14-09-2007, 09:53 AM
عضو متواصل
تاريخ التسجيل: Nov 2006
المشاركات: 72
معدل تقييم المستوى: 38
متزوج وعندي ولد وبنت وبدون وظيفه وهذي السيرة الذاتية
ارجو من الله ثم منكم المساعدة متزوج وعندي ولد وبنت وابي وظيفة في ابها او خميس مشيط لوجود الوالد والوالدة وهم كبار سن ويجتاجون للرعاية وهذه السيرة الذاتية:
My potential is to upgrade myself to obtain high performance in my job as a team leader, and to operate the work in a modern way.
1. Working effectively with a multitask environment.
2. Well versed with the computer. (Excel, Word ,Power Point ,Lotus Note ,Internet)
3. Ability to grasp administration subject with ease.
1. G.N.P Hospital (Gassan Najeeb Pheroun Hospital).
Khamis Mushayet, Saudi Arabia.
• Reception:
Worked as a reception staff in the hospital.
• Worked on computer as a data entry for the patients.
2. Management and marketing company.
Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.
Working as a post man.
• Worked on computer as a data entry for the letters.
3. Private business.
Working as a sales man at mobile shop.
• Worked on computer to make a software for mobile (griffin box & tornado).
4. Adel Mohammed Edrees EST.
Jizan, Saudi Arabia.
Working as a data entry staff.
• Worked on computer as a data entry for the staff.
1996 Al-Faisal High School
Khamis Mushayet, KSA.
Name: Mohammed Magboul Azyabi.
Date of Birth: September 14th, 1976.
Marital Status: Married.
Nationality: Saudi.
Languages: Arabic & English (Spoken, written).
يمنع وضع أرقام الهاتف الخاصة ويكتفى بالمراسلة مع الإدارة أو الرسائل الخاصة
Private E-mail: يمنع وضع الايميلات الخاصة أخي الكريم
التعديل الأخير تم بواسطة أبو زياد ; 17-09-2007 الساعة 01:33 PM