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قسم أرشيف الوظائف

Secretary (ARABIC NATIVE) (1 Position) Experienced in Secretarial work. Familiar with Ms Office and other necessary applications Salary would be from...

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قديم 28-07-2010, 06:35 PM
الصورة الرمزية عوطيلي
عضو مميز
تاريخ التسجيل: May 2010
المشاركات: 885
معدل تقييم المستوى: 93136
عوطيلي محترف الإبداععوطيلي محترف الإبداععوطيلي محترف الإبداععوطيلي محترف الإبداععوطيلي محترف الإبداععوطيلي محترف الإبداععوطيلي محترف الإبداععوطيلي محترف الإبداععوطيلي محترف الإبداععوطيلي محترف الإبداععوطيلي محترف الإبداع
Angry وظائف بشركة الإتصالات

Secretary (ARABIC NATIVE) (1 Position)
Experienced in Secretarial work.
Familiar with Ms Office and other necessary applications
Salary would be from 5000 SAR Total Package

Note: Mention the position in Email subject, and send resume to Email: Jobs@JobsWebPortal.com

================================================== ================================================== ====
Telecom Jobs

A Renowned Telecom Company in Saudi Arabia looking for Professionals for
following positions, only Local Saudi Arabia based candidates need to
1)S. Engineer NOC ……. (Position 1) (********: Riyadh)
2)S. Engineer Transmission…… (Position 3) (********s: Khobar, Abha,
3)Engineer E/M…….. (Position 1) (********: Riyadh)
4)S. Engineer OSP…….. (Position 2) (********: Riyadh)
5)S. Engineer OSP – Re******** ….. (Position 1) (********: Riyadh)
6)Transmission Engineer….. (Position 10) (********s: Riyadh,
Qassim, Khobar, Madina, Hafr-El Batin, Taif, Tabuk, Skaka, Abha & Jizan)
7)NOC Engineer…….. (Shifts) (Position 1) (********: Riyadh)
8)Coordinator… (Position 1) (********: Riyadh)

