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مستشفى الهيئة الملكيه بمدينة ينبع

إستفسارات ونتائج الوظائف المدنية

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله يا اخواني انا قدمت على الهيئة الملكيه وجتني رسالة امس الصباح واختباري بأذن الله رح يكون يوم الاثنين القادم بتاريخ 14/7/1433...

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  #41 (permalink)  
قديم 02-06-2012, 02:14 AM
الصورة الرمزية مُجرد
عضو متواصل
تاريخ التسجيل: May 2012
المشاركات: 47
معدل تقييم المستوى: 26
مُجرد يستحق التميز

يسلمك ألهي
الأسئلة ذي بالعربي
الي يجينا كل أبوها أنقليش

بعدين المقالي حلو
يمديكي تألفين وتضيفين كم معلومه

أن شاء الله لا ختبرت
وجيت بحاول اذكر لكم بعض الأسئلة
ووأن شاء الله أطلع منها وأنا ناسي
أغنية اهلا أهلا بالعيد مرحب مرحب بالعيد

طبعا هذي نماذج للأختبارات التخصصات
للمختبرات أن شاء الله تستفيدوا منها

1- Vitamin K antagonist :
a- warfarin
b- Heparin
c- Protein C
d- Antithrombin III

2- One of the intrinsic pathway

a- factor XI
b- factor XIII
c- factor I
d- factor VII

3- Para hemophilia is the deficiency of

a- factor VIII
b- factor IX
c- factor V
d- factor VII

4- Eosinophilia is seen in :

a- food sensitivity
b- Drug sensitivity
c- Atopic dermatitis
d- all of the above

5- Multiple myeloma is a neoplastic proliferation of:

a- lymphocytes
b- Granulocytes
c- Plasma cells
d- Monocytes

6- Test for intrinsic pathway:

a- bleeding time
b- Thrombin time
c- Prothrombin time
d- Partial thromboplastin time PTT

7- Paul-Bunnel test is done to diagnose:

a- multiple myeloma
b- Hodgkin’s disease
c- Infectious mononucleosis
d- all of the above

8- increased platelet count is :

a- thrombocytopenia
b- thrombopoietin
c- thrombocytosis
d- all of the above

9- Decreased platelet count is:

a- thrombocytopenia
b- Thrombopoietin
c- Thrombocytosis
d- all of the above

10- All these are causes of thrombocytopenia except:

a- cytotoxic *****
b- Aplastic anemia
c- Hemorrhage
d- Radiotherapy

11- Prothrombin time is done to test:

a- Intrinsic pathway only
b- Extrinsic pathway only
c- Extrinsic and common pathways
d- Intrinsic and common pathways

12- Normal bleeding time by Duke’s method:

a- 2-7 minutes
b- 2-7 seconds
c- 2-4 minutes
d- 2-4 seconds

13- Normal partial thromboplastin time (PPT) is :

a- 3-4 minutes
b- 30-45 seconds
c- 12-15 seconds
d- 12-15 minutes

14- Hemophilia A is the deficiency of :

a- factor V
b- factor VIII
c- factor IX
d- all of the above

15-the most common
form of leukemia in children is:
a- acute lymphoblastic leukemia
b- Chronic lymphocytic leukemia
c- Acute myeloid leukemia
d- Chronic myeloid leukemia

16- Bence-Jones protein is present in cases of:

a- chronic myeloid myeloma
b-acute myeloid myeloma
c- Hodgkin’s lymphoma
d- multiple myeloma

17- Reed-Sternberg cells are found in cases of :

a- acute lymphoblastic leukemia
b- Non Hodgkin’s lymphoma
c- Hodgkin’s lymphoma
d- Multiple myeloma

18- Normal platelet count is :

a- 150,000 to 450,000/min3
b- 400,000 to 800,000/min3
c- 4,000 to 11,000 /min3
d- 50,000 to 100,000/min3

19- Antithrombin III inhibits:

a- factor Va
b- factor VIIIa
c- factor Xa
d- all of the above

20- Heparin potentiate the action of :

a- protein C
b- protein S
c- antithrombin III
d- warfarin

21- Factor II of ***** clotting is:

a- Christmas factor
b- Fibrinogen
c- Prothrombin
d- Thromboplastin

22- One of fibrinogen group is : I V VIII XIII

a- II
b- V
c- VII
d- IX

23- Fibrinogen is converted to soluble fibrin by:

a- prothrombin
b- Thromboplastin
c- Thrombin
d- all of the above

24- Thrombopoitin control the formation of:

a- red ***** cells
b- White ***** cells
c- platelets
d- non of the above

25- Normal prothrombin time (PT) is:

a- 30-45 seconds
b- 30-45 minutes
c- 12-15 seconds
d- 12-15 minutes

26- Parasitic disease is associated with:

a- monocytosis - bacteria
b- Lymphocytosis - virus
c- Basophilia - sensitive
d- Eosinophilia

27- Philadelphia chromosome is diagnostic for:

a- acute lymphoblastic leukemia
b- Acute myeloid leukemia
c- Chronic lymphocytic leukemia
d- chronic myeloid leukemia
28- Normal fibrinogen level:
a- 150-400 gm%
b- 150-400 mg %
c- 15-40 mg %
d- 15-40 gm %

29-infectious mononucleosis is caused by:

a- echo virus
b- coxsaki virus
c- Epstein Barr virus EBV
d- Cytomegalo virus

30- Atypical lymphocytosis is seen in cases of:

a- Hodgkin’s lymphoma
b- Multiple myeloma
c- Infectious mononucleosis
d- Chronic lymphocytic leukemia

31-monospot test is done to diagnose:

a- Acute myeloid leukemia
b- Acute lymphoblastic leukemia
c- Infectious mononucleosis
d- Infectious lymphocytosis

32- The test which depend on ***** platelets & capillary fragility is:

a- prothrombin time
b- Thrombin time
c- Bleeding time
d- Clotting time

33- Fibrin is broken to fibrin degradation products by the action of:

a- Prothrombin
b- Thrombin
c- Plasminogen
d- Plasmin

34- Acute myeloid leukemia is characterized by:

a- low neutrophil alkaline phosphatase
b- Myeloblast with Auer rods
c- Neutrophil with Pleger-Huet ano****
d- all of the above

35- Plasminogen is converted to plasmin by :

a- Heparin
c- Urokinase
d- Serotonin

36- Increase D-dimers and fibrin degradation products are seen in cases of:

a- Hemophilia A
b- Vitamin K deficiency
c- Diffuse intravascular coagulation
d- Von Willebrand disease

37- Activated protein C degrades:

a- factor IXa
b- Factor VIIIa
c- Factor Xa
d- Factor Xia

38- Heparin is found in

a- Neutrophil
b- Basophil
c- Acidophil
d- all of the above

39- In hemophilia A the test which will be prolonged is

a- PT
b- PTT
c- Bleeding time
d- all of the above

40- Bleeding due to overdose of heparin is managed by giving:

a- Vit K
b- Vit C
c- Vit A
d- Protamin sulphate
41- Streptokinase and staphylokinase convert:
a- Prothrombin to thrombin
b- Fibrinogen to fibrin
c- Soluble fibrin to insoluble fibrin
d- Plasminogen to plasmin

42- Test for platelet **********

a- Clot retraction
b- Platelet aggregation
c- Platelet adhesion
d- all of the above

43- Prolonged PT occurs in cases of deficiency of:

a- Factor III
b- Factor IV
c- Factor V
d- all of the above

44- normal thrombin time (TT):

a- 30-45 sec
b- 2-4 min
c- 3-9 min
d- 10-20 sec

45- cause of vitamin K deficiency:

a- Obstructive jaundice
b- Prolonged use of antibiotics
c- Inadequate intake
d- all of the above

46- Cause of Hyper- Coagulable state:

a- Aplastic anemia
b- Cytotxic *****
c- Polcythemia
d- Radiotherapy

47-Physiological cause of neutrophilia:

a- New born
b- Radiotherapy
c- Cytotoxic *****
d- Prolonged use of antibiotics
48- Leucocytosis characterized by the presence of immature cells and high neutrophil alkaline phosphatase:
a- chronic myeloid leukemia
b- Acute myeloid leukemia
c- Leukaemid reaction
d- non of the above

49- Normal coagulation time (CT):

a- 3-9 min
b- 3-9 sec
c- 30-40 sec
d- 30-40 min

50- The test which measures the clotting time of citrated plasma accelerated by the addition of a clotting factor activator (kaolin) , phospholipids and calcium:

a- coagulation time
b- Prothrombin time
c- Partial thromboplastin time
d- Thrombin time

51- The test which measures the clotting time of citrated plasma to which thromboplastin and calcium has been added:

a- thrombin time
b- Prothrombin time
c- Coagulation time
d- Partial thromboplastin time

52- The test which is widely used as a control and follow up test to control anticoagulant treatment:

b- PTT
c- PT
d- TT

53- A disease characterized by progressive neoplastic proliferation of immature white cell precursor:

a- acute leukemia
b- Chronic leukemia
c- Lymphoma
d- Multiple myeloma

54- The absolute lymphocyte count may be up to 300,000 or more between 70 and 90 % of white cells in the ***** film appear as s**** lymphocytes . THE CASE IS:

a- Acute myeloid leukemia
b- Acute lymphoblastic leukemia
c- Chronic myeloid leukemia
d- Chronic lymphocytic leukemia

55- Variation in red cells size:

a- Poikilcytosis
b- Anisocytosis
c- Reticulocytosis
d- Leukocytosis

56- Dark red cells with no area of central pallor:

a- Stomatocyte
b- Spherocyte
c- Acathocyte
d- Schistocyte

57- Microcytic hypochromic anemia

a- hereditary spherocytosis
b- Sickle cell anemia
c- Iron deficiency anemia
d- Vit B12 deficiency anemia

58- Target cells are seen in cases of:

a- folic acid deficiency
b- Iron deficiency anemia
c- Vit B12 deficiency anemia
d- Thalassemia

59- Red cells with elongated area of central pallor:

a- spherocyte
b- Schistocyte
c- Stomatocyte
d- Elliptocutes

60- ……………….. Symmetric, short , sharp projection from the red cells and seen in iron deficiency anemia:

a- echinocyte
b- Acanthocyte
c- Elliptocyte
d- Ovalocyte

61- ……………… is a condition in which the absorption of vit B12 is greatly impaired due to failure or marked reduction of intrinsic factor secretion:

a- fauvism
b- fanconi’s anemia
c-sickle cell anemia
d- thalassemia
e- pernicious anemia

62- Hyperchromic cells are seen in:

a- iron deficiency anemia
b- Thalassemia
c- Hereditary spherocytosis
d- Sickle cell anemia

63- A prolonged low rate of bleeding results in:

a- normochromic anemia
b- Hypochromic anemia
c- Hyperchromic anemia
d- non of the above

64- Schilling test is done in diagnosis of:

a- iron deficiency anemia
b- Pernicious anemia
c- Aplastic anemia
d- folic acid deficiency

65- Defective synthesis of either alpha or beta chains of normal hemoglobin

a- sickle cell anemia
b- Aplastic anemia
c- Pernicious anemia
d- Thalassemia

66- Neutrophils represent…………… of circulating leukocyte:

a- 2-8 %
b- 0-1 %
c- 50-70 %
d- 2-4 %

67- …………. are non nucleated, biconcave shaped cells:

a- platelet
b- Leukocyte
c- Erythrocyte
d- Macrophages

68- …………….. represent 50-70 % of total leukocytes

a- lymphocytes
b- Neutrophils
c- Monocytes
d- Eosinophilis

69- …………… have a characteristic biffed nucleus and their cytoplasm is filled with large refractile granules that stain red in ***** smear

a- neutrophils
b- Eosinophilis
c- Basophiles
d- Lymphocytes

70- The cell which is responsible for antibody production is:

a- moncytes
b- T-lymphocytes
c- B-lymphocytes = plasma cell
d- Neutrophils

71- …… is a curved cell with sharp ends seen in haemoglobinopathies (HBS)

a- sickle cell
b- Spherocyte
c- Ovalocyte
d- Stomatocyte

72- All of the following is correct about sickle cell anemia except:

a- leg ulcers
b- Gall stones
c- Enlargement of spleen
d- Attacks of pain

73- ……….. is a single, large, rounded , dark , purple remnant of nucleus

a- Heinz body
b- Howeel-Jolly body
c- Pappenheimer body
d- Cabot ring

74- Agranulocyte:

a- neutrophil
b- Lymphocyte
c- Basophile
d- Eosinophil

75- Pica ( craving to eat unusual substance such as clay or ice) is one of the symptoms of:

a- G6PD deficiency
b- Thalassemia
c- Megaloblastic anemia
d- Iron deficiency anemia

76- In …………….. there’s a decreased or absent hemosiderin in bone marrow

a- sideroblastic anemia
b- Iron deficiency anemia
c- Megaloblastic anemia
d- Hemolytic anemia

77- Chloramphenicol may cause …………. anemia in long term therapy

a- iron deficiency
b- Vit B12 deficiency
c- folic acid deficiency
d- Aplastic anemia

78- ………. is the fluid (with anticoagulant) component of ***** , it contains salt & organic compounds:

a- plasma
b- Serum
c- Hemoglobin
d- Billirubin

79- Poikilocytosis is:

a- variation in red cell size
b- Variation in red cell color
c- Variation in red cell shape
d- non of the above

80- Red cell fragments:

a- echinocyte
b- Elliptocyte
c- Schistocyte
d- Stomatocyte

81- It is a defect of red cell member

a- Thalassemia
b- Sickle cell anemia
c- Hereditary spherocytosis
d- Megaloblastic anemia

82- All of the following is correct regarding spherocytosis except:

a- normocytic normochromic anemia
b- Decreased reticulocyte count
c- Raised plasma bilirubin
d- Increased osmotic fragility

83- Heinz bodies are seen in cases of

a- hereditary spherocytosis
b- Hereditary elliplocytosis
c- G6PD deficiency
d- sickle cell anemia

84- ……………… is caused by substitution of amino acid (valine) instead of glutamic acid at position No.#6 in the beta chain of hemoglobin

a- Hb-A
b- Hb-A2
c- Hb –F
d- Hb –S sickle cell

85- Atrophy of the spleen is seen in cases of:

a- Thalassemia
b- Sickle cell anemia
c- G6PD deficiency
d- Hereditary elliplocytosis

86- iron deficiency lead to :

a- normocytic normochromic anemia
b- microcytic hypochromic anemia
c- macrocytic anemia
d- hemolytic anemia

87- Neurological symptoms are seen in cases of:

a- iron deficiency anemia
b- folic acid deficiency
c- Vit B12 deficiency
d- all of the above

88- Megaloplastic hematopoiesis is seen in cases of:

a- iron deficiency anemia
b- folic acid deficiency
c- Vit B12 deficiency
d- Vit C deficiency

89- Fanconi’s anemia is a type of :

a - vit B12 deficiency
b- aplastic anemia
c- Thalassemia
d- folic acid deficiency anemia

90- the most abundant leukocyte in a normal ***** smear of adult is :

a- lymphocyte
b- Monocyte
c- Eosinophil
d- Neutrophil

91- The first line of defense against parasites:

a- neutrophils
b- Basophile
c- Eosinophil
d- Lymphocyte

92- …………….. play a role in immediate and delayed hypersensitivity:

a- monocyte
b- Lymphocyte
c- Eosinophil
d- Basophile

93- The largest leukocyte is :

a- neutrophils
b- Lymphocyte
c- Monocyte
d- Basophile

94- Cell which participate in cell mediated immunity:

a- monocyte
b- B- lymphocyte
c- T- lymphocyte
d- neutrophils

95- ……… promotes ***** clotting and help to prevent ***** loss from damaged ***** vessels:

a- platelets
b- WBCs
c- RBCs
d- all of the above

96-antibody induced hemolytic disease in new born that is caused by ***** group incompatibility between mother and fetus:

a- hemolytic uremic syndrome
b- Erythroblastosis fetalis
c- Hereditary spherocytosis
d- Thromboloc thrombocytopenic purpurea

97- Young red ***** cell with cytoplasmic RNA:

a- spherocyte
b- Reticulocyte
c- Stomatocyte
d- elliptocyte

98- Normal adult hemoglobin tetramer is:

a- 2 alpha : 2 gama
b- 2 alpha : 2 beta
c- 2 alpha : 2 delta
d- 2 beta : 2 gama

99- …………… represent 2-4 % of total leukocyte:

a- neutrophils
b- Basophile
c- Eosinophil
d- Monocyte

100- ………… are s**** cytoplasmic fragment derived from megakaryocytic:

a- RBCs
b- WBCs
c- Platelet
d- non of the above

101 - ………….. is the reduction in the amount of circulating hemoglobin , red ***** cells or both:

a- polycythemia
b- Anemia
c- Hemophilia
d- Leucopenia

102- Thalassemia is :

a- microcytic anemia
b- Macrocytic anemia
c- Normocytic anemia
d- non of the above

103- Vit B12 deficiency lead to :

a- hemolytic anemia
b- Microcytic anemia
c- Normocytic anemia
d- Megaloblastic anemia

104- Lymphocyte represent ………….. of total leukocyte:

a- 20-40 %
b- 50-70 %
c- 2-8 %
d- 1-5 %

105- Plumer- Vinson syndrome may be seen in cases of:

a- iron deficiency anemia
b- Vit B12 deficiency anemia
c- Aplastic anemia
d- folic acid deficiency anemia

106- peripheral, pale inclusions that push out the cell membrane and composed of hemoglobin:

a- cabot ring
b- Pappenheimer body
c- Howell-Jolly body
d- Heinz body

107- it’s an acute hemolytic anemia occurring after the ingestion of broad bean in individual with deficiency of G6PD :

b- Favism
c- Fanconi’s anemia
d- Cooley’s anemia

108-………………. is a multiple s**** , peripheral grape like purple clusters of iron:

a- cabot ring
b- Heinz body
c- Howell-Jolly body
d- Pappenheimer body

109- the ***** smear gives the physician information concerning:

a- morphology of RBCs and platelet
b- Presence of abnormal inclusion
c- Presence of immature cells
d- all of the above

110- hypersplenism is one of the causes of :

a- iron deficiency anemia
b- Hemolytic anemia
c- Aplastic anemia
d- Megaloblastic anemia

111- Increased reticulocytes count is seen in cases of:

a- hereditary spherocytosis
b- G6PD deficiency
c- Sickle cell anemia
d- all of the above

112- The antibody which can pass the placenta:

a- Ig M
b- Ig G
c- Ig D
d- Ig E

113- ……… is an autoimmune disease in which there is an immune destruction of the acid and pepsin secreating cells of the stomach:

a- fanconi’s anemia
b- cooley’s anemia
c-pernicious anemia
d- non of the above

114- All of these are laboratory features of aplastic anemia except:

a- pancytopenia
b-markedly hypocellular marrow
c- Increased reticulocyte count
d- Markedly increase in serum erythropoietin

