalink)  
قديم 19-09-2007, 09:00 PM
(عضو لم يقم بتفعيل عضويته)
تاريخ التسجيل: Jul 2007
المشاركات: 346
معدل تقييم المستوى: 0
zayed all najjar يستحق التميز

تدوير الإطارات المستعملة لدينا العروض الفنية والميكانيكال داتا والرسم التخطيطى للخط والتكلفة
بالدراسة الشاملة للمشروع

رد مع اقتباس
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