12-03-2012, 04:15 PM
عضو مهم جداً
تاريخ التسجيل: Nov 2009
الدولة: J I D D A H
المشاركات: 538
معدل تقييم المستوى: 25340
المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة الماجستيري
Dear brother,
I would like to express my truly thanks for ur kind answers to my questions... however i noticed that u have mentioned something about another program i can apply for.. my question is which program are u talking about and can u guide me with some steps to find it?? cuz to be honest i have managed to check all the jobs or programs saudi airline company have open recently in they own website page, but haven't found any program i can apply for it with my master degree apart from this.
sorry for asking again and thanks for ur help anyway
Best wishes
Welcome again, my dear
I thought there was another program for IT position and it was specified for the students who got the certificate from the electronic college ...etc
If I have a master degree I will be in good position in Saudi Airlines, but I can't told you that you'll be in Job security "cuz" they'll make some extra rules to keep you far a way from any
leading position
My device to you don't apply in website and you can go to human resource department and tell them that you'll give them your resume I thing it will be an interesting
Sorry for my American ******** and I hope that you'll be in the right place that you're planning for...