115- Secondary granules of neutrophils contain:

a- elastase
b- Myeloperoxidase
c- Lysozyme
d- Histamine

116- Monocytes represent ………………. of total leukocyte:

a- 0-1 %
b- 2-4 %
c- 2-8 %
d- 20-4 %

117- the reagent used for leukocyte count is :

a- citric acid
b- Acetic acid
c- Hydrochloric acid
d- Sulphoric acid

118- All are Prokaryotic cells except:
a- Fungi
b- Bacteria
c - Chlamydia
d- ***oplasma

119- Viruses:

a- Contain only DNA or RNA
b - They Contain ribosome
c- Did not affected by antibiotics
d- a+c

120- All of these are essential structure except:

a- Nuclear body
b- Spores
c- Cell wall
d- Plasma Membrane

121- ________ is giving the shape to the bacteria

a.- Cytoplasmic Membrane
b- Capsule
c- Cell Wall
d- All of the above

122- One of its functions is selective permeability

a- Cell wall
b- Plasma membrane
c- Capsule
d- Spores

123- They are responsible for Haemagglutination Phenomenon

a- Flagella
b- Fimbria
c- Capsule
d- Cell wall

124- Clostridium Tetani is:

a- Atrichous bacteria
b- Mono-trichous bacteria
c- Amphi-trichous bacteria
d- Peri-trichous bacteria

125- Short curved or straight rods, motile by single polar flagellum

a- spirochaeta
b- Vibrio
c- Escherichia
d- Lactobacillus

126- S**** gram negative cocci, occur in pairs

a- staphylococcus
b- streptococcus
c- neisseria
d- non of the above

127- Transfer of genetic information from one bacterium to another by

bacteriophages is:
a. Transformation
b. Tansduction
c. Conjugation
d. Mutation

128- Salmonella are:

a- Obligatory Aerobic bacteria
b.- Obligatory Anaerobic bacteria
c- Facultative Anaerobic bacteria
d- Micro-aerophilic bacteria

129- According to pH, vibrio cholera is

a- Osmophilic bacteria
b- Basophilic bacteria
c- Acidophilic bacteria
d- Neutrophilic bacteria

130- Staphylococci are:

a- Atrichous bacteria
b- Mono-trichous bacteria
c- Amphi-trichous bacteria
d- Peri-trichous bacteria

131- During replication of DNA, copying errors may occur and this is called

a- Conjugation
b- Transduction
c- Transformation
d- Mutation

132- Obligatory Anaerobic bacteria

a- grow only in presence of oxygen
b- grow only in absence of oxygen
c- grow either in presence or absence of oxygen
d- grow in presence of oxygen traces and 5 – 10% CO2

133- Neutrophilic bacteria grow well at

a- pH 8.5 – 9.0
b- pH 7.2 – 7.4
c- pH 5.0 – 5.5
d- pH 2.5 – 3.0

134- The rate of cell death increase and bacterial growth stopped, this is

a- Adaptation phase
b- Exponential phase .
c- Stationary phase.
d- Decline Phase

135- Beta-hemolytic

a- Cause complete hemolysis of RBC’s
b- Cause chemical change of Hemoglobin in RBC’s
c- Do not cause hemolysis
d- None of them

146- Mesophilic bacteria grow at:

a- 37°C
b- 14°C
c- 60°C
d- 120°C

137- Circulation of Bacteria and its toxins in *****

a- Pyaemia
b- Toxemia
c.- Bacteremia - without toxins
d- Septicemia

138- Disinfections that applied on living or injured tissues:

a- Sterilization
b- Antiseptic
c- Sanitation
d- Decontamination

139- Hot air oven is used for sterilization of

a- Glass
b- Rubber Gloves
c.- Plastic Syringes
d- Catheters

140- Disinfectant for superficial fungal infection

a- Phenol
b- Potassium permanganate
c- Chlorine
d- Hypochlorite compounds

141- Rifampin

a- inhibit cell wall synthesis
b- inhibit protein synthesis
c- inhibit folic acid pathway
d- inhibit mRNA synthesis

142- Transacetylase inactivate

a- aminoglycosides
b- chloramphenicol
c- penicillin
d- cephalosporins

143- The color of gram positive bacteria is

a- Yellow
b- Black.
c- Pink
d- Violet

144- Selective media for fungi

a- ***** agar
b- Mac Conkey agar
c- Nutrient agar
d- Sabourand’s dextrose agar

145- Histoplasma is a :

a- Systemic ***osis
b- Sub – Cutaneous ***osis
c- Cutaneous ***osis
d- Superficial ***osis

146- All are asexual spores produced by mould except

a- Conidio – spores
b- Sporangio – spores
c- Endospores
d- Arthro – spores

147- They reproduce only by Asexual reproduction

a- Blasto***osis
b- Deutro***osis
c- Asco***etes
d- Zygo***etes

148- The functions of cell wall is all of the following except:

a- Giving the shape to the bacteria
b- Carrying somatic antigen
c-Selective permeability& transport of solutes = plasma membrane
d- Protect the bacteria from plasmolysis

149- Atrichous Bacteria are:

a- Bacteria contain one flagellum
b- Bacteria contain 2 flagella
c- Bacteria without flagella
d- Bacteria with a tuft of flagella

150-__________ are essential for host cell attachment:

a- Flagella
b- Fimbria
c- Spores
d- Capsules

151- Irregular clusters of spherical cells:

a- Streptococcus
b- Staphylococcus
c- Lactobacillus
d- Escherichia

152- Clostridium Botulinum is:

a- Obligatory Aerobic Bacteria
b- Facultative Anaerobic Bacteria
c- Obligatory Anaerobic Bacteria
d- Micro- aerophilic Bacteria

153- Basophilic Bacteria grow well at:

a- pH 8.5 – 9.0
b- pH 7.2 – 7.4
c- pH 5.0 – 5.5
d- None of the above

154- Cells are divided at high & constant rate:

a- Decline Phase
b- Stationary Phase
c- Log Exponential Phase
d- Adaptation Phase

155- The dominant bacterial species in dental plaque are:

a- Coagulase Negative Staphylococci
b- Lactobacillus
c- Bacteroides
d- Streptococcus Sanguis

156- The spread of Pyogenic Bacteria in ***** stream to different organs & produce multiple abscess is:

a- Septicemia
b- Bacteremia
d- Pyaemia
157- Inhibit the growth of micro organisms
a- Bacteriostatic
b- Bactericidal
c- Fungicidal
d- Germicidal

158- To sterilize fluid damaged by heat:

a- Gaseous Sterilization
b- Heat Sterilization
c- Filtration
d- Ionizing Radiation

159- For water disinfection we use:

a- Hydrogen peroxide
b- Formaldehyde
c- Chlorine
d- Hypochlorite compounds

160- Mechanism of action of penicillin:

a- Block peptidoglycan synthesis
b- Inhibit peptidyglycan cross – linking
c- inhibit folic acid pathway
d- inhibit protein synthesis

161- Sulfonamides:

a- inhibit cell wall synthesis
b- inhibit protein synthesis
c- inhibit DNA synthesis
d- inhibit folic acid pathway

162- Acetylase inactivates:

a- B – Lactam antibiotics
b- Aminoglycosides
c- Cloramphenicol
d- All of the above

163- Ringworm disease is caused by

a- Zygo***etes
b- Asco***etes
c- Blasto***osis
d- None of the above

164- For wet – mount technique we add:

a- NaoH
b- K oH
c- H2 O2
d- All of the above

165- They are transmitted by arthropods

a- Chlamydia
b- Spirochetes
c- ***oplasma
d- All of the above

166- In the past they were listed as large viruses

a- Richettsia
b- ***oplasma
c- Chlamydia
d- None of the above

167- Bacteria multiply by:

a- Replication cycle
b- Simple binary fission
c- Sexual reproduction
d- All of the above

168- It protects bacteria from antibiotics

a- Capsule
b- Cell membrane
c- Flagella
d- Fimbria

169- Vibro cholera is:

a- Mono –trichous bacteria
b- Atrichous bacteria
c- Lopho-trichous bacteria
d- Peri-trichous bacteria

170- Short rods, motile by peritrichous flagella

a- Spirochaeta
b- Lactobacillus
c- Escherichia coli
d- Vibrio
171- To take up soluble DNA fragments derived from other, closely related species is:
a. Mutation
b. Transformation
c. Transduction
d. Conjugation

172- T****culosis are

a- micro-airophilic
b- Facultative anaerobic
c- Obligatory anaerobic
d- Obligatory aerobic

173- According to pH, Lactobacillus is

a- Neutrophlic bacteria
b- Acidophilic bacteria
c- Basophilic bacteria
d- None of the above

174- Bacteria without cell Wall

a- Chlamydia
b- Rickettsia
c- ***oplasma
d.- Spirochetes

175- Brucella Melitensis is

a- Obligatory aerobic bacteria
b- Obligatory anaerobic bacteria
c- Facultative anaerobic bacteria
d- Micro-aerophilic bacteria

176- Pseudomonas aeroginosa is

a- Peri-trichous bacteria
b- Lopho-trichous bacteria
c- Amphi-trichous bacteria
d- Monotrichous bacteria

177- Genetic information of bacteria is carried on

a- Messenger RNA
b- Transfer RN|A
c- Tran****** RNA
d- Double – Stranded DNA
178- Thermophilic bacteria grow at
a- 60 – 80 °C
b- 0 - 20°C
c-. 37°C
d- 100 - 120°C

179- Acidophilic bacteria grow at

a- pH 7.2 – 7.4
b- pH 5.0 – 5.5
c- pH 8.5 – 9.0
d- None of the above

180- ***oplasma is

a- Neutrophilic bacteria
b- Acidophilic bacteria
c- Basophilic bacteria
d- All of the above

181- It is the adaptation of bacteria to the fresh medium

a- Lag phase
b- Decline phase
c- Logarithmic Phase
d- Stationary phase

182- Bacteria which do not cause hemolysis is

a- Beta-Hemolytic
b- Alpha-Hemolytic
c- Gama Hemolytic
d- None of the above

183- Normal flora of Lower intestine are all of the following except:

a- Staphylococci
b- Diphtheroids
c- Shigella
d- Lactobacillus

184- Opportunistic pathogens are all of the following except:

a- Cause a disease when the host defense are suppressed.
b- Are normal flora of healthy body
c- Are greatly harmful
d- Do not invade the body or tissue.
185- For disinfection of mattresses :
a- Hot air oven
b- Autoclave
c- Ethylene Oxide
d- Hydrogen Peroxide

186- Pyschrophilic bacteria grow at:

a- 10٠°C
b- 6٠°C
c- 14°C
d- 37°C

187- Bacteria which contain chlorophyll

a- Heterotrophic bacteria
b- Autotrophic bacteria
c- Photosynthetic bacteria
d- All of the above

188- Tricophyton is one of

a- Yeast
b- Moulds
c- Dermatophyte
d- Dimorphic Fungi

189- Plasto***es is one of

a- Dermatophytes
b- Dimorphic Fungi
c- Yeast
d- Moulds

190- Color of gram negative bacteria is

a- Violet
b- Green
c- Red
d- Black

191- Acid Fast Bacteria

a- Salmonella
b- Shigella
c- M. T****culosis
d- E – Coli
192- Spherical or avoid cells occurring in chains
a- Staphylococci
b- Streptococci
c- Lactobacillus
d- Spiro chaeta

193- ……………… carries the genetic information

a- the envelope
b- the capsid
c- the nucleic acid
d- the prion

194- …………………… may be seen under light microscope

a- rota virus
b- influenza virus
c- herps virus
d- pox virus

195- viruses may be:

a- monomorphic
b- pleomorphic
c- dimorphic
d- all of the above

196- viral capside is formed of:

a- protein
b- glycogen
c- lipoprotein bilayer
d- glycoprotein

197- class III in Baltimor classification is:

a- double stranded DNA viruses
b- single stranded DNA viruses
c- double stranded RNA viruses
d- single stranded RNA viruses

198- Hierarchial virus classification system use the following characters except:

a- nature of nucleic acid
b- capside symmetry
c- diameter of viron & capside
d- virus molecular weight
199- in viral replication which is true:
a- penetration is the 1st step
b- assembly is the last step
c- relaease is the last step
d- all of the above

200- viron:

a- may be extracellular phase of virus
b- may be intracellular phase of virus
c- can grow and replicate
d- means “ virus – like “

201- pleomorphic viruses means :

a- virus which have constant shape
b- virus that may appear in 2 forms
c- virus that have not a constant morphology
d- virus that have spherical shape

202- vapor of gold is used in :

a- shadow casting technique
b- negative staining technique
c- positive staining technique
d- non of the above

203- direct diagnosis of virus :

a- ELISA Antibody
b- CFT
c- IFT
d- PCR virus

204- all of the following are required in cell culture except:

a- neutral PH
b- presence of buffer salts
c- presence of antibiotics
d- incubation at 20 C (( 30-37 C))

205- all of the following are diagnostic molecular biological technique except:

a- PCR
c- nucleic acid hyperdization
d- DNA finger printing
206- PCR require all of the following except:
a- extracted DNA template
b- 2 specific primers
c- reation buffer
d- RNA polymerase

207- bacteriophage is :

a- virus that can be killed by antibiotic
b- virus that act like a bacteria
c- bacteria that act like a virus
d- virus that infect bacteria

208- all of the following viruses are transmitted by ***** except:

a- HIV
b- HBV
c- HCV
d- herps virus

209-all of the following are RNA viruses except:

a- corona viridase
b- re***ridase
c- picorona viridase
d- pox viridase

رد مع اقتباس
  #42 (permalink)  
قديم 02-06-2012, 02:16 AM
الصورة الرمزية مُجرد
عضو متواصل
تاريخ التسجيل: May 2012
المشاركات: 47
معدل تقييم المستوى: 26
مُجرد يستحق التميز

210- penetration of naked virus is by :
a- fusion
b- endocytosis
c- trans********
d- all of the above

211- amniotic cavity inoculation is one type of virus culture in:
a- tissue wall
b- lab animals
c- embryonated egg
d- non of the above

212- …………….. is an invitro method amplification of a short sequence of target DNA
a- PCR
b- hyberdization
c- finger printing
d- all of the above

213- nucleic acid hyberdization means:
a- probe anneling or binding with it’s complementary
segment of NA
b- fragmentation of nucleic acid
c- amplification of nucleic acid
d- non of the above

214- DNA hyberdization is performed by:
a- primers
b- DNA labeled probe
c- restriction endonuclease
d- non of the above

215-PCR starts with :
a- annealing
b- denaturation of DNA
c-extension of primers
d- non of the above

216- ……………….. is a piece of DNA fragment of a particular gene that can bind specially with it’s complementary piece of DNA:
a- codon
b- probe
c- LCR
d- code

217- how many primers are used in PCR :
a- non
b- one
c- two
d- three

304-Lowenstein-Jensen media is used for the isolation for:
a- neisseria gonorrhea
b- ***obacterium t****culosis
c- haemophilus influenza
d- staphylococcus aureus

305- Hekton-Enteric agar is the selective media for:
a- salmonella
b- streptococcus
c- staphylococcus
d- all of the above

306- the selective media for isolation of fungi is:
a- S-S agar
b- XLD agar
c- sabouraud glucose agar
d- Hekton-Enteric agar

307- gram positive rods with Chinese letter appearance:
a- ***obacterium t****culosis
b- corynebacteria diphtheria
c- clostridium tetani
d- staphylococcus pneumonia

308- E lek test is done to diagnose :
a- streptococcus
b- staphylococcus aureus
c- clostridium tetani
d- corynebacteria diphtheria

309- all are lactose fermenter except:
b- proteus
c- klebsiella
d- enterobacter

310- produce pale colonies on MacConkey’s agar and have tendency to swarm on ***** agar:
a- salmonella
b- shigella
c- klebsiella
d- proteus

311- lactose frementer gram negative bacilli with mucoid growth:
a- salmonella
b- shigella
c- klebsiella
d- proteus

312-non lactose fermenter gram negative bacilli produce H2S :
a- salmonella
b- shigella
c- klebsiella
d- proteus

313- Widal test is done for diagnosis of :
a- salmonella
b- shigella
c- E-coli
d- klebsiella

314- the causative agent of enteric fever:
a- salmonella
b- shigella
c- klebsiella
d- proteus

315- the most common cause of urinary tract infection :
a- E-coli
b- salmonella
c- shigella
d- streptococcus

316- an important cause of diarrhea in infant:
a- staphylococcus
b- E-coli
c- salmonella
d- shigella

317- the most common causative agent for peptic ulcer :
a- campylobacter
b- H-pylori
c- V-cholera
d- all of the above
318- TCBS is the selective media for isolation of:
a- H-pylori
b- V-cholera
c- E-coli
d- H influenza

319- gram negative bacilli strict aerobes grows on simple media producing a characteristic greenish pigment:
a- campylobacter
b- pseudomonas
c- pasterulla
d- bordetella

320- the bacteria which cause scarlet fever:
a- staphylococcus
b- streptococcus
c- salmonella
d- shigella

321- antistreptolysin O titer (ASO) is done for the diagnosis of:
a- group A streptococcus
b- group B streptococcus
c- staphylococcus aureus
d- staphylococcus albus

323- Loffler’s serum is used for isolation of:
a- anthrax
b- clostridium
c- diphtheria
d- T.B

324- gas gangrene is caused by:
a- clostridium tetani
b- clostridium botulinum
c- clostridium welchii
d- non of the above (( clostridium perfinges ))

325- Bacillary dysentery is caused by:
a- salmonella
b- shigella
c- cholera
d- all of the above

326- the cause of plague:
a- Y-enterocolitica
b- Y-pestis
c- Y pseudot****culsois
d- non of the above

327- treponema palladium is the cause of :
a- T.B
b- gonorrhea
c- syphilis

328- the venereal disease research laboratory test (VDRL) is done for diagnosis of:
a- T.B
b- gonorrhea
c- syphilis

329- Trachoma is caused by:
a- ***oplasma
b- chlamydiae
d- ***obacteria

391- M-t****culsis bacilli stain with :
a- gram stain
b- Zheil Nelson stain
c- Gimesa stain
d- all of the above

392- AIDS is transmitted through :
a- food
b- *****
c- semen
d- (b) & (c)

393- bacteria which cause syphilis:
a- Neisseria gonorrhea
b- Viencent angina
c- Treponema palladium
d- Yersinia pestis

394- to diagnose syphilis:
a- RPR
c- Wasserman
d- all of the above

395- streptococci secret:
a- streptolysin O
b- streptolysin S
c- streptokinase
d- all of the above

396- disease caused by streptococci:
a- scarlet fever
b- purperal sepsis
c- rheumatic fever
d- all of the above

397- staphylococci secrets:
a- coagulase enzyme
b- fibrinolysin
c- hyaluronidase
d- all of the above

398- gram positive bacilli:
a- Klebsilla
b- Salmonella
c- Proteus
d- C-diphtheria

399- meningeococcal meningitis is transmitted by :
a- food
b- droplet
c- touch
d- all of the above

400- dark field microscopy is used to diagnose :
a- T.B.
b- syphilis
c- gonorrhea

401- it cause food poisining with flacid paralysis:
a- clostridium tetani
b- clostridium welchii
c- clostridium botulinium
d- all of the above