Job Descriptions:
The following paragraphs will show the exact required experience,
competency and skills for each of the above mentioned groups.
1) S. Engineer NOC …….
Run and follow up corrective and preventive field activities, reduce the
MTTR, SLA & KPI’s control, SOR and MDT follow up and control.
•Supervising and development of O&M plans, processes & procedures related
to network management system.
•Coordinating various Management System testing activities and follow up
the results and reports.
•Update the management of all O&M activities and resolve any obstacles
come during the operation stage.
•Supervision the Monitoring NOC 24 H/7 days a week and Follow-up all
outage happen in the network.
•Following up all outages with contractor and follow escalation procedure.
•Reviewing outage report submitted by contractor and raised comment.
•Study all MDT request and arranged time after approval.
•Study cut over plan submitted by contract and raised comment and approval.
•Monitor and control PMR activities for all systems and servers.
•Confirmed the functionality of all kind of protection.
•Make sure that database back-up for whole network is available and in
safe place.
•Develop relevant applicable solutions / reports to overcome identified
network deficiencies.
•Study the possibilities of upgrade the existing Software and process of
Installation and Configuration.
•Review alarm history / trouble Ticket and recommend improvement action if
•Prepare reports on technical issues and outage investigation.
•Prepare Monthly KPI and statistic analyses of all outage happened during
last month and recommendation.
•Minimum 6 years in the field of transmission.
•The last (2) years in a senior capacity for the O&M of similar
transmission networks doing, analysis & investigation about outages and
formulating improvements.
•University Degree (B.Sc.) from a recognized University in
Electronics/Electrical Engineering.
2) S. Engineer Transmission………..
• Follow up technical issues related to Transmission, OSP and
Electromechanical systems, and monitor the performance, analyze repeated
and complicated network failures.
• Manage the Network resources (site access, fiber utilization, HO/TO for
dark fibers and ducts…), follow up corrective and preventive maintenance
related to Transmission systems, FOC cables and ducts and
Electromechanical systems (traffic restoration, final repairs…)
•Advise on technical Part and operational issues related to Faults and
develop & facilitate urgent temporary solutions to restore outages.
•Study O&M site activities and process /flow chart /forms proposals and
prepare work documents and guidelines.
•Develop, Control, review and evaluate preventive and corrective
maintenance routines. Evaluate results and correct or initiate remedy
•Develop inventory database and keep it maintained and updated.
•Monitor and report daily activities and provide relevant information for
all outages with contractor.
•Follow up all pending TT and keep records updated.
•Provide technical support to field teams when required in case of failure
or investigation.
•Reviewing outage report submitted by contractor and raised comment.
•Determine spare parts, tools and test equipment requirements for SNFN and
update support engineer.
•Develop special KPI and submit in monthly basis.
•Review the network to capture any actual / potential network deficiencies
that may affect service through network study and / or outage root cause
•Update concerned Engineer regarding the network database and
documentation related with all new stations or NE's.
•Prepare Ramadan / Hajj Plans (spear part, tools, instrument, manpower …).
•Study the SED documents links/rings if required and make comments.
•Study PAT / FAT test documents, raised comments and coordinate with
telecom Group.
•Advise on the OILs promptly and perform / initiate deficiency clearance
•Study MDT requests and submit it to NOC Engineer for approval.
•Monitor the activities of contractor staff to ensure that work schedule
is being implemented properly and evaluate the result to meet the accepted
•Minimum 6 years in the field of transmission.
•The last (2) years in a senior capacity for the O&M of similar
transmission networks doing, analysis & investigation about outages and
formulating improvements.
•University Degree (B.Sc.) from a recognized University in Electronics/
Electrical Engineering
3) Engineer E/M……..
Follow up technical issues related to Power Systems, monitor equipments
performance, analyze repeated and complicated faults, and develop PMR, CMR
•Develop, Control, review and evaluate preventive and corrective
maintenance activities performed in the power field.
•Develop inventory database and keep it maintained and updated.
•Monitor and report daily power activities and provide relevant
information for all outages with contractor.
•Follow up all pending TT and keep records updated.
•Provide technical support to field teams when required in case of failure
or investigation.
•Participate HO/TO activities and report results & advice recommendations
and initiate deficiency clearance checks.
•Analyze technical problems and engineering in generator and support in
battery /Rectifier / Aircon/ Fire system and provide input and comments.
•Reviewing outage report submitted by contractor and raised comment.
•Study, Arranged and attend MDT requested by contractor and send to NOC
for approval.
•Determine spare part, tools, materials and test equipment requirement and
their utilization to all MC.
•Develop all Forms /Flow chart / procedures related to E/M Activities as
per business needed.
•Develop special KPI for power system and submit in monthly basis.
•Frequently sites Visits to oversee work in progress and provide needed
direction to contractor responds to major emergencies.
•Monitor the activities of contractor staff to ensure that work schedule
is being implemented properly and evaluate the results to meet the
accepted standards.
•Recommend the change /additional /replacement of the support system when
it’s required or live time is *****.
•Minimum 6 years in the field of transmission.
•The last (2) years in a senior capacity for the O&M of similar
transmission networks doing, analysis & investigation about outages and
formulating improvements.
•Minimum 3 years in Power field.
•University Degree (B.Sc.) from a recognized University in Electrical
4) S. Engineer OSP……..
Manage the OSP Network resources (fiber utilization, HO/TO for dark fibers
and ducts…), follow up corrective and preventive maintenance related to
FOC cables and ducts (traffic restoration, final repairs…)
•Provide advice on technical Part and operational issues related to
trouble scenarios and develop & facilitate urgent temporary solutions to
restore outages and Ensure that all outages due to cable damage are
restored within short time period.
•Study O&M activities in sites and functions process /flow chart /forms
proposals and prepare work documents and guidelines.
•Develop, Control, review and evaluate preventive and corrective
maintenance routines performed and evaluate results then correct or
initiate remedy works.
•Develop inventory database and keep maintain and update the record.
•Develop and update Fiber utilization plan drawing carrying the traffic
and dark fiber.
•Monitor and report on daily bases the activities and provide relevant
information and Following up all outages with contractor Provide technical
support to field teams when required.
•Follow up all pending TT and keep record updated.
•Reviewing outage report submitted by contractor and raised comment.
•Determine spare part, tools, materials and test equipment requirement and
their utilization to all MC.
•Develop special KPI for related system and submit in monthly basis.
•Assist in difficult cases of trouble shooting and fault rectification,
