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قسم أرشيف الوظائف مرجع الوظائف القديمة

Payments Manager (Saudi Female) وظيفة نسائية بشركة المراعي - الرياض

قسم أرشيف الوظائف

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  #1 (permalink)  
قديم 28-11-2010, 08:49 AM
عضو نشيط
تاريخ التسجيل: Apr 2007
المشاركات: 198
معدل تقييم المستوى: 1942451
جيزان محترف الإبداعجيزان محترف الإبداعجيزان محترف الإبداعجيزان محترف الإبداعجيزان محترف الإبداعجيزان محترف الإبداعجيزان محترف الإبداعجيزان محترف الإبداعجيزان محترف الإبداعجيزان محترف الإبداعجيزان محترف الإبداع
Payments Manager (Saudi Female) وظيفة نسائية بشركة المراعي - الرياض

  • Payments Manager (Saudi Female)
    Almarai Company

    - Conservative women working environment.
    - Separate building for women employees.

    Core Purpose of Job:

    • To manage and supervise Almarai Payments team, provide payment services to internal and external customers with no issue invoices payment on time together with agreed Service Level Ag****ents (SLAs).

    • To obtain Almarai Business Systems services in order to improve efficiencies in Payments.

    • To adhere to policies and procedures relating to Payments and internal controls.

    • To develop payments team members،¦ skills as appropriate to the role in order for them to grow in personal and professional career.

    • To set the Payments Objectives in consultation with the FIS ،V Shared Services Manager and in line with the FIS Objectives.

    Areas of Responsibility (AOR):

    1. Manage and supervise the tasks performed by the sub-ordinates.

    2. No issue invoices are posted and paid on time.

    3. Monitor overdue invoices.

    4. Monitor and review Issue Log.

    5. Monitor reconciliation process within payments team.

    6. Monitor advances and GRIR balances.

    7. Monitor and review Incidents.

    8. Identify areas where tasks can be automated with the help of Business Systems in order to improve efficiencies in Payments.

    9. Almarai polices and procedures within the Payments team.

    10. Identify the training needs of the sub-ordinates in order for them to improve their skills. Provide periodic feedback.

    11. Undertake and assist FIS ،V Shared Services Manager in various Payments projects and initiatives to ensure continuous improvements in Payment processing.

    12. Periodic meeting with Central Procurement to discuss supplier issues.

    13. Periodic meeting with Head of Finance and Shared Services Manager to provide Payments update.

    Qualifications & Experience:

    - Business/Finance degree.

    -Should have minimum 3 years of experience in a finance function
  • Job Details
    • Job ********: Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
    • Job Role: Accounting/Banking/Finance
    • Company Industry: FMCG
    • Joining Date: Unspecified
    • Employment Status: Full time
    • Employment Type: Employee
    • Monthly Salary Range: Unspecified
    • Manages Others: Yes
    • Number of Vacancies: 1

    Preferred Candidate
    • Career Level: Management
    • Years of Experience: Unspecified
    • Residence ********: Unspecified
    • Gender: Female
    • Nationality: Saudi Arabia
    • Degree: Unspecified
************************************************** ********************************
الاعلان تم نقله بالكامل من موقع جامعة الملك فهد للبترول والمعادن صفحة الوظائف

للاستفسار عن الوظيفة والتقديم عن طريق شركة المراعي
هاتف رقم 014700005
رد مع اقتباس
  #2 (permalink)  
قديم 28-11-2010, 09:22 AM
الصورة الرمزية يـرِبــِشٌ
مراقب سابقاً
تاريخ التسجيل: Nov 2009
الدولة: /!/ ،،‘‘ الارض مؤقـــتـــا ،،‘‘ /!/
المشاركات: 27,975
معدل تقييم المستوى: 21474922
يـرِبــِشٌ محترف الإبداعيـرِبــِشٌ محترف الإبداعيـرِبــِشٌ محترف الإبداعيـرِبــِشٌ محترف الإبداعيـرِبــِشٌ محترف الإبداعيـرِبــِشٌ محترف الإبداعيـرِبــِشٌ محترف الإبداعيـرِبــِشٌ محترف الإبداعيـرِبــِشٌ محترف الإبداعيـرِبــِشٌ محترف الإبداعيـرِبــِشٌ محترف الإبداع

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