402- the infective stage of plasmodium vivax :
b- sporozoites
c- schizont
d- trophozoite

403- Pirenella conica snail is the intermediate host of:
a- schistosoma haematobium
b- fasciola hiptica
c- heterphyes heterophyes
d- diphyllobothrium latum

404- Bulinus truncates snail is the intermediate host of :
a- fasciola hepatica
b- fasciola gigantica
c- schistosoma haematobium
d- schistosoma mansonii

405- to isolate meningiococci we have to culture the sample on:
a- Bordet Gengou
b- modified Thayer martin media
c- Lowenstein Jensen media
d- all of the above

406- to isolate fungi :
a- Brain-Heart infusion media
b- tissue culture
c- Lowenstein –Jensen media
d- chocolate agar

407- to isolate H- influenza:
a- ***** agar
b- chocolate agar
c- mac Conkey media
d- all of the above

408- the bacteria which cause pseudomembrainous conjunctivitis :
a- N.gonorrhea
b- C. diphtheria
c- staphylococcus
d- Chlamydia

409- the best sample to diagnose meningitis :
a- *****
b- sputum
c- CSF
d- urine

410- used to stain Chlamydia
a- gram stain
b- giemsa stain
c- wright stain
d- all of the above
411-……….. is used as transport medium for sample in which cholera is suspected
a- Cary-Blair media
b- Stuart media
c- Alkaline peptone water
d- glycerol

412- the color of XLD medium:
a- green
b- red
c- yellow
d- blue

413- CIN medium is used to isolate:
a- E.coli
b- Vibrio cholera
c- yersinia
d- salmonella

414- to make wet mount preparation:
a- 10 % KOH
b- 10 % Na OH
c- 10 % Na CO3
d- 10% Na Cl

415- we do wet mount preparation for vaginal smear To diagnose:
a- T.vaginalis
b- N.gonorrhea
c- streptococci
d- staphylococci

416- to isolate viruses:
a- Loeffler media
b- tissue culture
c- Bordet –Gengou media
d- Brain- Heart infusion

417- to diagnose whooping cough :
a- Bordet –Gengou media
b- Lowenstein –Jensen media
c- modified Thayer martin media
d- New York city agar

418- to diagnose systemic infection we do :
a- urine culture
b- CSF culture
c- ***** culture
d- sputum culture

419- we give no growth for ***** culture after:
a- 1 week
b- 8 weeks
c- 6 weeks
d- 3 weeks

420- to dissolve mucous in sputum sample :
a- 10% NaOH
b- 30 % NaOH
c- 10 % KOH
d- 10% NaCl

421- mutualism means:
a- one partener benefits , other unaffected
b- both partner benefit
c- one partner benefit , other damaged
d- living together

422- Commensalisms means:
a- living together
b- one partner benefit , other damaged
c- both partner benefit
d- one partner benefits , other unaffected

423- Balantidium coli moves by:
a- flagella
b- cilia
d- pseudopod
d- all of the above

424- Mouth inhabitant:
a- Trichomonas hominis
b- Trichomonas tenax
c- Trichomonas vaginalis
d- giardia lamblia

425- Transmitted by sexual intercourse:
a- toxoplasma
b- giardia lamblia
c- Trichomonas vaginalis
d- all of the above

465- citrate utilization test is done to assist identification of:
a- gram +ve bacteria
b- gram –ve bacteria
c- entrobacteria
d- enterococcus

466- the Kovac's reagent used in the following biochemical tests:
a- catalase
b- coagulase
c- indole
d- methyl red

467- positive results for H2S production appear as …. Colour:
a- black
c- yellow
c- red
d- green

468-………. Give positive coagulase test:
a- streptococci
b- staphylococcus aureus
c- staphylococcus saprophyticus
d- Escherichia coli

469- methyl red test is performed with:
a- Erlich reagent
b- Kovac's reagent
c- Voges proskaur
d- non of the above

470- ………… give positive result with urease test:
a- salmonella
b- shigella
c- Y. enterocolitica
d- all of the above

471-…………. test is used to differentiate between bacteroides & brucella:
a- indole
b- methyl red
c- H2S production
d- nitrate reduction

472- DNAase test is positive with:
a- streptococcus pneumonia
b- E.coli
c- staphylococcus aureus
d- staphylococcus epidermis

473- ………… solution used in the gram stain technique acts as a mordant:
a- crystal violet
b- safranine
c- iodine
d- alcohol

474- the counter stain in Ziehl- Neelson stain is :
a- malachite green
b- methylene blue
c- iodine
d- (a) & (b)

475- bile solubility test is positive with :
a- streptococcus viridans
b- streptococcus pneumonia
c- streptococcus agalectiae
d- streptococcus pyrogenes

476-litmus milk decolorization test assist the identification of :
a- entrobacteria
b- bacteroides
c- brucella
d- enterococci[/align]
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1- Vitamin K antagonist :
a- warfarin
b- Heparin
c- Protein C
d- Antithrombin III

2- One of the intrinsic pathway
a- factor XI
b- factor XIII
c- factor I
d- factor VII

3- Para hemophilia is the deficiency of
a- factor VIII
b- factor IX
c- factor V
d- factor VII

4- Eosinophilia is seen in :
a- food sensitivity
b- Drug sensitivity
c- Atopic dermatitis
d- all of the above

5- Multiple myeloma is a neoplastic proliferation of:
a- lymphocytes
b- Granulocytes
c- Plasma cells
d- Monocytes

6- Test for intrinsic pathway:
a- bleeding time
b- Thrombin time
c- Prothrombin time
d- Partial thromboplastin time PTT

7- Paul-Bunnel test is done to diagnose:
a- multiple myeloma
b- Hodgkin’s disease
c- Infectious mononucleosis
d- all of the above

8- increased platelet count is :
a- thrombocytopenia
b- thrombopoietin
c- thrombocytosis
d- all of the above

9- Decreased platelet count is:
a- thrombocytopenia
b- Thrombopoietin
c- Thrombocytosis
d- all of the above

10- All these are causes of thrombocytopenia except:
a- cytotoxic *****
b- Aplastic anemia
c- Hemorrhage
d- Radiotherapy

11- Prothrombin time is done to test:
a- Intrinsic pathway only
b- Extrinsic pathway only
c- Extrinsic and common pathways
d- Intrinsic and common pathways

12- Normal bleeding time by Duke’s method:
a- 2-7 minutes
b- 2-7 seconds
c- 2-4 minutes
d- 2-4 seconds

13- Normal partial thromboplastin time (PPT) is :
a- 3-4 minutes
b- 30-45 seconds
c- 12-15 seconds
d- 12-15 minutes

14- Hemophilia A is the deficiency of :
a- factor V
b- factor VIII
c- factor IX
d- all of the above

15-the most common form of leukemia in children is:
a- acute lymphoblastic leukemia
b- Chronic lymphocytic leukemia
c- Acute myeloid leukemia
d- Chronic myeloid leukemia

16- Bence-Jones protein is present in cases of:
a- chronic myeloid myeloma
b-acute myeloid myeloma
c- Hodgkin’s lymphoma
d- multiple myeloma

17- Reed-Sternberg cells are found in cases of :
a- acute lymphoblastic leukemia
b- Non Hodgkin’s lymphoma
c- Hodgkin’s lymphoma
d- Multiple myeloma

18- Normal platelet count is :
a- 150,000 to 450,000/min3
b- 400,000 to 800,000/min3
c- 4,000 to 11,000 /min3
d- 50,000 to 100,000/min3

19- Antithrombin III inhibits:
a- factor Va
b- factor VIIIa
c- factor Xa
d- all of the above

20- Heparin potentiate the action of :
a- protein C
b- protein S
c- antithrombin III
d- warfarin

21- Factor II of ***** clotting is:
a- Christmas factor
b- Fibrinogen
c- Prothrombin
d- Thromboplastin

22- One of fibrinogen group is : I V VIII XIII
a- II
b- V
c- VII
d- IX

23- Fibrinogen is converted to soluble fibrin by:
a- prothrombin
b- Thromboplastin
c- Thrombin
d- all of the above

24- Thrombopoitin control the formation of:
a- red ***** cells
b- White ***** cells
c- platelets
d- non of the above

25- Normal prothrombin time (PT) is:
a- 30-45 seconds
b- 30-45 minutes
c- 12-15 seconds
d- 12-15 minutes

26- Parasitic disease is associated with:
a- monocytosis - bacteria
b- Lymphocytosis - virus
c- Basophilia - sensitive
d- Eosinophilia

27- Philadelphia chromosome is diagnostic for:
a- acute lymphoblastic leukemia
b- Acute myeloid leukemia
c- Chronic lymphocytic leukemia
d- chronic myeloid leukemia
28- Normal fibrinogen level:
a- 150-400 gm%
b- 150-400 mg %
c- 15-40 mg %
d- 15-40 gm %

29-infectious mononucleosis is caused by:
a- echo virus
b- coxsaki virus
c- Epstein Barr virus EBV
d- Cytomegalo virus

30- Atypical lymphocytosis is seen in cases of:
a- Hodgkin’s lymphoma
b- Multiple myeloma
c- Infectious mononucleosis
d- Chronic lymphocytic leukemia

31-monospot test is done to diagnose:
a- Acute myeloid leukemia
b- Acute lymphoblastic leukemia
c- Infectious mononucleosis
d- Infectious lymphocytosis

32- The test which depend on ***** platelets & capillary fragility is:
a- prothrombin time
b- Thrombin time
c- Bleeding time
d- Clotting time

33- Fibrin is broken to fibrin degradation products by the action of:
a- Prothrombin
b- Thrombin
c- Plasminogen
d- Plasmin

34- Acute myeloid leukemia is characterized by:
a- low neutrophil alkaline phosphatase
b- Myeloblast with Auer rods
c- Neutrophil with Pleger-Huet ano****
d- all of the above

35- Plasminogen is converted to plasmin by :
a- Heparin
c- Urokinase
d- Serotonin

36- Increase D-dimers and fibrin degradation products are seen in cases of:
a- Hemophilia A
b- Vitamin K deficiency
c- Diffuse intravascular coagulation
d- Von Willebrand disease

37- Activated protein C degrades:
a- factor IXa
b- Factor VIIIa
c- Factor Xa
d- Factor Xia

38- Heparin is found in
a- Neutrophil
b- Basophil
c- Acidophil
d- all of the above

39- In hemophilia A the test which will be prolonged is
a- PT
b- PTT
c- Bleeding time
d- all of the above

40- Bleeding due to overdose of heparin is managed by giving:
a- Vit K
b- Vit C
c- Vit A
d- Protamin sulphate
41- Streptokinase and staphylokinase convert:
a- Prothrombin to thrombin
b- Fibrinogen to fibrin
c- Soluble fibrin to insoluble fibrin
d- Plasminogen to plasmin

42- Test for platelet **********
a- Clot retraction
b- Platelet aggregation
c- Platelet adhesion
d- all of the above

43- Prolonged PT occurs in cases of deficiency of:
a- Factor III
b- Factor IV
c- Factor V
d- all of the above

44- normal thrombin time (TT):
a- 30-45 sec
b- 2-4 min
c- 3-9 min
d- 10-20 sec

45- cause of vitamin K deficiency:
a- Obstructive jaundice
b- Prolonged use of antibiotics
c- Inadequate intake
d- all of the above

46- Cause of Hyper- Coagulable state:
a- Aplastic anemia
b- Cytotxic *****
c- Polcythemia
d- Radiotherapy

47-Physiological cause of neutrophilia:
a- New born
b- Radiotherapy
c- Cytotoxic *****
d- Prolonged use of antibiotics
48- Leucocytosis characterized by the presence of immature cells and high neutrophil alkaline phosphatase:
a- chronic myeloid leukemia
b- Acute myeloid leukemia
c- Leukaemid reaction
d- non of the above

49- Normal coagulation time (CT):
a- 3-9 min
b- 3-9 sec
c- 30-40 sec
d- 30-40 min

50- The test which measures the clotting time of citrated plasma accelerated by the addition of a clotting factor activator (kaolin) , phospholipids and calcium:
a- coagulation time
b- Prothrombin time
c- Partial thromboplastin time
d- Thrombin time

51- The test which measures the clotting time of citrated plasma to which thromboplastin and calcium has been added:
a- thrombin time
b- Prothrombin time
c- Coagulation time
d- Partial thromboplastin time

52- The test which is widely used as a control and follow up test to control anticoagulant treatment:
b- PTT
c- PT
d- TT

53- A disease characterized by progressive neoplastic proliferation of immature white cell precursor:
a- acute leukemia
b- Chronic leukemia
c- Lymphoma
d- Multiple myeloma

54- The absolute lymphocyte count may be up to 300,000 or more between 70 and 90 % of white cells in the ***** film appear as s**** lymphocytes . THE CASE IS:
a- Acute myeloid leukemia
b- Acute lymphoblastic leukemia
c- Chronic myeloid leukemia
d- Chronic lymphocytic leukemia

55- Variation in red cells size:
a- Poikilcytosis
b- Anisocytosis
c- Reticulocytosis
d- Leukocytosis

56- Dark red cells with no area of central pallor:
a- Stomatocyte
b- Spherocyte
c- Acathocyte
d- Schistocyte

57- Microcytic hypochromic anemia
a- hereditary spherocytosis
b- Sickle cell anemia
c- Iron deficiency anemia
d- Vit B12 deficiency anemia

58- Target cells are seen in cases of:
a- folic acid deficiency
b- Iron deficiency anemia
c- Vit B12 deficiency anemia
d- Thalassemia

59- Red cells with elongated area of central pallor:
a- spherocyte
b- Schistocyte
c- Stomatocyte
d- Elliptocutes

60- ……………….. Symmetric, short , sharp projection from the red cells and seen in iron deficiency anemia:
a- echinocyte
b- Acanthocyte
c- Elliptocyte
d- Ovalocyte

61- ……………… is a condition in which the absorption of vit B12 is greatly impaired due to failure or marked reduction of intrinsic factor secretion:
a- fauvism
b- fanconi’s anemia
c-sickle cell anemia
d- thalassemia
e- pernicious anemia

62- Hyperchromic cells are seen in:
a- iron deficiency anemia
b- Thalassemia
c- Hereditary spherocytosis
d- Sickle cell anemia

63- A prolonged low rate of bleeding results in:
a- normochromic anemia
b- Hypochromic anemia
c- Hyperchromic anemia
d- non of the above

64- Schilling test is done in diagnosis of:
a- iron deficiency anemia
b- Pernicious anemia
c- Aplastic anemia
d- folic acid deficiency

65- Defective synthesis of either alpha or beta chains of normal hemoglobin
a- sickle cell anemia
b- Aplastic anemia
c- Pernicious anemia
d- Thalassemia

66- Neutrophils represent…………… of circulating leukocyte:
a- 2-8 %
b- 0-1 %
c- 50-70 %
d- 2-4 %

67- …………. are non nucleated, biconcave shaped cells:
a- platelet
b- Leukocyte
c- Erythrocyte
d- Macrophages

68- …………….. represent 50-70 % of total leukocytes
a- lymphocytes
b- Neutrophils
c- Monocytes
d- Eosinophilis

69- …………… have a characteristic biffed nucleus and their cytoplasm is filled with large refractile granules that stain red in ***** smear
a- neutrophils
b- Eosinophilis
c- Basophiles
d- Lymphocytes

70- The cell which is responsible for antibody production is:
a- moncytes
b- T-lymphocytes
c- B-lymphocytes = plasma cell
d- Neutrophils

71- …… is a curved cell with sharp ends seen in haemoglobinopathies (HBS)
a- sickle cell
b- Spherocyte
c- Ovalocyte
d- Stomatocyte

72- All of the following is correct about sickle cell anemia except:
a- leg ulcers
b- Gall stones
c- Enlargement of spleen
d- Attacks of pain

73- ……….. is a single, large, rounded , dark , purple remnant of nucleus
a- Heinz body
b- Howeel-Jolly body
c- Pappenheimer body
d- Cabot ring

74- Agranulocyte:
a- neutrophil
b- Lymphocyte
c- Basophile
d- Eosinophil

75- Pica ( craving to eat unusual substance such as clay or ice) is one of the symptoms of:
a- G6PD deficiency
b- Thalassemia
c- Megaloblastic anemia
d- Iron deficiency anemia

76- In …………….. there’s a decreased or absent hemosiderin in bone marrow
a- sideroblastic anemia
b- Iron deficiency anemia
c- Megaloblastic anemia
d- Hemolytic anemia

77- Chloramphenicol may cause …………. anemia in long term therapy
a- iron deficiency
b- Vit B12 deficiency
c- folic acid deficiency
d- Aplastic anemia

رد مع اقتباس
  #43 (permalink)  
قديم 02-06-2012, 02:19 AM
الصورة الرمزية مُجرد
عضو متواصل
تاريخ التسجيل: May 2012
المشاركات: 47
معدل تقييم المستوى: 26
مُجرد يستحق التميز

78- ………. is the fluid (with anticoagulant) component of ***** , it contains salt & organic compounds:
a- plasma
b- Serum
c- Hemoglobin
d- Billirubin

79- Poikilocytosis is:
a- variation in red cell size
b- Variation in red cell color
c- Variation in red cell shape
d- non of the above

80- Red cell fragments:
a- echinocyte
b- Elliptocyte
c- Schistocyte
d- Stomatocyte

81- It is a defect of red cell member
a- Thalassemia
b- Sickle cell anemia
c- Hereditary spherocytosis
d- Megaloblastic anemia

82- All of the following is correct regarding spherocytosis except:
a- normocytic normochromic anemia
b- Decreased reticulocyte count
c- Raised plasma bilirubin
d- Increased osmotic fragility

83- Heinz bodies are seen in cases of
a- hereditary spherocytosis
b- Hereditary elliplocytosis
c- G6PD deficiency
d- sickle cell anemia

84- ……………… is caused by substitution of amino acid (valine) instead of glutamic acid at position No.#6 in the beta chain of hemoglobin
a- Hb-A
b- Hb-A2
c- Hb –F
d- Hb –S sickle cell

85- Atrophy of the spleen is seen in cases of:
a- Thalassemia
b- Sickle cell anemia
c- G6PD deficiency
d- Hereditary elliplocytosis

86- iron deficiency lead to :
a- normocytic normochromic anemia
b- microcytic hypochromic anemia
c- macrocytic anemia
d- hemolytic anemia

87- Neurological symptoms are seen in cases of:
a- iron deficiency anemia
b- folic acid deficiency
c- Vit B12 deficiency
d- all of the above

88- Megaloplastic hematopoiesis is seen in cases of:
a- iron deficiency anemia
b- folic acid deficiency
c- Vit B12 deficiency
d- Vit C deficiency

89- Fanconi’s anemia is a type of :
a - vit B12 deficiency
b- aplastic anemia
c- Thalassemia
d- folic acid deficiency anemia

90- the most abundant leukocyte in a normal ***** smear of adult is :
a- lymphocyte
b- Monocyte
c- Eosinophil
d- Neutrophil

91- The first line of defense against parasites:
a- neutrophils
b- Basophile
c- Eosinophil
d- Lymphocyte

