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قسم مشاريع وأفكار ممنوع مواضيع المساهمات او المشاركة

مطلوب شركات عالميهwhanted international company

قسم مشاريع وأفكار

يرجى فقط من الممثليين القانونيين او مدراء التجاريين او الوكلاء رسميا الاتصال لن نلتفت اى اى متصل لا يمتلك تفويض رسمى وشكرا Field Of Activities :...

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  #1 (permalink)  
قديم 06-01-2008, 11:26 PM
(عضو لم يقم بتفعيل عضويته)
تاريخ التسجيل: Jul 2007
المشاركات: 346
معدل تقييم المستوى: 0
zayed all najjar يستحق التميز
Thumbs up مطلوب شركات عالميهwhanted international company

يرجى فقط من الممثليين القانونيين او مدراء التجاريين او الوكلاء رسميا الاتصال
لن نلتفت اى اى متصل لا يمتلك تفويض رسمى وشكرا

Field Of Activities :
Firstly: Marine Contracting, Maintenance and Operation:
Our general scope is : dredging and Coast reclamation, Digging and dumping, shores care ,
pavements building,construction of ship docks, aqua-bridges, deepening works, construction of
resorts villages, maintenance and operation for such marine facilities).
Secondly: Energy Electricity Works:
1- Power generation by generators as per Saudi Standards (hiring, fitting, management, maintenance ,
and operation).
2- Power transmission and distribution, installation of power station and electrical civil works with
Saudi Electricity Co. and the government.
Thirdly: Petroleum Services:
1- Maintenance and repairing of refineries and fuel tanks in petroleum firms, such as (Aramco and SABC).
2- Maintenance, repairing and cleaning of boilers and tanks at Industrial Cities (such as Yanbu and Jubail).
3- Fitting of petroleum and petrochemical pipes, maintenance and operation.
Fourthly: Works of Environment Sector :
( Regarding pollution of environment, sea, air and land). The following specializations have to be selected
1- Observation services and environmental labs (observation and analysis of air quality, water and soil )
2- Technology of pollution control (trade, installation, operation and maintenance).
3- Marine environment services (control of oil pollution, control of chemical contamination …etc).
4- hazardous and non-hazardous wastes management (transport, storage, treatment, final disposal
preparing sites).
5- medical and industrial wastes management.
Why we select to work in the above mentioned sectors?
1- Market potentiality and volume.
2- Low competition. (Few companies working in these sectors).
3- High profitability.
4-Company capabilities, practicability and strong relationship which enhance the ability to get big projects
5- Professional staff (Technicians, Administrative …etc..).
6-Financial capability.
7- Positive environment for investment.
8- Supportive Infrastructures & Logistic Facilities.
9- Government full support and encouragement.
10- Geographical ******** of the Kingdom.
Marine Contracting, Maintenance and Operation:
Coast in Saudi is too long (west coast 2000Km, east coast 1000Km).
There are 8 industrial and commercial seaports at the west coast.
There are 6 industrial and commercial seaports at the east coast.
New two industrial and economic cities at the west coast.
Diversification of clients (ARAMCO, SABC, Coast Guards, Commercial Ports ….etc)
The estimated market volume in the next 10 years is US30 Billion.
Energy and Electricity works (two sectors):
Generators :
The Kingdom market volume 5000 MW in the coming 10 years.
The current production is 30% of the market needs , (only 10 companies working in this sector ).
Lucrative , profitability and riskless investment.
Transmission , Distribution and power station
Estimated market volume in the Power transmission, Distribution, Installation of Power Station and Electrical Civil Works in the next 10 years is US53 Billion
Only 15 companies working in this sector .
Petroleum Services:
The Kingdom is the biggest producer & exporter of Crude Oil and its derivatives.
Two government companies working in this sector ARAMCO & SAPEC.
The estimated budget for these two companies is US$1.5 Billion.
We are able to get projects of US$35 Million immediately.
Works of Environment Protection:
It is a very big sector, recently the world concern was increased rapidly.
Very few companies working in this sectors, this indicates its potentially and profitability.
Qualifications and Requirements to make a Joint Venture with International Companies:
Interested Company should be Ready, Willing and capable to enter the Saudi Market, ( LOI draft will be sent)
Interested Company should be Internationally accredited and pre-qualified.
Interested Company Should have and possess all necessary equipments and machineries. (List with equipments & machineries will be attached for each sector).
Interested Company should have technically qualified and professional team.
5- Interested Company should send its profile along with prequalification file (PQ)
6- Any other documents which will support the competitive position of the Interested Company.
Projects Available (By Sector)
Marine Contracting, Maintenance and Operation:
King Abdullah Economic City (Project Volume US$158 Million).
King Abdullah Technical University (Project Volume US$90Million).
Energy and Electricity Works:
Power Generation Projects :
Ministry Of Health (20 MW)
Youth and Sport Authority (25 MW)
Commercial Centers (Jeddah) (20 MW)
Resorts Villages (35 MW)
Power Transmission & Distribution Projects :
Power Station Expantion (US$130 Million)
Installation Of New Power Stations (US$192 Million)
Petroleum Services:
Maintenance And Cleaning Project With Sabic (US$10 Million)
Pipe Fitting And Maintenance With Aramco (US$18 Million)
Works of Environment Protection:
We have at least one project in each division of this sector .
Important Notes :
1- Marine companies:
Please find here an attachment for the primarily required equipment list .
2- Power Generation companies :
Please find here an attachment for the required Generators Specification & Generator- Sets .
3- Power Transmission & Distribution Works companies :
Company should have its own Pilling machines , Cranes , Excavators …. etc .
4- Environment Field companies :
Every company should introduce its narrow specialty such as : Technology , know-how , equipment and
areas of interest , along with the previous experience and the nearest on-going projects.

Best Regards
Yours Sincerely

Eng zayed all najjar
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