13-01-2012, 11:07 PM
تاريخ التسجيل: Oct 2009
المشاركات: 3,077
معدل تقييم المستوى: 1393815
حتى انا جاني نفس الإيميل مرااااااااات كثيرة
وكاتبين اسمي
وبصراحة خفت
ومن كذا اسم
يعني مرة نفس الشركة اللي تقولي عنها
ومرة من: Sade Fogle
ومرة من: Josie Mashburn
ومرة من: Danae Champlin
وهذا نص الإيميل
Now Hiring: Operations Manager
Laperle Group is a consulting association performing in several countries and offering business development and policy, maintenance of technological applications and outsourcing solutions. Among the sectors in which our consulting enterprise operates, there are not only banking, financial, industrial, insurance areas, but also energy and utilities, public administration, public health, media and telecommunications sectors.
********** Operations Manager
Salary: 700 EUR/week
Job :
- Organize, manage, coordinate the operations with consumers
Qualification requirements:
- secondary school diploma or GED General Education Diploma
- Basic English for applicants from all countries (ability to comprehend and compose the simple English text)
- Advanced PC user: MS Office
Write to us now:
If you're interested in this vacancy offer please contact our PR-Department. Simply reply to this offer and one of our agents will contact you shorlty.