92- …………….. play a role in immediate and delayed hypersensitivity:
a- monocyte
b- Lymphocyte
c- Eosinophil
d- Basophile

93- The largest leukocyte is :
a- neutrophils
b- Lymphocyte
c- Monocyte
d- Basophile

94- Cell which participate in cell mediated immunity:
a- monocyte
b- B- lymphocyte
c- T- lymphocyte
d- neutrophils

95- ……… promotes ***** clotting and help to prevent ***** loss from damaged ***** vessels:
a- platelets
b- WBCs
c- RBCs
d- all of the above

96-antibody induced hemolytic disease in new born that is caused by ***** group incompatibility between mother and fetus:
a- hemolytic uremic syndrome
b- Erythroblastosis fetalis
c- Hereditary spherocytosis
d- Thromboloc thrombocytopenic purpurea

97- Young red ***** cell with cytoplasmic RNA:
a- spherocyte
b- Reticulocyte
c- Stomatocyte
d- elliptocyte

98- Normal adult hemoglobin tetramer is:
a- 2 alpha : 2 gama
b- 2 alpha : 2 beta
c- 2 alpha : 2 delta
d- 2 beta : 2 gama

99- …………… represent 2-4 % of total leukocyte:
a- neutrophils
b- Basophile
c- Eosinophil
d- Monocyte

100- ………… are s**** cytoplasmic fragment derived from megakaryocytic:
a- RBCs
b- WBCs
c- Platelet
d- non of the above

101 - ………….. is the reduction in the amount of circulating hemoglobin , red ***** cells or both:
a- polycythemia
b- Anemia
c- Hemophilia
d- Leucopenia

102- Thalassemia is :
a- microcytic anemia
b- Macrocytic anemia
c- Normocytic anemia
d- non of the above

103- Vit B12 deficiency lead to :
a- hemolytic anemia
b- Microcytic anemia
c- Normocytic anemia
d- Megaloblastic anemia

104- Lymphocyte represent ………….. of total leukocyte:
a- 20-40 %
b- 50-70 %
c- 2-8 %
d- 1-5 %

105- Plumer- Vinson syndrome may be seen in cases of:
a- iron deficiency anemia
b- Vit B12 deficiency anemia
c- Aplastic anemia
d- folic acid deficiency anemia

106- peripheral, pale inclusions that push out the cell membrane and composed of hemoglobin:
a- cabot ring
b- Pappenheimer body
c- Howell-Jolly body
d- Heinz body

107- it’s an acute hemolytic anemia occurring after the ingestion of broad bean in individual with deficiency of G6PD :
b- Favism
c- Fanconi’s anemia
d- Cooley’s anemia

108-………………. is a multiple s**** , peripheral grape like purple clusters of iron:
a- cabot ring
b- Heinz body
c- Howell-Jolly body
d- Pappenheimer body

109- the ***** smear gives the physician information concerning:
a- morphology of RBCs and platelet
b- Presence of abnormal inclusion
c- Presence of immature cells
d- all of the above

110- hypersplenism is one of the causes of :
a- iron deficiency anemia
b- Hemolytic anemia
c- Aplastic anemia
d- Megaloblastic anemia

111- Increased reticulocytes count is seen in cases of:
a- hereditary spherocytosis
b- G6PD deficiency
c- Sickle cell anemia
d- all of the above

112- The antibody which can pass the placenta:
a- Ig M
b- Ig G
c- Ig D
d- Ig E

113- ……… is an autoimmune disease in which there is an immune destruction of the acid and pepsin secreating cells of the stomach:
a- fanconi’s anemia
b- cooley’s anemia
c-pernicious anemia
d- non of the above

114- All of these are laboratory features of aplastic anemia except:
a- pancytopenia
b-markedly hypocellular marrow
c- Increased reticulocyte count
d- Markedly increase in serum erythropoietin

115- Secondary granules of neutrophils contain:
a- elastase
b- Myeloperoxidase
c- Lysozyme
d- Histamine

116- Monocytes represent ………………. of total leukocyte:
a- 0-1 %
b- 2-4 %
c- 2-8 %
d- 20-4 %

117- the reagent used for leukocyte count is :
a- citric acid
b- Acetic acid
c- Hydrochloric acid
d- Sulphoric acid


118- All are Prokaryotic cells except:
a- Fungi
b- Bacteria
c - Chlamydia
d- ***oplasma

119- Viruses:
a- Contain only DNA or RNA
b - They Contain ribosome
c- Did not affected by antibiotics
d- a+c

120- All of these are essential structure except:
a- Nuclear body
b- Spores
c- Cell wall
d- Plasma Membrane

121- ________ is giving the shape to the bacteria
a.- Cytoplasmic Membrane
b- Capsule
c- Cell Wall
d- All of the above

122- One of its functions is selective permeability
a- Cell wall
b- Plasma membrane
c- Capsule
d- Spores

123- They are responsible for Haemagglutination Phenomenon
a- Flagella
b- Fimbria
c- Capsule
d- Cell wall

124- Clostridium Tetani is:
a- Atrichous bacteria
b- Mono-trichous bacteria
c- Amphi-trichous bacteria
d- Peri-trichous bacteria

125- Short curved or straight rods, motile by single polar flagellum
a- spirochaeta
b- Vibrio
c- Escherichia
d- Lactobacillus

126- S**** gram negative cocci, occur in pairs
a- staphylococcus
b- streptococcus
c- neisseria
d- non of the above

127- Transfer of genetic information from one bacterium to another by
bacteriophages is:
a. Transformation
b. Tansduction
c. Conjugation
d. Mutation

128- Salmonella are:
a- Obligatory Aerobic bacteria
b.- Obligatory Anaerobic bacteria
c- Facultative Anaerobic bacteria
d- Micro-aerophilic bacteria

129- According to pH, vibrio cholera is
a- Osmophilic bacteria
b- Basophilic bacteria
c- Acidophilic bacteria
d- Neutrophilic bacteria

130- Staphylococci are:
a- Atrichous bacteria
b- Mono-trichous bacteria
c- Amphi-trichous bacteria
d- Peri-trichous bacteria

131- During replication of DNA, copying errors may occur and this is called
a- Conjugation
b- Transduction
c- Transformation
d- Mutation

132- Obligatory Anaerobic bacteria
a- grow only in presence of oxygen
b- grow only in absence of oxygen
c- grow either in presence or absence of oxygen
d- grow in presence of oxygen traces and 5 – 10% CO2

133- Neutrophilic bacteria grow well at
a- pH 8.5 – 9.0
b- pH 7.2 – 7.4
c- pH 5.0 – 5.5
d- pH 2.5 – 3.0

134- The rate of cell death increase and bacterial growth stopped, this is
a- Adaptation phase
b- Exponential phase .
c- Stationary phase.
d- Decline Phase

135- Beta-hemolytic
a- Cause complete hemolysis of RBC’s
b- Cause chemical change of Hemoglobin in RBC’s
c- Do not cause hemolysis
d- None of them

146- Mesophilic bacteria grow at:
a- 37°C
b- 14°C
c- 60°C
d- 120°C

137- Circulation of Bacteria and its toxins in *****
a- Pyaemia
b- Toxemia
c.- Bacteremia - without toxins
d- Septicemia

138- Disinfections that applied on living or injured tissues:
a- Sterilization
b- Antiseptic
c- Sanitation
d- Decontamination

139- Hot air oven is used for sterilization of
a- Glass
b- Rubber Gloves
c.- Plastic Syringes
d- Catheters

140- Disinfectant for superficial fungal infection
a- Phenol
b- Potassium permanganate
c- Chlorine
d- Hypochlorite compounds

141- Rifampin
a- inhibit cell wall synthesis
b- inhibit protein synthesis
c- inhibit folic acid pathway
d- inhibit mRNA synthesis

142- Transacetylase inactivate
a- aminoglycosides
b- chloramphenicol
c- penicillin
d- cephalosporins

143- The color of gram positive bacteria is
a- Yellow
b- Black.
c- Pink
d- Violet

144- Selective media for fungi
a- ***** agar
b- Mac Conkey agar
c- Nutrient agar
d- Sabourand’s dextrose agar

145- Histoplasma is a :
a- Systemic ***osis
b- Sub – Cutaneous ***osis
c- Cutaneous ***osis
d- Superficial ***osis

146- All are asexual spores produced by mould except
a- Conidio – spores
b- Sporangio – spores
c- Endospores
d- Arthro – spores

147- They reproduce only by Asexual reproduction
a- Blasto***osis
b- Deutro***osis
c- Asco***etes
d- Zygo***etes

148- The functions of cell wall is all of the following except:
a- Giving the shape to the bacteria
b- Carrying somatic antigen
c-Selective permeability& transport of solutes = plasma membrane
d- Protect the bacteria from plasmolysis

149- Atrichous Bacteria are:
a- Bacteria contain one flagellum
b- Bacteria contain 2 flagella
c- Bacteria without flagella
d- Bacteria with a tuft of flagella

150-__________ are essential for host cell attachment:
a- Flagella
b- Fimbria
c- Spores
d- Capsules

151- Irregular clusters of spherical cells:
a- Streptococcus
b- Staphylococcus
c- Lactobacillus
d- Escherichia

152- Clostridium Botulinum is:
a- Obligatory Aerobic Bacteria
b- Facultative Anaerobic Bacteria
c- Obligatory Anaerobic Bacteria
d- Micro- aerophilic Bacteria

153- Basophilic Bacteria grow well at:
a- pH 8.5 – 9.0
b- pH 7.2 – 7.4
c- pH 5.0 – 5.5
d- None of the above

154- Cells are divided at high & constant rate:
a- Decline Phase
b- Stationary Phase
c- Log Exponential Phase
d- Adaptation Phase

155- The dominant bacterial species in dental plaque are:
a- Coagulase Negative Staphylococci
b- Lactobacillus
c- Bacteroides
d- Streptococcus Sanguis

156- The spread of Pyogenic Bacteria in ***** stream to different organs & produce multiple abscess is:
a- Septicemia
b- Bacteremia
d- Pyaemia
157- Inhibit the growth of micro organisms
a- Bacteriostatic
b- Bactericidal
c- Fungicidal
d- Germicidal

158- To sterilize fluid damaged by heat:
a- Gaseous Sterilization
b- Heat Sterilization
c- Filtration
d- Ionizing Radiation

159- For water disinfection we use:
a- Hydrogen peroxide
b- Formaldehyde
c- Chlorine
d- Hypochlorite compounds

160- Mechanism of action of penicillin:
a- Block peptidoglycan synthesis
b- Inhibit peptidyglycan cross – linking
c- inhibit folic acid pathway
d- inhibit protein synthesis

161- Sulfonamides:
a- inhibit cell wall synthesis
b- inhibit protein synthesis
c- inhibit DNA synthesis
d- inhibit folic acid pathway

162- Acetylase inactivates:
a- B – Lactam antibiotics
b- Aminoglycosides
c- Cloramphenicol
d- All of the above

163- Ringworm disease is caused by
a- Zygo***etes
b- Asco***etes
c- Blasto***osis
d- None of the above

164- For wet – mount technique we add:
a- NaoH
b- K oH
c- H2 O2
d- All of the above

165- They are transmitted by arthropods
a- Chlamydia
b- Spirochetes
c- ***oplasma
d- All of the above

166- In the past they were listed as large viruses
a- Richettsia
b- ***oplasma
c- Chlamydia
d- None of the above

167- Bacteria multiply by:
a- Replication cycle
b- Simple binary fission
c- Sexual reproduction
d- All of the above

168- It protects bacteria from antibiotics
a- Capsule
b- Cell membrane
c- Flagella
d- Fimbria

169- Vibro cholera is:
a- Mono –trichous bacteria
b- Atrichous bacteria
c- Lopho-trichous bacteria
d- Peri-trichous bacteria

170- Short rods, motile by peritrichous flagella
a- Spirochaeta
b- Lactobacillus
c- Escherichia coli
d- Vibrio
171- To take up soluble DNA fragments derived from other, closely related species is:
a. Mutation
b. Transformation
c. Transduction
d. Conjugation

172- T****culosis are
a- micro-airophilic
b- Facultative anaerobic
c- Obligatory anaerobic
d- Obligatory aerobic

173- According to pH, Lactobacillus is
a- Neutrophlic bacteria
b- Acidophilic bacteria
c- Basophilic bacteria
d- None of the above

174- Bacteria without cell Wall
a- Chlamydia
b- Rickettsia
c- ***oplasma
d.- Spirochetes

175- Brucella Melitensis is
a- Obligatory aerobic bacteria
b- Obligatory anaerobic bacteria
c- Facultative anaerobic bacteria
d- Micro-aerophilic bacteria

176- Pseudomonas aeroginosa is
a- Peri-trichous bacteria
b- Lopho-trichous bacteria
c- Amphi-trichous bacteria
d- Monotrichous bacteria

177- Genetic information of bacteria is carried on
a- Messenger RNA
b- Transfer RN|A
c- Tran****** RNA
d- Double – Stranded DNA
178- Thermophilic bacteria grow at
a- 60 – 80 °C
b- 0 - 20°C
c-. 37°C
d- 100 - 120°C

179- Acidophilic bacteria grow at
a- pH 7.2 – 7.4
b- pH 5.0 – 5.5
c- pH 8.5 – 9.0
d- None of the above

180- ***oplasma is
a- Neutrophilic bacteria
b- Acidophilic bacteria
c- Basophilic bacteria
d- All of the above

181- It is the adaptation of bacteria to the fresh medium
a- Lag phase
b- Decline phase
c- Logarithmic Phase
d- Stationary phase

182- Bacteria which do not cause hemolysis is
a- Beta-Hemolytic
b- Alpha-Hemolytic
c- Gama Hemolytic
d- None of the above

183- Normal flora of Lower intestine are all of the following except:
a- Staphylococci
b- Diphtheroids
c- Shigella
d- Lactobacillus

184- Opportunistic pathogens are all of the following except:
a- Cause a disease when the host defense are suppressed.
b- Are normal flora of healthy body
c- Are greatly harmful
d- Do not invade the body or tissue.
185- For disinfection of mattresses :
a- Hot air oven
b- Autoclave
c- Ethylene Oxide
d- Hydrogen Peroxide

186- Pyschrophilic bacteria grow at:
a- 10٠°C
b- 6٠°C
c- 14°C
d- 37°C

187- Bacteria which contain chlorophyll
a- Heterotrophic bacteria
b- Autotrophic bacteria
c- Photosynthetic bacteria
d- All of the above

188- Tricophyton is one of
a- Yeast
b- Moulds
c- Dermatophyte
d- Dimorphic Fungi

189- Plasto***es is one of
a- Dermatophytes
b- Dimorphic Fungi
c- Yeast
d- Moulds

190- Color of gram negative bacteria is
a- Violet
b- Green
c- Red
d- Black

191- Acid Fast Bacteria
a- Salmonella
b- Shigella
c- M. T****culosis
d- E – Coli
192- Spherical or avoid cells occurring in chains
a- Staphylococci
b- Streptococci
c- Lactobacillus
d- Spiro chaeta

193- ……………… carries the genetic information
a- the envelope
b- the capsid
c- the nucleic acid
d- the prion

194- …………………… may be seen under light microscope
a- rota virus
b- influenza virus
c- herps virus
d- pox virus

195- viruses may be:
a- monomorphic
b- pleomorphic
c- dimorphic
d- all of the above

196- viral capside is formed of:
a- protein
b- glycogen
c- lipoprotein bilayer
d- glycoprotein

197- class III in Baltimor classification is:
a- double stranded DNA viruses
b- single stranded DNA viruses
c- double stranded RNA viruses
d- single stranded RNA viruses

198- Hierarchial virus classification system use the following characters except:
a- nature of nucleic acid
b- capside symmetry
c- diameter of viron & capside
d- virus molecular weight
199- in viral replication which is true:
a- penetration is the 1st step
b- assembly is the last step
c- relaease is the last step
d- all of the above

200- viron:
a- may be extracellular phase of virus
b- may be intracellular phase of virus
c- can grow and replicate
d- means “ virus – like “

201- pleomorphic viruses means :
a- virus which have constant shape
b- virus that may appear in 2 forms
c- virus that have not a constant morphology
d- virus that have spherical shape

202- vapor of gold is used in :
a- shadow casting technique
b- negative staining technique
c- positive staining technique
d- non of the above

203- direct diagnosis of virus :
a- ELISA Antibody
b- CFT
c- IFT
d- PCR virus

204- all of the following are required in cell culture except:
a- neutral PH
b- presence of buffer salts
c- presence of antibiotics
d- incubation at 20 C (( 30-37 C))

205- all of the following are diagnostic molecular biological technique except:
a- PCR
c- nucleic acid hyperdization
d- DNA finger printing
206- PCR require all of the following except:
a- extracted DNA template
b- 2 specific primers
c- reation buffer
d- RNA polymerase

207- bacteriophage is :
a- virus that can be killed by antibiotic
b- virus that act like a bacteria
c- bacteria that act like a virus
d- virus that infect bacteria

208- all of the following viruses are transmitted by ***** except:
a- HIV
b- HBV
c- HCV
d- herps virus

209-all of the following are RNA viruses except:
a- corona viridase
b- re***ridase
c- picorona viridase
d- pox viridase

210- penetration of naked virus is by :
a- fusion
b- endocytosis
c- trans********
d- all of the above

211- amniotic cavity inoculation is one type of virus culture in:
a- tissue wall
b- lab animals
c- embryonated egg
d- non of the above

212- …………….. is an invitro method amplification of a short sequence of target DNA
a- PCR
b- hyberdization
c- finger printing
d- all of the above

213- nucleic acid hyberdization means:
a- probe anneling or binding with it’s complementary
segment of NA
b- fragmentation of nucleic acid
c- amplification of nucleic acid
d- non of the above

214- DNA hyberdization is performed by:
a- primers
b- DNA labeled probe
c- restriction endonuclease
d- non of the above

215-PCR starts with :
a- annealing
b- denaturation of DNA
c-extension of primers
d- non of the above

216- ……………….. is a piece of DNA fragment of a particular gene that can bind specially with it’s complementary piece of DNA:
a- codon
b- probe
c- LCR
d- code

217- how many primers are used in PCR :
a- non
b- one
c- two
d- three

304-Lowenstein-Jensen media is used for the isolation for:
a- neisseria gonorrhea
b- ***obacterium t****culosis
c- haemophilus influenza
d- staphylococcus aureus

305- Hekton-Enteric agar is the selective media for:
a- salmonella
b- streptococcus
c- staphylococcus
d- all of the above

306- the selective media for isolation of fungi is:
a- S-S agar
b- XLD agar
c- sabouraud glucose agar
d- Hekton-Enteric agar

307- gram positive rods with Chinese letter appearance:
a- ***obacterium t****culosis
b- corynebacteria diphtheria
c- clostridium tetani
d- staphylococcus pneumonia

308- E lek test is done to diagnose :
a- streptococcus
b- staphylococcus aureus
c- clostridium tetani
d- corynebacteria diphtheria