control disaster recovery scenarios.
•Planning, scheduling and execution of Final repairs of damaged cables and
•Study, Arranged for MDT requested by contractor like utilization plans
and documentation.
•Analyze PMR results and fault statistics and study root causes for
•Provide advice on technical Part and operational issues related to HO/TO
scenarios and develop & facilitate permanent and temporary solutions to
handover the required to partners.
•Study O&M activities (HO/TO) in sites and prepare process /flow chart
/forms proposals and e work documents and guidelines.
•Develop ,Control, review and evaluate results of HO/TO process including
the blockages and clear of the blockage Develop special KPI for HO/TO
system and submit in monthly basis.
•Develop inventory database and keep it maintained and updated for the
records of Fibers utilization plan and Ducts drawing carrying the
•Monitor the activities of contractor staff to ensure that work schedule
is being implemented properly and evaluate the result to meet the accepted
•Minimum 6 years in the field of transmission.
•The last (2) years in a senior capacity for the O&M of similar
transmission networks doing, analysis & investigation about outages and
formulating improvements.
•Minimum 3 years in OSP field.
•University Degree (B.Sc.) from a recognized University in Civil Engineering.
5) S. Engineer OSP – Re******** …..
• Coordination with all government bodies and managing the cable
re******** activities.
•Assistance in SNFN Network Registration throughout the Kingdom.
•Coordination with all government bodies to ensure SNFN is notified of any
new civil work.
•Coordination with cable locator activities and follow-up all steps
required if cable needs to be relocated.
•Quick identification of service risks to SNFN, recommend solutions.
•Conduct site surveys to confirm possible OILs/SDRs as primary reason for
cable re******** that maybe required.
•Communicate all technical and commercial discussion with government
office and Contractors in case of re********s.
•Prepare necessary Change Order (if there is cost impact to Mobily).
•Manage all activities of the re******** and ensure timely and quality
•Update Key map and as-built drawing and ensure information populated in
•Ensure that installation process and specification has been followed
during cable re********.
•perform site visit to oversee work in progress and provide needed
direction to contractor.
•Minimum 6 years in the field of transmission.
•The last (2) years in a senior capacity for the O&M of similar
transmission networks doing, analysis & investigation about outages and
formulating improvements.
•Minimum 3 years in OSP field.
•University Degree (B.Sc.) from a recognized University in Civil Engineering.
6) Transmission Engineer…..
• Follow up corrective and preventive maintenance related to transmission,
OSP and Electromechanical systems, study MDT requests and provide
technical assistance for field technicians.
•Provide advice on technical Part and operational issues related to
trouble scenarios, develop & facilitate urgent temporary solutions to
restore outages.
•Study O&M activities in sites and functions process /flow chart /forms
proposals and prepare work documents and guidelines.
•Develop, Control, review and evaluate preventive and corrective
maintenance routines performed also evaluate results and correct or
initiate remedy works.
•Monitor and report on daily bases the activities and provide relevant
information and Following up all outages with contractor.
•Follow up all pending TT and keep record updated.
•Provide technical support to field teams when required in case of failure
or investigation.
•Reviewing outage report submitted by contractor and raised comment.
•Determine spare parts, tools and test equipment requirements for SNFN and
update support engineer.
•Review the network to capture any actual / potential network deficiencies
that may affect service through network study and / or outage root cause
•Update concerned Engineer regarding the network database and
documentation related with all new stations or NE's.
•Prepare Ramadan / Hajj Plans (spear part, tools, instrument, manpower …).
•Study the SED documents links/rings if required and make comments.
•Studies PAT / FAT test documents, raised comments and coordinate with
telecom Group.
•Advise on the OILs promptly and perform / initiate deficiency clearance
•Monitor the activities of contractor staff to ensure that work schedule
is being implemented properly and evaluate the result to meet the accepted
•Minimum 3 years in the field of transmission.
•University Degree (B.Sc.) from a recognized University in
Electronics/Electrical Engineering.
7) NOC Engineer……..
• Run and follow up corrective and preventive field activities, reduce the
MTTR, SLA & KPI’s control, SOR and MDT follow up and control.
•Follow up all outages with contractor and follow escalation procedure.
•Reviewing outage report submitted by contractor and raised comment.
•Study all MDT request and arranged time after approval.
•Study cut over plane submitted by contract and raised comment and approval.
•Make sure that all transmission equipment and E/M is visible in NOC.
•Make sure that all alarms are connected to CIC and CTM System.
•Monitor and control PMR activities for all CIC systems and server.
•Confirmed the functionality of all kind of protection remotely.
•Make sure that database back-up for hole network is available and in safe
•Develop relevant applicable solutions / reports to overcome identified
network deficiencies.
•Study the possibilities of up-grad the existing Software and process of
Installation and Configuration.
•Review alarm history / trouble Ticket and recommend improvement action if
•Prepare reports on technical issues and outage investigation.
•Minimum 3 years in the field of transmission.
•University Degree (B.Sc.) from a recognized University in
Electronics/Electrical Engineering.
8) Coordinator…
• Coordination with all government offices such as municipality, MOMRA, MOT.
•Proactively coordinating and acting as central point of contact for O&M
team in the Region/cities
•Actively managing all communication with police /MOT and municipalities
and Initiating and attending meetings with government office and third
party in the Region/cites
•Dealing with project related incident cuts, re********, complain and report
•Support SNFN contractor to obtain the permit form concern government
office to do any change in the network such as cable re********, MDT
•Responsible to manage and control and obtain all document in case of
cable cuts
•Weekly visit to all government offices to get information about their
project incoming next months and update SV and SE FOC
•Attend all meeting related to cable locater/re******** with third party
and government offices and report
•Analyze cable locator and re******** request results and create KPI
statistics for improvements regularly
•Frequently sites Visits to oversee work in progress and provide needed
direction to contractor
•Maintain and update Log file, and documentation related to OSP work and
communication with MOT /Municipalities and Third party
•Immediately Attend in case of cable cut and provide all required
information (Police report, Third party information, project owner
•Ensure that SNFN network is registered at government offices such as
municipality, MOMRA, MOT.
•High school with 2 years experience or 2 years in Technical field.
•Saudi nationality OR Arabic Native
•Computer literate
•Willing to respond to any emergency work in any time of the day or night
•Arabic ******** in speaking and writing
•Valid vehicle driving license
•Apply Initiative & problem solving, Team Working, Communication, Time
keeping & attendance, Personal Time Management.
Note: Mention the position in Email subject, and send resume to Jobs@JobsWebPortal.com

