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السيره الذاتية وطلبات التوظيف نأمل من الفتيات عدم نشر إيميلاتهم

شباب انا انسان طايح بديون وتركت الدرسة شوفونسبتي بالثنويه ومالقيت

السيره الذاتية وطلبات التوظيف

c.v. Personal Data: Name: Sultan Mohammed Al-Qahtani Sate and place of birth: 8/7/1406 Khamis Mashiat Address: Riyadh – Ezdhar area. Email: Academic...

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  #1 (permalink)  
قديم 09-11-2007, 02:03 PM
الصورة الرمزية الـــــجـــــرح
عضو جديد
تاريخ التسجيل: Oct 2007
المشاركات: 21
معدل تقييم المستوى: 36
الـــــجـــــرح يستحق التميز
شباب انا انسان طايح بديون وتركت الدرسة شوفونسبتي بالثنويه ومالقيت

Personal Data:
Name: Sultan Mohammed Al-Qahtani
Sate and place of birth: 8/7/1406 Khamis Mashiat
Address: Riyadh – Ezdhar area.

Academic Certificates:
- Secondary stage – Natural Science department. Rate 92.86%
- Obtaining rate 78% from National Center for Evaluation.

Practical Experience:
- Receptionist in Al-Wesam hotel in Khamis Mashiat " summer job" for two months.
- Service in MacDonald;s restaurants for three weeks.

Personal Skills:
- Good command in English language "speaking and writing".
- Good command in office application as word and powerpoint.
- Ability to make good relations in the working environment.

- I'm student in King Saud University, Faculty of Business Administration.
- Obtaining 5 study levels in Business Administration Department.
- I can't continue in my university study because of personal and materialistic reasons.
- I hope obtaining good position to improve my personal life, to acquire new abilities and to develop the personal ability to speak English language through catching the educational institutes.
رد مع اقتباس

(( لا تنسى ذكر الله ))

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