309- all are lactose fermenter except:
b- proteus
c- klebsiella
d- enterobacter

310- produce pale colonies on MacConkey’s agar and have tendency to swarm on ***** agar:
a- salmonella
b- shigella
c- klebsiella
d- proteus

311- lactose frementer gram negative bacilli with mucoid growth:
a- salmonella
b- shigella
c- klebsiella
d- proteus

312-non lactose fermenter gram negative bacilli produce H2S :
a- salmonella
b- shigella
c- klebsiella
d- proteus

313- Widal test is done for diagnosis of :
a- salmonella
b- shigella
c- E-coli
d- klebsiella

314- the causative agent of enteric fever:
a- salmonella
b- shigella
c- klebsiella
d- proteus

315- the most common cause of urinary tract infection :
a- E-coli
b- salmonella
c- shigella
d- streptococcus

316- an important cause of diarrhea in infant:
a- staphylococcus
b- E-coli
c- salmonella
d- shigella

317- the most common causative agent for peptic ulcer :
a- campylobacter
b- H-pylori
c- V-cholera
d- all of the above
318- TCBS is the selective media for isolation of:
a- H-pylori
b- V-cholera
c- E-coli
d- H influenza

319- gram negative bacilli strict aerobes grows on simple media producing a characteristic greenish pigment:
a- campylobacter
b- pseudomonas
c- pasterulla
d- bordetella

320- the bacteria which cause scarlet fever:
a- staphylococcus
b- streptococcus
c- salmonella
d- shigella

321- antistreptolysin O titer (ASO) is done for the diagnosis of:
a- group A streptococcus
b- group B streptococcus
c- staphylococcus aureus
d- staphylococcus albus

323- Loffler’s serum is used for isolation of:
a- anthrax
b- clostridium
c- diphtheria
d- T.B

324- gas gangrene is caused by:
a- clostridium tetani
b- clostridium botulinum
c- clostridium welchii
d- non of the above (( clostridium perfinges ))

325- Bacillary dysentery is caused by:
a- salmonella
b- shigella
c- cholera
d- all of the above

326- the cause of plague:
a- Y-enterocolitica
b- Y-pestis
c- Y pseudot****culsois
d- non of the above

327- treponema palladium is the cause of :
a- T.B
b- gonorrhea
c- syphilis

328- the venereal disease research laboratory test (VDRL) is done for diagnosis of:
a- T.B
b- gonorrhea
c- syphilis

329- Trachoma is caused by:
a- ***oplasma
b- chlamydiae
d- ***obacteria

391- M-t****culsis bacilli stain with :
a- gram stain
b- Zheil Nelson stain
c- Gimesa stain
d- all of the above

392- AIDS is transmitted through :
a- food
b- *****
c- semen
d- (b) & (c)

393- bacteria which cause syphilis:
a- Neisseria gonorrhea
b- Viencent angina
c- Treponema palladium
d- Yersinia pestis

394- to diagnose syphilis:
a- RPR
c- Wasserman
d- all of the above

395- streptococci secret:
a- streptolysin O
b- streptolysin S
c- streptokinase
d- all of the above

396- disease caused by streptococci:
a- scarlet fever
b- purperal sepsis
c- rheumatic fever
d- all of the above

397- staphylococci secrets:
a- coagulase enzyme
b- fibrinolysin
c- hyaluronidase
d- all of the above

398- gram positive bacilli:
a- Klebsilla
b- Salmonella
c- Proteus
d- C-diphtheria

399- meningeococcal meningitis is transmitted by :
a- food
b- droplet
c- touch
d- all of the above

400- dark field microscopy is used to diagnose :
a- T.B.
b- syphilis
c- gonorrhea

رد مع اقتباس
  #44 (permalink)  
قديم 02-06-2012, 02:21 AM
الصورة الرمزية مُجرد
عضو متواصل
تاريخ التسجيل: May 2012
المشاركات: 47
معدل تقييم المستوى: 26
مُجرد يستحق التميز

401- it cause food poisining with flacid paralysis:
a- clostridium tetani
b- clostridium welchii
c- clostridium botulinium
d- all of the above

402- the infective stage of plasmodium vivax :
b- sporozoites
c- schizont
d- trophozoite

403- Pirenella conica snail is the intermediate host of:
a- schistosoma haematobium
b- fasciola hiptica
c- heterphyes heterophyes
d- diphyllobothrium latum

404- Bulinus truncates snail is the intermediate host of :
a- fasciola hepatica
b- fasciola gigantica
c- schistosoma haematobium
d- schistosoma mansonii

405- to isolate meningiococci we have to culture the sample on:
a- Bordet Gengou
b- modified Thayer martin media
c- Lowenstein Jensen media
d- all of the above

406- to isolate fungi :
a- Brain-Heart infusion media
b- tissue culture
c- Lowenstein –Jensen media
d- chocolate agar

407- to isolate H- influenza:
a- ***** agar
b- chocolate agar
c- mac Conkey media
d- all of the above

408- the bacteria which cause pseudomembrainous conjunctivitis :
a- N.gonorrhea
b- C. diphtheria
c- staphylococcus
d- Chlamydia

409- the best sample to diagnose meningitis :
a- *****
b- sputum
c- CSF
d- urine

410- used to stain Chlamydia
a- gram stain
b- giemsa stain
c- wright stain
d- all of the above
411-……….. is used as transport medium for sample in which cholera is suspected
a- Cary-Blair media
b- Stuart media
c- Alkaline peptone water
d- glycerol

412- the color of XLD medium:
a- green
b- red
c- yellow
d- blue

413- CIN medium is used to isolate:
a- E.coli
b- Vibrio cholera
c- yersinia
d- salmonella

414- to make wet mount preparation:
a- 10 % KOH
b- 10 % Na OH
c- 10 % Na CO3
d- 10% Na Cl

415- we do wet mount preparation for vaginal smear To diagnose:
a- T.vaginalis
b- N.gonorrhea
c- streptococci
d- staphylococci

416- to isolate viruses:
a- Loeffler media
b- tissue culture
c- Bordet –Gengou media
d- Brain- Heart infusion

417- to diagnose whooping cough :
a- Bordet –Gengou media
b- Lowenstein –Jensen media
c- modified Thayer martin media
d- New York city agar

418- to diagnose systemic infection we do :
a- urine culture
b- CSF culture
c- ***** culture
d- sputum culture

419- we give no growth for ***** culture after:
a- 1 week
b- 8 weeks
c- 6 weeks
d- 3 weeks

420- to dissolve mucous in sputum sample :
a- 10% NaOH
b- 30 % NaOH
c- 10 % KOH
d- 10% NaCl

421- mutualism means:
a- one partener benefits , other unaffected
b- both partner benefit
c- one partner benefit , other damaged
d- living together

422- Commensalisms means:
a- living together
b- one partner benefit , other damaged
c- both partner benefit
d- one partner benefits , other unaffected

423- Balantidium coli moves by:
a- flagella
b- cilia
d- pseudopod
d- all of the above

424- Mouth inhabitant:
a- Trichomonas hominis
b- Trichomonas tenax
c- Trichomonas vaginalis
d- giardia lamblia

425- Transmitted by sexual intercourse:
a- toxoplasma
b- giardia lamblia
c- Trichomonas vaginalis
d- all of the above

465- citrate utilization test is done to assist identification of:
a- gram +ve bacteria
b- gram –ve bacteria
c- entrobacteria
d- enterococcus

466- the Kovac's reagent used in the following biochemical tests:
a- catalase
b- coagulase
c- indole
d- methyl red

467- positive results for H2S production appear as …. Colour:
a- black
c- yellow
c- red
d- green

468-………. Give positive coagulase test:
a- streptococci
b- staphylococcus aureus
c- staphylococcus saprophyticus
d- Escherichia coli

469- methyl red test is performed with:
a- Erlich reagent
b- Kovac's reagent
c- Voges proskaur
d- non of the above

470- ………… give positive result with urease test:
a- salmonella
b- shigella
c- Y. enterocolitica
d- all of the above

471-…………. test is used to differentiate between bacteroides & brucella:
a- indole
b- methyl red
c- H2S production
d- nitrate reduction

472- DNAase test is positive with:
a- streptococcus pneumonia
b- E.coli
c- staphylococcus aureus
d- staphylococcus epidermis

473- ………… solution used in the gram stain technique acts as a mordant:
a- crystal violet
b- safranine
c- iodine
d- alcohol

474- the counter stain in Ziehl- Neelson stain is :
a- malachite green
b- methylene blue
c- iodine
d- (a) & (b)

475- bile solubility test is positive with :
a- streptococcus viridans
b- streptococcus pneumonia
c- streptococcus agalectiae
d- streptococcus pyrogenes

476-litmus milk decolorization test assist the identification of :
a- entrobacteria
b- bacteroides
c- brucella
d- enterococci


330- ………….. are substance produced by specialized cells of the body and carried by ***** stream where it affect other specialized cells:
a- vitamins
b- enzymes
c- isoenzyme
d- hormones

331- …………… is a protein which catalyse one or more specific biochemical reaction and not consumed during the reaction:
a- enzymes
b- hormones
c- vitamins
d- proteins

332- ………… is required in the hepatic synthesis of prothrombin and the ***** clotting factors and it’s deficiency is observed in newborn infants:
a- vitamin E
b- vitamin A
c- vitamin K
d- vitamin D

333- there are enzymes that catalyze the same reaction but differ in there physical properties:
a- vitamins
b- adjuvents
c- isoenzyme
d- hormones

334- it’s functionis to maintain adequate serum level of calcium:
a- vitamin E
b- vitamin A
c- vitamin K
d- vitamin D

335-the inhibitor and substrate bind at different sites on the enzyme this type of inhibition is called:
a- competitive inhibition
b- non competitive inhibition
c- surface recognition
d- product concentration

336- ……….. found in cartilage consist of a core protein to which the linear carbohydrates chain are covalently attached:
a- glycoprotein
b- proteoglycan
c- link protein
d- hyaluronic acid

337- …………… is synthesized only by micro-organism , it’s not present in plants but present in liver , it’s deficiency leads to pernicious anemia:
a- vit C
b- vit B12
c-vit B1
d- vit B2

338- the brown color of the stool is due to the presence of:
a- urobilinogen
b- urobilin
c- porphyrin
d- bilirubin

339- the degradation of heme takes place in the …………. particularly in the liver and spleen
a- reticulocytes
b- erythrocytes
c- reticuloendothelial cells
d- non of the above

340- increased Hb destruction , the liver is unable to cup the greater load of pigment and bilirubin level well rises this is called :
a- hepatogenous jaundice
b- hemolytic jaundice
c- obstructive jaundice
d- non of the above

341- ………… plays a role in visual cycle it’s deficiency leads to night blindness, β-carotene is the major precursor of this vitamin in human:
a- vitamin E
b- vitamin A
c- vitamin K
d- vitamin D

342- a large percentage of the ……….. requirement in humans is supplied by intestinal bacteria:
a- biotin
b- niacin
c- folic acid
d- thiamin

343- ………….. are organic compounds required by the body in trace amount , can’t be synthesized by humans , but supplied by diet:
a- enzymes
b- vitamins
c- hormones
d- proteins

344- it facilitate the absorption of iron by reducing it to ferrus state in the stomach and it’s deficiency result in scurvy:
a- vit C
b- vit B
c- vit D
d- vit A

345- it’s function is to transport oxygen from the lung to the tissue:
a- haptoglobin
b- hemoglobin
c- bilirubin
d- myoglobin

346- ………….. act as an antioxidant and it’s deficiency cause liver degeneration:
a- vit E
b- vit A
c- vit K
d- vit D

347- it’s caused by liver parenchyma damage , the excretion of bile greatly decreased and the concentration of bilirubin in the ***** rise :
a- hemolytic jaundice
b- hepatogenous jaundice
c- obstructive jaundice
d- non of the above

348- ……… play an essential role in body metabolism , a deficiency or excess may lead to serious dearrangement of body **********
a- enzymes
b- hormones
c- vitamins
d- isoenzymes

349- …………. will interfere with the chemical determination of bilirubin , giving high variable results:
a- hemolysis
b- hemoglobin
c- vitamins
d- hormones

350- in hemolytic jaundice there will be increase ……………. in serum:
a- direct bilirubin
b- indirect bilirubin
c- total bilirubin
d- all of the above

351- the inhibitor binds reversibly to the same site on the enzyme that the substrate nor****y occupy , this type of inhibition is called :
a- competitive inhibition
b- non competitive inhibition
c- surface recognition
d- product concentration

352- regulation of ***** glucose level can be achieved by :
a- hormonal mechanism
b- hepatic and renal mechanism
c- (a) & (b)
d- non of the above

353- insulin is a hormone secretes by :
a- α cell of islet of langerhans in pancreas
b- β cell of islet of langerhans in pancreas
c- suprarenal cortex
d- non of the above

354- cholesterol is a component of all cell membrane and it’s the precursor of :
a- bile acid
b- steroid hormones
c- vit D
d- all of the above

355- anti diuretic hormone ( ADH) secretion is controlled by:
a- rennin angiotensin
b- plasma osmlality
c- (a) & (b)
d- non of the above

356- the electrophoresis is based on differential migration of :
a- charged particles
b- uncharged particles
c- molecular weight
d- (a) & (b)

357- acid base balance is regulated by :
a- oxygen concentration
b- hydrogen ion concentration
c- nitrogen ion concentration
d- (a) & (b)

358- it’s an increase in hydrogen ion concentration of the *****:
a- acidosis
b- alkalosis
c- acid base balance
d- (a) & (b)

359- over production of acid associated with :
a- diabetes mellitus
b- lactic acidosis
c- methanol poisoning
d- all of the above

360- serum bicarbonate is decreased in:
a- respiratory acidosis
b- metabolic acidosis
c- renal tubular acidosis
d- all of the above

361- chronic deficiency in dietry calcium can lead to :
a- anemia
b- bronchial asthma
c- osteoporosis
d- non of the above

362- ………… is due to decrease ***** CO2:
a- metabolic acidosis
b- respiratory acidosis
c- respiratory alkalosis
d- metabolic acidosis

363- …………. is the most important factor affecting body sodium content:
a- aldosteron secretion
b- antidiuretic hormone
c- testosterone
d- all of the above
364- haemosiderosis is :
a- increase iron store
b- decrease iron store
c- increase hemoglobin
d- decrease hemoglobin

365- if there’s a mixture of protein ( colloids) and salt
( crystalloid) they can be separated by :
a- precipitation
b- dialysis
c- chromatography
d- electrophoresis

366- the predominant cation in intracellular fluid is :
a- sodium
b- potassium
c- calcium
d- phosphorus

367- metabolic acidosis is due to :
a- failure to secret acid
b- bronchial asthma
c- loss of bicarbonate
d- (a) &(c)

368- high level of plasma ferritin may occur due to :
a- inflammatory condition
b- malignant disease
c- liver disease
d- all of the above

369- gonadal hormones estimation is important in :
a- detection of ovulation
b- assessment of amenorrhea
c- evaluation of delayed p****ty
d- all of the above

370- the secretion of gonadal hormone is controlled by :
a- LH
b- FSH
c- TSH
d- (a) & (b)
371- the intensity of the color is directly proportional to the ………. of the analyte in the solution:
a- dilution
b- contamination
c- concentration
d- observation

372- the ………… contain information of any health or safety rich associated with use or exposure to hazardous chemicals:

373- instraument used to measure color changes in the labs:
a- microscope
b- centrifuge
c- photometer
d- all of the above

374- the color coded signs used to identify flammable chemicals:
a- blue
b- yellow
c- white
d- red

375- quality assurance includes :
a- personal orientation
b- laboratory documentation
c- knowledge of laboratory istraumentation
d- all of the above

376- the laboratory procedure manual *******:
a- patient preparation
b- specimen collection & processing
c- specimen preservation , storage & transport
d- all of the above

377- the principal of reflectance photometer
a- measure the amount of light that pass through the solution
b- measure the amount of light that the solution absorbs
c- (a) & (b)
d- non of the above

378- the ***** cell counter ******* :
a- aperture impedence cell counter
b- Geiger counter
c- microscopes
d- all of the above

379- it is mession is to save lives , prevent injuries , and protect health of all ******* in the lab. :

380- ……………. requires 3 hours at 140 C ْ or 1 hour at 160 C ْ for complete sterilization
a- hot air oven
b- autoclave
c- filteration
d- all of the above

381- arterial ***** samples are essential to do :
a- CBC
b- urea
c-***** glucose
d- ***** gas analysis

382- vaccum tubes with green stopper contain:
b- sodium citrate
c- heparin
c- no anticoagulant

383- serum separator tube is all of the following except:
a- contain gel that separate serum from cells during centrifugation
b- contain clot activator to speed clot formation
c- has red & black mottled top stopper
d- used for coagulation tests

384- for phlepotomy we use all of the following except:
a- the hypodermic needle & syringe
b- the vaccum tube system
c- the monolet lancets
d- the winged infusion set

385- lab. equipment should be cleaned and disinfected with :
a- hypochlorite
b- formaldehyde
c- glutaraldehyde
d- (b) & (c)

386- any ***** split in the lab should be immediately swabbed with :
a- hypochlorite
b- alcohol
c- soap
d- water

387- CBC is performed using:
a- serum
b- well mixed EDTA whole *****
c- plasma
d- non of the above

388- which tube should be filled first in ***** collection:
a- tubes with anticoagulant
b- tube without anticoagulant
c- tubes for ***** culture
d- non of the above

389- the monojector is designed to be used with :
a- the monolet lancet
b- tenderlett
c- tenderfoot
d- non of the above

390- the site of choice for capillary puncture in newborns is :
a- the earlobe
b- middle finger
c- the big toe
d- the lateral medial planter heel surface


426- Intermediate host of Trypansom:
a- triatoma megista
b- sand fly
c- tse tse fly
d- anopheles

427- The cause of chaga's disease:
a- trypanosoma gambiense
b- trypansoma rhodesiense
c- trypansoma cruzi
d- leishmania braziliense

428- The cause of sleeping sickness:
a- trypanosoma gambiense
b- trypanosoma cruzi
c- trypanosoma rhodesiense
d- (a) & (c)

429- Cause Kala- azar:
a- leishmania tropica
b- leishmania braziliense
c- leishmania donovani
d- leishmania mexicana

430-cause oriental sore:
a- plasmodium ovale
b- leishmania tropica
c- leishmania donovani
d- trypanosoma rhodesiense

431- Its trophozite is shaped like a pear , has the 2 nuclei that resembles eyes and 4 pairs of flagella that look like hair:
a- Trichomonas vaginalis
b- entameoba histolytica
c- giardia lamblia
d- endolimax nana

432- Pear shaped trophozite with 4 anterior flagella and a 5th forming the outer edge of a short undulating membrane:
a- Trichomonas hominis
b- entameoba histolytica
c- entameoba coli
d- endolimax nana

433- sometimes it cause metastatic infection which involve liver, lung, brain or other viscera:
a- giardia lamblia
b- Trichomonas vaginalis
c- entameoba histolytica
d- balantidium coli

434- Intestinal ciliate:
a- entameoba histolytica
b- entameoba coli
c- giardia lamblia
d- balantidium coli