================================================== ================================================== =======

Our Clients need locally Riyadh based professionals for the following positions.
1) ASP.Net(C#) Developer (1 POsition)
Must have skills in SQL Server 2005/2008
Knowledge of OOP and SDLC.
Knowledge of Ajax based website.
Knowledge of Database administration and can optimize the database to working within Multiple integrated ********s.
Knowledge of Database maintenance
Knowledge of Inventory based project is a Big Plus.
Salary range would be from 3000 SAR - 4000 SAR basic
Must mention "ASP.Net Developer" in your subject line
2) Juniper Network Engineers (3 POsitions)
Preferred Certified in Juniper
Hand on experience in Juniper products
Salaries are negotiable, will depend on experience

3) Avaya Professionals (2 Positions)
Experience in Avaya PBX, Avaya tools
Eperience in Call Center
Salaries are negotiable, will depend on experience
4) Network Administrator (1 Position)
Minimum 2 years of experience holder.
Expertise in Technical Support.
Expertise in switches, Wired and Wireless Networking and Routers knowledge.
Salary range would be from 2000 SAR - 3000 SAR basic

5) Recruitment Coordinator (1 Position)
Experienced in Recruiting Activities
Must have 3 to 5 years of experience recruitment projects
Salary range would be from 4500 to 5000 SAR Total Package

Note: Mention the position in Email subject, and send resume to Email: Jobs@JobsWebPortal.com
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