17-01-2012, 05:11 AM
عضو جديد
تاريخ التسجيل: Jan 2012
المشاركات: 22
معدل تقييم المستوى: 27
مطلووب اي وظيفة في الشرقية
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
الشهادة الدراسة:. هندسة ميكانيكا متخرج من امريكا
أبحث عن وظيفة [align=left]
A full-time permanent position in mechanical engineering, with emphasis on product development, electronic packaging and manufacturing
University of Hartford West Hartford, CT[/align]
(Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering (GPA: 2.73/ 4.0
Candidate for Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering, September 2011
Relevant Courses: Thermodynamics 1 & 2, Mechanical Engineering Materials and Lab, Fluid Mechanics, Elements of Mechanical Design, Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics and Heat Transfer Lab, Vibration 1, Mechanical Design, Engineering Acoustics, Capstone Design Project, Thermal and mechanical system Design, Mechatronic Systems Design, Solar Energy Design and Six Sigma Principles and Applications[/align][/align]
(Dean list in Mechanical Engineering ( 2011
(Government of Saudi Arabia Scholarship (2005-present
University of Hartford, Department of Mechanical Engineering West Hartford, CT [/align]
[align=left]• Advisor: Prof. Devdas Shetty
(Capstone Senior Project: Thresher Device ( 2011
Designed a thresher device to help increase crop production in Kenya’s Lake Region in Africa
Conducted preliminary testing to determine effectiveness of methods and appropriate materials where requirements were for the device to be inexpensive and relatively simple to build.
Performed successfully achievements and results were reported in a report to the project advisor.[/align]
University of Hartford, Department of Mechanical Engineering West Hartford, CT[/align]
Advisor: Prof. Stephen Austin
(Thermal and Mechanical Systems Design: Ink Delivery System ( 2011
Worked in a team of 4 students to design an ink delivery system for a printer under given specifications
Conducted research and testing to analyze the feasibility, operation, design, and performance of equipment, components, systems, and physical properties such as ink viscosity.
Final results were the design of a system presented to advisor, which would produce very good ink delivered to a printer[/align]
University of Hartford, Department of Mechanical Engineering West Hartford, CT [/align]
Advisor: Devdas Shetty
(Freshman Project: Boe- Bot (Fall 2007
Worked in a team of 2 students to program a robot to be controlled remotel[/align]
(Employed at the sport center at the university of hartofrd (2009-2011
International Experience in countries in the Middle East such as Qatar, Kingdom of Bahrain[/align]
Proficient in English, and Arabic; Photography
Reading, Strong interpersonal and social skills
Related proficiency[/align]
MatLab, C++, Maple, Minitab, AutoCAD, Vision Assistant, VisSim and LabView[/align]
[align=center]ولكم خالص الشكر والتقدير والاحترام[/align]