435- Asexual multiplication of plasmodium vivax takes place in:
a- anopheles
b- sand fly
c- human
c- tse tse fly

436- Plasmodium falciparam is transmitted by :
a- triatoma megista
b- tse tse fly
c- anopheles
d- sand fly

437- Moves by pseudopods:
a- giardia lamblia
b- balantidium coli
c- entameoba histolytica
d- Trichomonas vaginalis

438- it's one of the round worms:
a- schistosoma mansoni
b- schistosoma haematobium
c- ascaris lumbricoides
d- fasciola hepatica

439- it's one of the tape worms:
a- ascaris lumbricoides
b- ancylostoma duodenal
c- trichuris tricura
d- taenia saginata

440- barrel shapped egg, yellow brown in color with a colorless protruding mucoid plug in each end:
a- egg of ascaris lumbricoides
b- egg of ancylostoma duodenal
c- egg of trichuris tricura
d- egg of taenia saginata

441- large oval egg ,pale yellow brown in color has a characteristic side spine & contain a fully developed
miracidium , the worm is:
a- S.mansoni
b- S. hematobium
c- A. duodenal
d- T. solium

442- large oval egg , pale yellow brown in color has an indistinct operculum and contains unsegmented ovum:
a- S. hematobium
b- fasciola hepatica
c- heterophyes heterophyes
d- taenia solium

443- round egg , embryo is surrounded by a thick brown radially striated wall , hooklets are present in the embryo:
a- S. hematobium
b- fasciola hepatica
c- A. duodenal
d- T. solium

444-oval colorless egg,flattened on one side & contains a larvae:
a- hymenelopis diminuta
b- dipylidium caninum
c- entrobius vermicularis
d- taenia saginata

445- the cause of malignant malaria:
a- plasmodium vivax
b- plasmodium ovale
c- plasmodium malaria
d- plasmodium falciparum

446- infection occur when infective filariform larvae penetrate the skin:
a- ascaris lumbricoides
b- ancylostoma duodenal
c- fasciola hepatica
d- heterophyes heterophyes

447- ……..lives in the liver and bile ducts of sheep and cattle:
a- stronyloides stercoralis
b- schistosoma mansoni
c- fasciola hepatica
d- ancylostoma duodenal

448-segment found in stool which is white & opaque & measures 20 mm long by 6mm wide with uterus that has a central stem and more than 13 side branches on each side…the worm is :
a- fasciola hepatica
b- trichuris trichuris
c- heterophyes heterophyes
d- taenia saginata

449- infection is by eating raw or under ****ed fish:
a- fasciola hepatica
b- trichuris trichuris
c- heterophyes heterophyes
d- taenia solium

450- …… is transmitted by eating raw or under ****ed beef:
a- heterophyes heterophyes
b- taenia saginata
c- schistosoma mansoni
d- ancylostoma duodenal


451- urine output < 400 ml/24 hours is :
a- polyuria
b- anuria
c- oligouria
d- non of the above

452- precipitation of urates takes place in:
a- acidic urine
b- alkaline urine
c- neutral urine
d- all of the above

453- it's one of the causes of persistently acidic urine:
a- urinary tract infection
b- phenylketonurea
c- excessive bicarbonate ingestion
d- excessive ingestion of soda

454- common cause of proteinuria:
a- alcoholism
b- fasting > 18 hours
c- diabetes mellitus
d- Bence- Jones proteins

455- dipstick detect acetoacetic acid & acetone which react with:
a- peroxides
b- nitroprusside
c- diazo compounds
d- indoxyl esters

456- in dipstick bilirubin reacts with :
a- nitroprusside
b- peroxides
c- indoxyl esters
d- diazo compounds

457- among the common cause of hematouria:
a- urogenital carcinoma
b- diabetes mellitus
c- heavy exercise
d- metabolic disorder

458- large number of hyaline cast indicated:
a- acute pyelonephritis
b- proliferative glomerulonephritis
c- heart failure
d- all of the above

459- red cell casts indicates:
a- acute pyelonephritis
b- proliferative glomerulonephritis
c- heart failure
d- all of the above

460- crystals which look like envelope :
a- triple phosphate
b- cystine
c- uric acid
d- calcium oxalate

461- Biuret test is done to determine:
a- glucose b- pentose
c- protein d- galactose

462- the 1st tube of syn***al fluid is for:
a- hematology b- chemistry
c- microbiology d- microscopy

463- square plate like crystals with notched corners in syn***al fluid indicate:
a- uric acid b- calcium pyrophosphate
c- cholesterol d- monosodium urate

464- abnormal forms in semen should not exceed:
a- 10 % b- 5 %
c- 25 % d- 50 %


477-The process of getting things done through and with people operating in organized group toward a common goal is the
a- management
b- Organization
c- Planning
d- None of the above

478- Primary objectives in the planning are directed to
a- the laboratory as a whole
b- Increase the efficiency in the performance of the lab. test
c- Decrease the costs in the performance of the lab. test
d- All of the above

479- Forecasting needs for staff personnel means
a-Prediction in relation to the kind of technician and technologist who will be working in the lab.
b- Plan for the full utilization of efficient use of instrument
c- Plan for the full use of space in the lab.
d- None of the above

480-An organization
a- Is formed when 2 or more persons are brought together to achieve a common goal
b- Is closely related to planning
c- Involves structuring activities and functions within institutions to
achieve the goals and objects
d- all of the above

481- The real behavior and relationships of organization members usually differ from their planned behavior and relationships. It is
a- Formal organization
b- Informal organization
c- Space utilization
d- None of the above

482- The intra lab. System includes the following except
a- Calendar format
b- Histogram format
c- out of limits report sheet
d- Proficiency testing and computer program

483- The out of limits report form pr***des
a- Space for recording reagents changes
b- Control lot number changes
c- Serve as a general "dairy" of the test methodology
d- All of the above

484- Patient preparation, specimen collection and technical performance of lab. test are general categories of…………..
a- Planning
b- Utilization of space
c- Work flow
d- Quality control

485-floor book manual includes the following except
a- Test name
b- Sample fluid
c- Minimum volume
d- Proper procedures for collecting routine and special tests

486- Collection procedure manual involve
a- ***** collection from pediatric patients
b- Intensive care ***** collection
c- Isolation techniques for lab. Personnel
d- All of the above

487-On the container and \or lab requisition
a- Patient's full name should be put
b- Hospital number should be put
c- Date of collection should be put
d- All of the above

488 Accuracy referred to the following except
a- Correctness and exactness of the test
b- Closeness of the test to the true value
c- True value determined by com*****on to a standard
d- reproducibility

489- Regarding precision the following is true except
a- Reproducibility
b- Closeness of the test results to one another when using the same specimen
c- In the clinical lab it is expressed as (SD) and ***fficient of variation
d- The capability of the method to detect a s**** amount of substance with some assurance

490- Reliability is
a- The ability of a method to measure only that substance being tested
b- The ability of the test method to maintain its accuracy despite of
extraneous circumstances
c- The ability of the method to maintain accuracy, precision and ruggedness
d- None of the above

491- …………….. This symbol in the flow chart means
a- Beginning process
b- Decision
c- Manual operation
d- Decision mod

492- This symbol in the flow chart means ( )
a-Beginning process
b- Decision
c- Direction flow
d- Document

493- Work load on which personnel requirements are usually based is influenced by
a- changes in volume
b- Test mix
c- Patient population
d- All of the above

494- The physical features of the lab. one of the measures of
a- forecasting of personnel needs
b- Assessment of space utilization
c- Time management
d- None of the above

495- If P (E) is the probability of E we may express this definition as
a- P (E) = m\N
b- P (E) = N\m
c- P (E) = m X N
d- None of the above

496- When a test indicates a positive status when the true status is negative it is called
a- positive test
b- False positive test
c- Negative test
d- False negative test

497- The specificity of a test
a- The probability of a positive test results or (presence of the symptoms) given the presence of the disease
b- The probability of a negative test results or (absence of the symptoms) given the absence of the disease
c- a and b
d-None of the above

498- The largest collection of entities for which we have an interest at a particular time is called
a- Population
b- Sample
c- Data
d-All of the above

499- A sample is
a- A part of a population
b- The whole population
c- Endless population
d- None of the above

500- If we have 100 students and they are ranked by age beginning with the 4th student, every tenth student is chosen (the student no. 4 then 14 and 24 and so on) this type of sample is called
a- Systemically selected sample
b- A stratified selected sample
c- Simple random sample
d- Cluster selected sample

501-A point estimate is
a- A single numerical value used to estimate the corresponding population *********
b- Tow numerical values defining a range of values ******* the ********* being estimated
c- a and b
d- None of the above

502-A statistical inference is
a- A procedure by which we ***** a conclusion about population based on the information obtained from the sample drawn from it
b- The cause behind estimation in the health science fields
c- Calculated data from the data of the sample that are approximation of the corresponding *********
d- None of the above

503- Estimator is
a- the rule that tells us how to compute the single value which is called estimate
b- Two numerical values defining the range of values
c- a, b
d- None of the above

504 The table which shows the way in which values of the variables are distributed among the specified class interval is called
a- Relative frequency
b- Ordered array
c- Frequency table
c- None of the above

505- The following are the ages of 5 patients seen in the emergency room in certain day 35, 30, 55, 40, 25 years the mean of their ages is
a- 37 years
b- 30 years
c- 39 years
d- 40 years

506- A mathematical tool designed to facilitate complex clinical decision in which many variables must be considered spontaneously is called
a- Reference value
b- Decision analysis
c- Quality assurance
d- None of the above
رد مع اقتباس
  #45 (permalink)  
قديم 02-06-2012, 02:23 AM
الصورة الرمزية مُجرد
عضو متواصل
تاريخ التسجيل: May 2012
المشاركات: 47
معدل تقييم المستوى: 26
مُجرد يستحق التميز

الحالمة ركزي عليها مهمه ودايما مكرره الأسئلة ذي
لأن معظمها أساسيات

والسؤال الي يصعب عليكم بلغوني
وتصبحون على خير

رد مع اقتباس
  #46 (permalink)  
قديم 02-06-2012, 07:27 AM
عضو جديد
تاريخ التسجيل: May 2012
المشاركات: 30
معدل تقييم المستوى: 26
ايادالفهد يستحق التميز

الله يوفقنا وياكم
ادعولنا ربنا يوفقنا
بوظيفه اداريه بالهيئه الملكيه

هذه اسئلة لطب طوارئ للهيئه الملكيه
نزلت في احدى المنتديات وفعلت عضويتي
عشان انزلها لكم ........الله يوفقكم

Choose the better of the best answ
1 – The first priority er : of the EMT on the emergency scene is to
a- manage a hostile crowd .
b- secure the patient .
c- ensure personal safety .
d- pr***de a situation update to dispatch .

2 – An EMT is operating as a designated agent of the
a- EMT – Inter mediate
b- medical director .
c- ER nurse
d- shift commander

3 – The …………………. Is legally responsible for the clinical and patient – care aspects of an EMS system .
a- paramedic
b- Advance EMT
c- shift commander
d- medical director .

4 – The first concern of an EMT always must be …………… safety .
a- patient
b- vehicle
c- bystander
d- personal

5 – A policy set by an EMS Medical Director that allows EMTs to administer glucose to patients in ……………….certain circumstances without speaking to the physician is an example of a(n) .
a- direct order
b- standing order
c- on line order
d- QI order
6 – An order from an EMS system 's on –duty physician given by radio or phone is an example of
a- off line medical control
b- designated direction
c- on line medical control
d- standing order

7 – The level of EMS that involves medical training for those who are usually first on the scene of an emergency is
a- Emergency Medical Responder
b- Advance EMT
c- EMT
d- paramedic

8 – The goal of CISD is to
a- assign blame for the incident .
b- assist patients their recovery
c- assist emergency care ******* in dealing with stress .
d- allocate funds for ambulance services .

9 – Gloves , masks , and gowns are examples of
a- turnout gear .
b- optional field equipment.
c- personal protective equipment.
d- " red bag " gear
10 – If a patient is suspected of having t****culosis , an EMT should wear ………… respirator.
a- PPD
d- BSI

11 – Lifestyle changes that can help an EMT deal with stress ******* all of the following except .
a- cut down on sugar , fat , and caffeine
b- avoid exercise in your daily routine
c- avoid self medication .
d – keep balance in your life

12 – Which of the following materials is not recommended foe gloves to be used when there is the potential for contact with ***** and other body fluids ?
a- latex
b- cotton
c- vinyl
d – synthetics

13 – The process by which an objected is subject to a chemical or physical substance that kills all microorganisms on the surface is
a- sterilization
b- disinfection
c- OR cleaning
d – scouring

14 – A situation that would usually call for the use of a gown as protection would be one involving a
a- drug –overdose patient
b – suspected TB patient
c- childbirth
d- patient with a fractural leg .

15 – Minors who are married of a certain age and who are legally able to give consent for medical care are known as
a- emancipated .
b- released
c- practiced
d- responsible
16 – The functions of the body are called its
a- physiology
b- pathology
c- kinesiology
d- microbiology

17 – The structure of the body is referred to as its
a- analogy
b- kinesiology
c- anatomy
d- pathology

18 – The normal anatomical position is best described as a person
a- standing , facing forward , palms forward .
b- lying on his back, palms facing down .
c- standing , facing sideways , palms facing things .
d- lying on his stomach , palms up .

19 – An imaginary line down the center of the body that passes between the eyes and extends down through the navel is the
a- plane
b- midline
c- outline
d- quadrant

20 – The term that refers to a position closer to midline is
a- medial
b- posterior
c- lateral
d- anterior

21 – An opposite of anterior
a- posterior
b- exterior
c- superior
d- proximal

22 – The scapula and acromion are parts of the
a- pelvis
b- ankle
c- shoulder
d- wrist

23 – Inferiorly , the knee connects with the
a- radius and fibula
b- tibia and fibiula
c- femur and tibia
d- ulna vad tibia

24 – the structure that carries air downward from the larynx to the lungs is the
a- bronchus
b- epiglottis
c- pharynx
d- trachea

25 – The chamber that pumps oxygen-rich ***** out of the heart for distribution to the rest of the body is the
a- right atrium
b- left atrium
c- right ventricle
d- left ventricle

26 – The major artery leading from the heart is the
a- aorta
b- carotid
c- pulmonary
d- femoral

27 – The pulse that is located in the foot is the
a- carotid
b- brachial
c- femoral
d- dorsalis pedis

28 – the ***** vessels where gases , nutrients , and waste products are exchanged between the body's cells and the *****stream are the
a- arteries
b- capillaries
c- venules
d- arterioles

29 – The elements of the ***** that are part of the body's immune system and help to defend against infection are
a- plasma
b- WBCs
c- RBCs
d- platelets

30 – The pressure created in the arteries when ***** is forced out of the heart is referred to as
a- radial
b – femoral
c- systolic
d- diastolic

31 – The adequate supply of and nutrients to the organs and tissues of the body , with the removal of waste products, is called
a- automaticity
b- perfusion
c- conduction
d- autonomicity

32 – The central nervous system is made up of the brain and the
a- sensory nerves
b- motor nerves
c- spinal cord
d- endocrines

33 – The skin layer rich with ***** vessels, nerves , and specialized structures such as sweat glands and sebaceous glands is the
a- epidermis
b- subcutaneous layer
c- dermis .
d- arrector pili

34 – The endocrine system products chemicals called
a- hormones
b- dioxins
c- carotenes
d- biles

35 – Body functions such as digestion , heart rate , and the activities of involuntary muscles are controlled by the …………..nervous system .
a- central
b- autonomic
c- peripheral
d- automatic

36 – which of the following is not a vital sign ?
a- pulse
b- respiration
c- mental status
d- ***** pressure

37 – An EMT's first set of patient measurements is called the …………….vital signs .
b- palpated
c- baseline
d- preliminary

38 – The term used to describe a weak, rapid pulse is
a- mottled
b- thread y
c- reedy
d- bounding

39 – In cases of shock or early stages of ***** loss , an EMT would expect the pulse to be
a- rapid , regular , and pull
b- slow
c- rapid , regular , and thread y
d- absent
40 – The first pulse taken by an EMT on patients 1 year and older is the ………pulse .
a- carotid
b- femoral
c- radial
d- dorsalis pedis

41 – A heart rat greater than 100 beats per minute in an adult patient is called
a- tachycardia
b- pulse pressure
c- bradycardia
d- rapid pulse point

42 – The act of breathing out is called
a- inhalation
b- respiration
c- exhalation
d- inspiration

43 – All of the following are signs of labored breathing except
a- nasal flaring
b- grunting
c- retractions
d- jaundiced

44 – The skin color that indicates inadequate anemia or emotional distress is
a- pale
b- flushed
c- blue-gray
d- jaundiced

45 - The skin color that indicates inadequate breathing or heart attack is
a- flushed
b- jaundiced
c- blue-gray
d- yellow

46 – The skin condition that may indicate a spinal injury is
a- hot
b- damp
c- cool and dry
d- abnor****y dry

47 – When checking pupils , an EMT should look for all of the following except
a- size
b- reactivity
c- equality
d- color

48 – In case of stroke or head injury , the pupils are likely to be
a- dilated
b- unequal
c- constricted
d- equal

49 - A normal systolic ***** pressure for a 40-year old female would be
a- 90
b- 130
c- 100

50 – When deflating the cuff of a sphygmomanometer, the systolic pressure is the
a- first beats
b- dullest sound
c- last sound
d- loudest beats

51 – What is the difference between the systolic and diastolic ***** pressure readings called ?
a- tachycardia
b- pressure point
c- bradycardia
d- pulse pressure

52 – for unstable patients, an EMT should take viral signs every …………… minutes .
a- 20
b- 10
c- 15
d- 5

53 – In distinguishing signs from symptoms , an example of a symptom would be
a- chest pain
b- retractions
c- slow pulse
d- cyanosis

54 – The " L" in SAMPLE stands for
a- length of illness
b- length of chief complaint
c- last doctor visit
d- last oral intake
55 – When you are lifting a heavy object , avoid using the muscles of your
a- back
b- shoulders
c- arms
d- legs

56 – One technique that can greatly reduce risk of back injuries when lifting and m***ng patients is
a- not allowing the weight to get close to your body
b- keeping the lifted weight in close to your body
c- keeping your feet together
d- looking out your knees

57 – When your assessment of a patient trapped in wreckage reveals that the patient is suffering from an immediate threat to life, you would order a(n) ………… move .
a- emergency
b- immediate
c- urgent
d- rapid

58 – Inadequate breathing or Inadequate ***** circulation can cause
a- kyphosis
b- lordosis
c- hyperglycemia
d- hypoxia
59 – Signs of inadequate breathing ******* all of the following except
a- retraction above the clavicles , between ribs , and below rib cage
b- cyanosis of the lips , ear lobes, or nail beds
c- bradypnea
d- pink skin and respiratory rate between 10 and 24 per minute

60 – A 24 year old female patient has fallen from the roof of her house and is unconscious .The best method of opening her airway is the ………..maneuver .
a- heat-tilt, chin –left
b- head-tilt, neck-left
c- jaw-thrust
d- tongue-jaw lift

