05-09-2011, 03:27 PM
عضو متواصل
تاريخ التسجيل: Jul 2011
المشاركات: 107
معدل تقييم المستوى: 503212
المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة سلطان يحيى
اما بالنسبه لحمله الماجستير فآنهم يتعينون على وظيفه ثانيه اللي هي سكرتير ثاني ولا يوجد لهم دوره تآهيليه.
وبالنسبه لآستفسارك الثاني فبراحتك اخوي تقدر ما تحل فالآختبار كويس وتدخل كورس الانجليزي وتقدر تحل زين وتدخل لغه اخرى على حسب رغبتك علما ان الاختبار راح يكون تحريري وشفوي مع الدكتور عادل العمراني.
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
Dear Sultan
sorry for addressing you in English. im at work and there's no Arabic keyboard
I really appreciate your help & experience with Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA). My questions are based on your answers above to the other guy
Since MFA accepts the person who has a Master degree for Secretary II positions, how about the one who has a different Master degree applying as Bachelor graduate that's requried by MFA? Do you think he/she has to have a Master degree similar to the bachelor so they can skip MFA course? sorry .. i know it's a bit confusing question
My second question is: Do I get to choose which lang.uage to learn after English? I learned French before but I didn't enjoy it much, so I'd rather select Spanish as second lang.uage besides English. Is that possible? Maybe it's better to ask MFA directly
Thank you in advance, Sultan
If needed, i'll write all this in Arabic once i get home

Cheers [/align]