61 – An insufficiency in the supply of oxygen to the body's tissues is called
a- hypoxia
b- respiratory compromise
c- hyperventilation
d- bronchoconstriction

62 – Body substance isolation (BSI )precautions may *******
a- gloves, eyewear, and mask
b- a PDF
c- turnout gear
d- a rescue helmet
63 – When two or more adjacent ribs are fractured in two or more places , the condition is termed
a-seesaw movement
b- decorticate motion
c- Battle's sign
d- flail segment

64 – The first element of the focused history and physical exam for a responsive medical patient is
a- taking baseline
b- performing a focused medical assessment
c- performing a rapid medical assessment
d- obtaining a SAMPLE history

65 – The exam that is based on the responsive patient's chief complaint and symptoms is the
a- revised medical exam
b- Glasgow ******
c- focused medical assessment
d- rapid medical assessment

66 – An assessment finding of jugular vein distention may indicate
a- hypotension
b- heart failure
c- hypoglycemia
d- ****** failure

67 – The initial communication with EMTs about an emergency call is the
a-hospital radio report
b- dispatch report
c- verbal report
d- consult with medical direction .
68 – All the following patient data should be included in a radio medical report except
a- name and address
b- mental status
c- age and sex
d- chief complaint

69 – To help calm a patient , an EMT should
a- speak in medical terms
b- use a patient's first name
c- explain all procedures
d- downplay expected pain

70 – An EMT is permitted , with medical direction , to administer , or assist the patient in administering , all of the following medication except
a- nitroglycerin
b- penicillin
c- oxygen
d- oral glucose

71 – A drug or other substance that is used as a remedy for illness is called a(n)
a- elixir
b- medication
c- treatment
d- prescription

72 – A chemical substance that used to treat or prevent a disease or condition is called
a- treatment
b- drug
c- prescription
d- preparation
73 – The study of ***** is referred to as
a- pharmacology
b- pharmacodynamics
c- pharmacokinetics
d- pharmacytology

74 – Epinephrine is an example of a drug's ………..name
c- trade

75 – The most common uses of a drug in treating a specific condition are known as
a- indications
b- protocols
c- side effects
d- contraindications

77 – A thick slurry of activated charcoal is an example of a
a- gel
b- compressed powder
c – suspension
d- sublingual spray

78 – ***** meeting the requirements of the U.S. Pharmacopoeia or National Formulary are given a(n) …………… name .
a- generic
b- official
c – trade
d- chemical
79 – Medications administered sublingually are
a- swallowed
b- dissolved under the tongue
c- inhaled
d- injected under the skin

80 – Drug actions that are not desired and that occur in addition to the desired therapeutic effects are referred to as
a- reactions
b- indications
c- contraindications .
d- side effects

81 – The condition causing breathing difficulty in which the bronchioles of the lower airway are significantly narrowed from constriction of the muscle layer is known as
a- hypoxia
b- bronchoconstriction
c- apnea
d- bronchodilation

82 – The normal range of breaths per minute for most adults is
a- 25-50
b- 15-30

83 – All of the following are signs of inadequate breathing except
a- present and equal breath sounds
b- cyanotic skin color
c- restlessness
d- retractions
84 – A condition in which the cells in the body are not getting an adequate supply of oxygen is known as
a- hypoxia
b- hypervolemia
c- hypovolemia
d- hypoergia

85 – A musical whistling sound that is heard in all lung fields upon auscultation of the chest is
a- rales
b- wheezing
d- rhonchi

86 – A medication commonly prescribed for the patient with a history of breathing problems is a(n)
a- beta blocker
b- bronchodilator
c- antiarrhythmic
d- antihistamine

87 – A condition indicating extreme inspiratory effort in infants and s**** children in which the chest is drawn inward while the abdomen moves outward is called
a- nasal flaring
b- retractions
c- see saw breathing
d- grunting

88 – All of the following are early signs of breathing difficulty in infants and children except
a- retractions
c- nasal flaring
89 – The valve located between the right atrium and the right ventricle that prevents ***** from returning to the right atrium is the ……………valve .
a- mitral
b- tricuspid
c- aortic
90 – The right atrium receives deoxygenated ***** from the inferior and the superior……….., the largest veins in the body .
a- aorta
b-pulmonary arteries
c- vena cava
d- pulmonary veins

91 – The electrical impulse that causes the heart to contract is generated in the right atrium at the
a- bundle of his .
b-sinoatrial node
c- purkinje fibers
d- atrioventricular node

92 – The arteries that branch off the base of the aorta and supply the heart with oxygen rich ***** are called ……………. arteries .
a- pulmonary
b- carotid
c- posterior tibial
d- coronary

93 – ***** comp0nents respond to injury by forming a clot, or ………………., in order to stop bleeding .
a- plasma
b- platelet
c- thrombus
d- plaque

94 – The delivery of oxygen and nutrients from the ***** , through the thin capillary walls into the cells, and the removal of carbon dioxide and other waste products , in known as
a- hypoperfusion
b- metabolism
c- shock
d- perfusion

95 – In case involving a patient complaining of chest pain and /or difficulty breathing, the EMT should suspect
a- cardiac problems
b- tracheal deviation
c- trauma
d- hypovolemia

96 – While patients with known cardiac problems may take a variety of medication , the most commonly prescribed medication is
a- nitroglycerin
b- epinephrine
c- lasix
d- digoxin

97 – Because nitroglycerin lowers ***** pressure, it must not be given to a patient whose systolic ***** pressure is lower than ………….mmHg
d- 90

98 – The condition known as ……………. Occurs when a portion of the heart muscle dies because of the lack of an adequate supply of oxygenated ***** .
a- angina pectoris
b- acute myocardial infarction
c- hypertension
d- pulmonary

99 – The tiny ***** vessels that connect arterioles to venules are
a- valves
b- capillaries
c- arteries
d- veins

100 – The measured force exerted during the contraction of the heart is the ………….. ***** pressure .
c- systemic
d- myocardial

رد مع اقتباس
  #47 (permalink)  
قديم 02-06-2012, 07:38 AM
عضو جديد
تاريخ التسجيل: May 2012
المشاركات: 30
معدل تقييم المستوى: 26
ايادالفهد يستحق التميز

101 – A common side effect of the administration of nitroglycerin is
a- headache
b- altered mental status
c- hypovolemia
d- diaphoreses

102 – EMTs may use AEDs under the authority of the
a- medical director's license
b- red cross
c- American heart Association
d- Paramedic supervisor
103 - The second wave from of the ECG that represents the contraction of the ventricles and the main contraction of the heart is called the
a- QRS complex
b- T wave
c- P wave
d- PR interval

104 – Insulin can best be described as a(n)
a- amino acid
b- ***** sugar
c- hormone
d- platelet

105 – The organ(s) responsible for the production of insulin is (are) the
a- liver
b- pancreas
c- ******s
d- spleen

106 - The simple form of sugar that is the body's main source of energy is
a- insulin
c- glucose
d- diabanese

107 - glucose is administrated in the form of a
a- tablet
b- suspension
c- liquid for injection
d- gel
108 – Use the following memory aid to gather a history from a patient with an altered mental status

109 - The type of diabetes that require a patient to inject insulin daily is
a- type 1
b- maturity –onset diabetes
c- type II
d- diabetic ketoacidosis

110 – If a patient hse excessive thirst , breath with a ****** odor , and warm ,dry skin, you would suspect .
b- hyperglycemia
c- epilepsy
d- cerebal edema

111 – All of the following are medications often taken by diabetics except
a- glynase
b- nitroglycerin
c- humalog
d- Orinase

112 – Proper administration of oral glucose usually products
b- diaphoresis
c- bradycardia
d- no side effects
113 – What action does oral glucose usually produces
a- decreases ***** sugar
b-decreases insulin level
c- increase ***** sugar
d- increase insulin level

114 – Which of the following is a contraindication to the administration of oral glucose ?
a- history of diabetes
b- trauma
c- altered mental status
d- unresponsiveness

115 – Paralysis that affects both lower extremities is called
a- paraplegia
b- monoplegia
c- quadriplegia
d- hemiplegia

116 – The process of clot formation is referred to as
a- lordosis
b- embolism
c- thrombosis
d- hemorrhagia

117 - The medical term for loss of speech is
a- aphasia
b- plegia
c- anesthesia
d- paralysis

118 - Because of its similarity to a heart attack , a stroke is also referred to as a
a- brain attack
b- brain arrhythmia
c- heart stroke
d- brain infraction

119 - If the possible stroke emergency patient is unable to protect her own airway because of a reduction in her mental status , she should be placed in what position ?
a- shock
b- prone
c- left lateral recumbent
d- trendelenberg
120 – A sudden and temporary alteration in brain function caused by massive electrical discharge in a group of nerve cells in the brain is called
a- a convulsion
b- postictal activity
c- a seizure
d- dysrhythmais

121 – The chronic brain disorder that is characterized by recurrent seizures is called
a- the aura
b- epilepsy
c- CVA
d- postictal activity .

122 – The period following a seizure in which the patient may be unresponsive , extremely, sleepy, weak, and disoriented is called the
a- grand mal state
b- tonic phase
c- postical state
d- clonic phase
123 – Many patients will tell the EMT that they knew they were going to seize because of the
a- tonic phase
b- clonic phase
c- postical state
d- aura

124 - The period following a seizure when the patient's muscles become contracted and tense with arching of the back is called the
a- tonic phase
b- clonic phase
c- postical state
d- aura

125 - The period following a seizure when muscles spam and then relax, producing violent and jerky activity , is called the
a- clonic phase
b- aura
c- tonic phase
d- postical state

126 – The type of seizure most common in children between 6 months and 6 years old that is caused by high fever is called a(n)……………. seizure
a- absence (petit mal)
b- grand mal
c- febrile
d- complex partial

127 – All of the following are common medications used in the treatment of epilepsy except
a- dilantin
b- insulin
c- mysoline
d- Phenobarbital

128 – The term for weakness on one side of the body is
a- aphasia
b- hemiparalysis
c- dysphasia
d- hemiparesis

129 – A severe form of allergic reaction is called
a- an allergen
b- epinephrine
c- anaphylaxis
d- an immune reaction

130 – An EMT who notices that his hands are red and itchy after a call may be experiencing an allergic reaction to
a- latex gloves
b- exercise
c – talcum powder
d- heat exposure

131 - Signs and symptoms of an allergic reaction ******* all of the following except
a- itching
b-decrease ***** pressure
c- increase appetite
d- watery eyes
132 - A sign of a severe allergic reaction is
a- runny nose
b- mild edema
c- cyanosis
d- malaise

133 – Epinephrine is most commonly administered as a(n)
a- tablet
b- prescribed inhaler
c- gel
d- auto-injector

134 – Any substance liquid, solid, or gas that impairs health or causes death by its chemical action when it enters the body or comes into contact with the skin is called a(n)
a- allergen
b- antigen
c- poison
d- caustic

135 – Carbon monoxide is an example of an …………….poison
a- ingested
b- absorbed
c- inhaled
d- injected

136 – Use of activated charcoal is indicated in some cases of …………poisoning
a- injected
b- absorbed
c- inhaled
d- ingested
137 – Activated charcoal is administered in the form of a(n)
a- tablet
b- gel
c- suspension
d- inhaler

138 – All of the following are trade names for activated charcoal except
a- super-Char
b- liquid-Char
c-Char- Coal
d- Actidose

139 – In treating cases of inhaled poisons, the drug of first choice is
a- activated charcoal
b- glucose
c- syrup of ipecac
d- oxygen

140 – The most common source of injected poisons are
a- *****
b- plants
c- ****s and stings
d- over the counter medication

141 – The self-administration of ***** (or of a single dose ) in a manner that is not in accord with approved medical or social patterns is called
a- an overdose
b- withdrawal
c- drug abuse
d- dependence
142 – Alcohol withdrawal syndrome is characterized by all of the following signs and symptoms except
a- insomnia
b- hypoxia
c- seizures
d- anorexia

143 – All of the following vital organs are located in the abdominal cavity except the
a- stomach
b- lungs
c- gallbladder
d-abdominal aorta
144 – In the abdominal cavity there is a pear shaped sac that holds bile, which aids in the digestion of fats . it is called the
a- duodenum
b- Pancreases
c- spleen
d- gallbladder

145 - Pain that is felt in a body part removed from its point of origin is called……….pain
a- referred
b- radiating
c- ghosted
d- provoked

146 – An abdominal wall muscle contraction that the patient cannot control, resulting from inflammation of the peritoneum , is called involuntary
a- rigidity
b- protecting
c- guarding
d- posturing
147 – A protrusion or thrusting forward of a portion of the intestine through on opening or weakness in the abdominal wall is called
a- appendicitis
b- cholecystitis
c- ulceration
d- hernia

148 – Sudden onset of severe ,constant abdominal pain that may radiateto lower back ,flank, pelvis, and is usually described as a "tearing " pain is a common symptom of a(n)
a- abdominal aortic aneurysm
b- ulcer
c- appendicitis
d- hernia

149 – The sac like structure that acts as a reservoir for the urine received from the ******s is the
a- spleen
b- liver
c- bladder
d- pancreas

150 – One of the basic steps in emergency care of acute abdominal pain is
a- given the patient water
b- administration of oxygen
c- administering activated charcoal
d- keeping the patient standing

151 – Inflammation of the gallbladder is commonly associated with the presence of
a- ulcers
b- a hernia
c- pancreatitis
d- gallstones
152 – Ingest ion of alcohol or large amount of food is a common trigger for
a- hernias
b- pancreatitis
c- ulcers
d- esophageal varices

153 – Water chill, which occurs when clothing or the body gets wet , is an example of
a- conduction
b- radiation
c- convection
d- evaporation

154 – All of the following are signs and symptoms of hypothermia except
a- agitation and hyperactivity
b- shivering in early stages
c- loss of motor coordination
d- cool abdominal skin temperature

155 – In pr***ding emergency care steps for the hypothermic patient who is ***** and responsive, an EMT should
a- passively rewarm the extremities
b- pr***de the patient with stimulants
c- get the patient to walk around
d- actively rewarm the patient

156 – Rough handling of a patient with hypothermia may result in
b- ***** clots
c- ventricular fibrillation
d- seizures
157 - Superficial local cold injuries are sometimes referred to as
a- white nose
b- hyperthermia
c- frost touch
d- frost****

158 – A condition in which the stomach fills with water , enlarging the abdomen to the point that in interferes with the ability to inflate the lungs, is called
a- hydrothorax
b- distended pleura
c- water in the lungs
d- gastric distention

159 – The medical condition most likely to cause restlessness and confusion ,cyanosis, and altered mental status is
a- excessive heat
b- excessive cold
c- inadequate ***** to the brain
d- lack of oxygen

160 – In most localities, an EMT cannot legally restrain a patient without orders from
a- dispatch
b- the police
c- the patient's physician
d- the patient's family

161 – The organ that contains the developing fetus is called the
b- uterus
c- vagina
d- placenta
162 – The fetus floats in a bag of waters containing ………….. fluid .
a- placenta
b- umbilical
c- amniotic
d- CSF

163 – The 9 month period of pregnancy is divided to
a- quarters
b- trimesters
c- months
d- halves

164 – A delivery in which the baby's buttocks present first at the vaginal opening is called a ……………. Presentation .
a- breech
b- normal
c- cephalic
d- prolapsed

165 – All of the following are examples of abnormal deliveries except
a- breech presentation
b- prolapsed presentation
c – cephalic presentation
d- abruptio placenta
166 – The term used to describe the point at which the presentation part of the baby first bulges from the vaginal opening is
a- staining
b- placenta preview
c- a *****y show
d- crowing

167 – The third stage of labor ends with the
a- birth of the baby
b- full dilation
c- expulsion of the placenta
d- entry of the baby into the birth canal

168 - The second stage of labor begins when
a- regular contractions start
b- birth of the baby is complete
c- dilation of the cervix occurs
d- the baby enters the birth canal

169 – The placenta is usually delivered after the baby and is called the
a- after birth
b- *****y show
c- womb
d- postpartum

170 – The EMT should clamp, tie, and cut the umbilical cord after
a- it appears
b- the placenta is delivered
c- the baby is delivered
d- its pulsations have ceased
171 – If the pregnant mother gets dizzy and has a drop in ***** pressure when she is in a supine position , the condition is called
a- supine hypotensive syndrome
b- eclampsia
c- supine hypertensive crisis
d- abruptio placenta

172 – The Apgar score of a newborn who can be expected to need only routine care would be
a- -3 to 0
b- 4 to 6
c- 0 to 3
d- 7 to 10

173 – To control vaginal bleeding after birth
a- massage the uterus
b- have the mother squeeze her legs together
c- pack the vagina with gauze dressings
d- don't allow the mother to nurse the baby

174 – If the umbilical cord presents first during delivery
a- pr***de mother with oxygen and transport immediately because the proplem can be handled only at the hospital
b- keep pressure off the cord by placing your gloved hand in the vagina and transport immediately
c- immediately clamp and cut the cord
d- place a mask with high concentration oxygen at the vaginal opening

175 – The term for the energy that is contained in a m***ng body is
a- kinetic
b- potential
c- thermal
d- chemical

176 – An increase in which one of the following causes the greatest increase in kinetic energy ?
a- mass
b- size
c- velocity
d- width
177 – A bullet traveling through a baby part produce a temporary indentation around the bullet's actual path . thus prosis is known as
a- penetration
b- cavitation
c- compression
d- levitation

178 – A ***** vessel that carries oxygen depleted ***** back to the heart is called a (n)
a- capillary
b- vein
c- aorta
d- artery

179 – The Insufficient supply of oxygen and other nutrients to the body 's cell is known as
a- perfusion
b- hypoperfusion
c- avulsion
d- apnea

180 – The first step that an EMT should take when encountering a patient with sever bleeding is to
a- apply pressure to the wound
b- utilize appropriate BSI precautions
c- check the patient 's ***** pressure
d- apply a tourniquet

181 – The type of bleeding that is often the most difficult to control is ………..bleeding
a- arterial
b- capillary
c- venous
d- " oozing "
182 – All of the following are signs of shock expect
a- altered mental status
b- warm, dry skin
c- nausea and vomiting
d- vital sign change

183 – after taking BSI precautions, the next step an EMT should take in treating cases of profuse bleeding is to
a- elevated the extremity
b- apply bandaging
c- apply a dressing
d- apply direct pressure

184 – The last resort in controlling external bleeding is
a- direct pressure
b- cold application
c- use of pressure points
d- use of a tourniquet

185 – Vomiting of ***** the color of dark coffee grounds is a sign of
a- external bleeding
b- internal bleeding
c- epistaxis
d- cardiogenic shock

186 – The type of shock most commonly caused bu profound ***** or fluid loss is……… shock.
a- hypovolemic
b- vasogenic
c- cardiogenic
d- irreversible
187 – signs of arterial bleeding ******* ………..*****
a- oozing dark
b- spurting dark
c- oozing bright red
d- spurting bright red

188 – Bleeding from the nose, which can result from injury, disease, or environmental causes is called
a- hypovolemia
b- anaphylaxis
c- epistaxis
d- hematoma

189 – The stage of shock in which the body is able to maintain perfusion and function is called
a- uncompensated
b- irreversible
c- hypovolemia
d- compensatory

190 – The injury that is similar to a contusion except that it usually involves damage to a larger ***** vessels and a larger amount of tissue is a(n)
a- abrasion
b- wound
c- evisceration
d- hematoma

191 – The outer layer of the skin is called the
a- subcutaneous layer
b- dermis
c- cutaneous layer
d- epidermis
192 – All of the following are examples of closed wounds except a(n)
a- contusion
b- crush injury
d- abrasion

193 – Open wounds in which flaps of skin and tissue are torn loose or pulled off completely are called
a- avulsions
b- amputations
c- lacerations
d- punctures

194 – Care for an abrasion is important because of the
a- amount of ***** and fluid lost
b- emotional trauma of the patient
c- underlying soft tissue damage
d- risk of contamination and infection

195 – Open wounds of the abdomen that are so large that organs protrude from them are known as
a- avulsions
b- eviscerations
c- sucking abdominal wounds
d- hematoma

196 – The largest organ of the body is the
a- heart
b- liver
c- skin
d- ******
197 - the major layers of the skin are
a- mid-dermis, dermis, and muscular tissue
b- subcutaneous tissue, mid-dermis, and dermis
c- epidermis, dermis, and subcutaneous layer
d-inter dermis, dermis, and subcutaneous layer

198 – when a part of the body is caught between two compressing surface, a ……………injury results .
a- shear
b- penetrating
c- crush
d- stretching

199 – When attempting to control bleeding from an open wound, the first method to attempt is
a- elevation
b- use of pressure points
c- direct pressure
d- a tourniquet

200 – Bleeding control and prevention of a(n) ………..are the major goals of emergency medical care of a large, open neck injury
a- air clot
b- air embolism
c- thrombus
d- ***** clot
رد مع اقتباس
  #48 (permalink)  
قديم 02-06-2012, 07:43 AM
عضو جديد
تاريخ التسجيل: May 2012
المشاركات: 30
معدل تقييم المستوى: 26
ايادالفهد يستحق التميز

201 – Which one of the following is not a closed soft tissue injury ?
b- hematoma
c- crush injury
d- avulsion
202 – In estimating BSA of aburn, each upper extremity in an adult represent what percentage of the total body area ?
a- 7%
b- 18%
c- 27%
d- 9%

203 – The three layers of the skin ******* the
a- outer dermis, dermis, and subcutaneous tissue .
b- endodermis, dermis, and muscle tissue
c- midterms, dermis, and subcutaneous tissue
d- epidermis, dermis, and subcutaneous tissue

204 – The innermost layer of the skin is the
a- endodermis
b- epidermis
c- subcutaneous layer
d- dermis

205 – An example of a superficial burn would be a(n)
a-serve scalding
b- thermal flame burn
c- eschar
d- sunburn

206 – A burn that encircles a body area such as the chest, an arm, or a leg is called
a- full thickness
b- immersional
c- circumferential
d- severe

207 – Burns are classified according to
a- ******** of the injury
b- type of heat involved
c- depth of the injury
d- amount of heat involved

208 – Absence of pain in a patient with a severe burn is most commonly associated with a ……….. burn .
a- first degree
b- second degree
c- third degree
d- superficial
209 – In managing a burn correctly, an EMT may take all of the following steps except
a- apply dry, sterile dressings
b- apply ointments or sprays
c- keep the patient warm
d- keep the burn site clean

210 – In case of chemical burns to the eyes, the EMT should flood the eyes with
a- vinegar
b- backing soda and water
c- water
d- hydrogen peroxide solution

211 – The most serious problem usually associated with electric shock is
a- internal bleeding
b- hypertension
c- hypothermia
d- respiratory and/or cardiac arrest
212 – All of the following are part of the musculoskeletal system except
a- bones
b- cartilage
c- joints
d- skin

213 – The sound or feel of broken bone fragments grinding together is referred to as
a- crepitus
b- assonance
c- stridor
d- dissonance

214 – There are three kindes of muscle : voluntary , involuntary, and
a- cardiac
b- periosteum
c- flexible
d- skeletal

215 – The bones of the upper extremities ******* all the following except the
a- radius
b- femur
c- humerus
d- carpal

216 – An injury in which the skin over a fracture site is broken may be described as a(n)
a- closed fracture
b- vertical injury
c- open injury
d- compromised

217 – An injury to a joint in which the bone ends become separated from each other is called a(n)
a- dis********
b- sprain
c- angulation
d- fracture

218 – If a patient 's injured leg appears either internally or externally rotated, an EMT should suspect
a- patella injury
b- fibula injury
c- ankle dis********
d- hip dis********

219 – The term for a pricking or tingling feeling that indicates some loss of sensation is
a- paresthesia
b- paraplegia
c- anesthesia
d- quardriplegia

220 – The point best suited for stabilization of a dislocated shoulder or a foot /ankle injury is a(n) …………… splint .
a- air inflatable
b- formable
c- soft or pillow
d- rigid

221 – Muscle injuries resulting from overstretching or overexertion of the muscle are called
a- sprains
b- dis********s
c- strains
d- sub********s
222 – The mechanism that operates when one part of an extremity is held stationary while the rest rotated is ………..force .
a- direct
b- twisting
c- indirect
d- torsional

223 – Another term for the collar bone is the
a- clavicle
b- scapula
c- humerus
d- patella

224 – The displacement of a bone from its normal position in a joint is a
a- fracture
b- dis********
c- sprain
d- strain

225 – The bone of the lower extremities ******* all of the following except
a- pelvis
b- femur
c- patella
d- scapula

226 – The major components of the central nervous system ******* the brain and the
a- cranium
b- spinal cord
c- spinous process
d- dura mater
227 - The helmet-like structure that protects the brain is called the
a- basilar skull
b- dura mater
c- cranial skull
d- meninges

228 – The weakest portion of the skull is made up of many separate bones . it is called the …………. Skull .
a- basilar
b- parietal
c- temporal
d- occipital

229 - Because of the scalp's rich ***** supply, one likely result of a scalp injury is
a- Battle's sign
b- bleeding from the ears
c- cerebrospinal fluid from the nose
d- profuse bleeding

230 – after taking BSI precaution, the first step in pr***ding emergency care to a patient with skull fracture and brain injuries is to
a- apply a cervical collar
b- control bleeding
c- pr***de manual stabilization of the head
d- transport the patient immediately

231 - A collection of ***** within the skull or brain tissue ia called a
a- hematoma
b- concussion
c- contusion
d- laceration
232 – Within the skull, the brain is cushioned in a dense serous substance called……..fluid
a- cerebrospinal
b- pericardial
c- meningeal
d- peritoneal

233 – All of the following structures are part of the brainstem except the
a- pons
b- medulla
c- midbrain
d- arachnoid
234 – All of the following are highly vascular membranes separating the cranium and the brain except the
a- subarachnoid space
b- dura mater
c- pia mater
d- arachnoid

235 – All of the following are signs and symptoms in patients with spinal injuries except
a- paralysis
b- hyperglycemia
c- priapism
d- incontinence

236 – The part of the nervous system that controls involuntary functions such as heartbeat
And breathing is the ……… nervous system .
a- peripheral
b- central
c- autonomic
d- involuntary
237 - The part of the nervous system located out side of the brain and spinal cord that detects sensations such as pain is the …………… nervous system .
a- peripheral
b- central
c- autonomic
d- involuntary

238 – The spinal column is composed of 33 bones called
a- meninges
b- phalanges
c- vertebrae
d- carpals

239 – the part of the eye that contains the aqueous humor is the
a- lens
b- anterior chamber
d- vitreous body

240 – An eye injury that involves an eye being pulled out of its socket is called a(n)
a- extrusion
b- orbital fracture
c- evisceration
d- periorbital ecchymosis

241 – The neck contains all of the following structures except the
a- carotid arteries
b- jugular bone
c- mandible
d- trachea
242 – The facial bone that is not fused into immovable joints is the
a- mandible
b- temporal bone
c- malar
d- maxillae

243 – An EMT should only attempt to remove a foreign object from the
a- retina
b- globe
c- cornea
d- conjunctiva

244 – The globe of the eye, or eyeball, is a sphere approximately 1 inch in diameter that is covered with a tough outer coat called the
a- cornea
b- sclera
c- pupil
d- iris

245 – A primary treatment for a patient with chemical burns to the eye is
a- plentiful irrigation
b- bandaging only the injured
c- covering both eyes with dry dressings
d- covering both eyes with soaked gauze pads

246 – The signs and symptoms of orbital fracture ******* all of the following except
a- vision improvement
b- nasal discharge
c- double vision
d- tenderness to palpation

247 – The portion of the eye that focuses light to the retina is the
a- cornea
b- iris
c- pupil
d- lens

248 – An appropriate irrigant for an EMT to use for a chemical burn is
a- diluted
b- saline
c- alcohol
d- sodium bicarbonate

249 - The thin covering of the inner eyelids is called the
a- conjunctiva
b- retina
c- sclera
d- orbit

250 – Clear or *****y fluid draining from the ear can indicate a
a- dangerously high fever
b- foreign
c- skull fracture
d- flexion injury .
رد مع اقتباس
  #49 (permalink)  
قديم 02-06-2012, 07:54 AM
عضو جديد
تاريخ التسجيل: May 2012
المشاركات: 30
معدل تقييم المستوى: 26
ايادالفهد يستحق التميز

251 – The respiratory and circulatory organs are protected by the
a- ribs
b- vena cavae
c- mediastinum
d- clavicles

252 – A flail segment occurs
a- when initiated by paradoxical motion
b- with fracture of two or more ribs in two or more places
c- only from bullet or knife wounds
d- after a pneumothorax

253 – When a patient presents with jugular venous distension, respiratory distress, and hypotension following a closed chest injury, suspect
a- rib fractures
b- subcutaneous emphysema
c- a sucking chest wound
d- a tension pneumothorax

254 – if a patient develops respiratory distress after an occlusive dressing has been applied to a chest wound, the EMT should
a- cover the wound with more dressing
b- lift a corner of the dressing to allow pressure to escape
c- begin assisting breathing with positive pressure ventilation
d- continue monitoring, as this reaction is to be expected

255 – Your patient with an evisceration becomes tachycardic , cool, and hypotensive during transport, your next action should be to
a- replace the dressing
b- support the injury with the patient's arm
c- reevaluate priority status and expedite transport
d- loosing one corner of the dressing

256 – Management of an injury caused by blunt trauma to the scrotum may *******
a- direct pressure
b- oxygen
c- cold compress
d- all of these

257 – Management of a female patient who has suffered a laceration to the genital area will ******* all of the following except
a- direct pressure
b- vaginal packing
c- use of a moistened sanitary pad
d- assessment for hypoperfusion

258 – A pulmonary contusion can be life threatening because it can
a- reduce oxygen exchange via the alveoli
b- cause a hemorrhage into the trachea
c- take up space needed by the heart to contract
d- penetrate the lung

259 – At the scene of a tractor accident, the scene would be declared safe when
a- the EMTs can ***** the patient
b- the tractor is shut down, stabilized, and fuel and hydraulic fluids are controlled
c- all rescue are wearing SCBa
d- a technical rescue unit has *****ed the scene

260 – With a patient who has been injured while using farm machinery, the EMT's first action upon *****ing the patient's side would be to
a- apply high-flow oxygen
b- establish in line stabilization
c- record baseline vital signs
d- flush the patient with water
261 - A patient caught in a grain storage tank for an extended period is likely to suffer from
a- hyperthermia
b- crush injures
c- hypothermia
d- poisoning

262 – Signs and symptoms of pesticide exposure ******* all of the following except
a- hot, dry skin
b- drooling
c- abdominal cramps
d- tearing (crying )

263 – Treatment for a patient who has been bitten on the arm by an animal and who has then slipped on the barn floor should *******
a- application of an occlusive dressing
b- packing of the arm in ice or cold packs
c- flushing of the wound with water before it is dressed
d- assistance in administration of the patient's Epi-pen

264 – The EMT must be aware that pesticides can
a- decompose when expose to air
b- be absorbed through the eyes
c- increase intensity over time
d- cause the release of carbon monoxide

265 – The first step in emergency care for a pediatric patient in shock is
a- pr***ding oxygen
b- keeping the patient warm
c- managing bleeding
d- ensuring an open airway
266 – Approximately 5% of children have seizures caused by
a- fever
b- head injuries
c- epilepsy
d- shock

267 – After a pediatric submersion patient has been removed from the water, you should pr***de ………… while establishing an airway
a- suctioning
b- back blows
c- chest thrusts
d- immobilization
268 – The best place to check for signs of dehydration in the elderly patient is/are the
a- scalp
b- skin of the forearms
c- palms of the hands or soles of the feet
d- mucous membranes of the eyes and mouth

269 – Which one of the following should be performed for an elderly trauma patient regardless of mechanism of injury or level of responsiveness?
a- focused medial exam
b- focused trauma exam
c- rapid trauma assessment
d- historical exam

270 – Ongoing assessment of an elderly patient who is ***** but has an injured arm should take place every ………….. minutes
a- 5
b- 15
c- 10
d- 20
271 – With an elderly patient who has aching in her shoulder, fatigue, and trouble breathing, an EMT should suspect
a- kyphosis
b- arteriosclerosis
c- a heart attack
d- degenerative spinal changes

272 – Efforts to save money by elderly people living on fixed incomes may lead to cases of
a- lordosis
b- hypothermia
c- pulmonary embolus
d- stroke

273 – The EMT's first duty to the patient is to arrive at the scene
a- quickly
b- safely
c- by the most direct route
d- with red lights, horn , and siren

274 – The EMT should not the posted speed limit unless
a- traffic is light
b-the situation is critical
c- traveling on holidays
d- using a police escort

275 – Using a police or other emergency vehicle escort en route to the collision or the hospital should be
a- a last resort
b- used with all critical
c- standard procedure
d-only used at night
276 – The standard color for ambulances is
a- orange
b- yellow
c- red
d- white

277 - At the receiving facility , the complete oral report to appropriate emergency department personal should ******* all of the following except
a- the patient's chief complaint
b- diagnosis of patient's illness
c- any history not given previously
d- vital signs taken en route

278 – When cleaning ambulance is surface where there is no visible ***** or body fluid contamination, the EMT should use
a- a high pressure hose
b- soap and water
c- an infrared lamp
d- an EPA approved germicide

279 – Equipment that will be used invasively should be treated with
a- a 1:100 bleach to water mixture
b- sterilization techniques
c- Lysol
d- a 1:10bleach to water mixture

280 – An operational reason to re quest air rescue is
a- a Glasgow coma scale score of less than 13
b- pronged extrication
c- head injury with altered mental status
d- penetration injury to the body cavity

281 – life saving emergency care , such as airway management and immobilization, should be performed in the …………….zone
a- hot
b- warm
c- containment
d- cold

282 – Radiation contamination occurs when the patient comes into direct contact with radioactive
a- gases
b- liquids
c- particles
d- all of these

283 – A system used for sorting patients to determine the order in which they will receive medical care or transportation to definitive care is called
a- staging
b- triage
c- assessment
d- treatment

284 – A sudden catastrophic event that overwhelms natural order and causes great loss of property and/or life is called a
b- calamity
c- force 10 event MCI
d- tragedy

285 – Which is the most acceptable method of protecting yourself from respiratory exposure?
a- stay away from the exposure
b- use a HEPA or N95 mask
c- put a mask on all patient
d- use SCBA

286 – Never agents work by
a- disrupting an enzyme at the nerve
b- killing the nerve cells
c- causing skin destruction
d- confusing the patient

287 – Cyanide causes deadly effects by
a-paralyzing the victim
b- rem***ng Acth
c- hyperthermia
d- disrupting cellular oxygen use

288 - Hypoperfusion is another name for
b- hypertension
c- shock
d- hypoxia

289 – A patient is bleeding from the ears and nose as a result of trauma . you should
a- keeping the patient calm and quiet
b- collect the ***** with a loose dressing
c- pack the ears and nose to slow the ***** flow
d- administer oxygen
290 – The passage of black, tarry stools is known as
a- hematochezia
b- hematuria
c- ecchymosis
d- melena

291 – Which of the following body substance isolation (BSI technique is a simple, yet important protective measure ?
a- mask
b- hand washing
c- gown
d- eye protection

292 – Coughing up bright red ***** is known as
a- hematemesis
b- hematuria
c- hemoptysis
d- hematoma

293 – Which of the following vital signs can be an eaely indicator of shock?
a- increased temperature
b- increase pulse rate
c-increased papillary response
d- increased ***** pressure

294 – The first step of emergency care in the patient with inadequate breathing is
a- manually tabilizing the cervical spine
b- checking for the patient's pulse
c- opening and maintaining the patient's airway
d- looking for and controlling severe bleeding
295 – Signs of inadequate breathing *******
a-wheezing, crowing, or gurgling noises
b- cyanosis of the lips, ear lobes, or nail beds
c- the patient being unable to speak in full sentences
d- all of the above

296 – Which of the following is true regarding suctioning a patient's airway?
a- never suction for longer than 30 seconds
b- suction only as you insert the catheter into the mouth
c- you may hyperventiliate a patient before and after suctioning
d- BSI precaution are not important if there is not visible *****

297 – Patient conditions that may require supplement oxygen *******
a- shock
b- head injury
c- broken bones
d- all of the above

298 – Connective bands of tissue attaching muscle to bone are called
a- fascia
b- ligaments
c- cartilage
d- tendons

299 – The dura mater, pia mater, and arachnoid are layers of tissue that enclose the brain and spinal cord . together, they are called the
a- brain stem
b- meninges
c- motor nerves
d- spinal cord
300 – As you assess a conscious patient, you should examine the lower extremities for
a- strength
b- distraction
c- priapism
d- distension

301 – Spinal cord injury caused by automobile accidents most commonly causes injury to which part of spine ?
a- sacral
b- cervical
c- lumber
d- thoracic

302 – Which of the following structure need to be immobilized above and below a joint injury ?
a- bones
b- joints
c- extremities
d- muscles

303 – Your first step in assessing whether a patient has a possible spinal injury is to
a- question the patient about areas of pain or weakness
b- palpate the spine for deformity or tenderness
c- examine the face and neck for contusions
d- ask the patient to wiggle the toes and fingers

304 – Bleeding may be more than expected with injuries to the
a- nose
b- scalp
c- chest
d- forearm
305 – The area of the head that contains and protects the brain is called the
a- cerebrum
b- cerebellum
c- clavicle
d- cranium

306 – Injuries of the lower extremities may indicate a problem with what area of the spine ?
a- cervical
b- lumber
c- coccygeal
d- thoracic

307 – Applying a splint too tightly can
a- limit mobility
b- enhance circulation
c- reduce apin
d- reduce distal circulation

308 – Once a cervical collar is in place, the collar should support the mandible (lower jaw )and sit on the
a- shoulder girdle
b-upper extremities
c- ribs
d- scapula

309 – Into what two parts in the nervous system divided ?
a- sensory and somatic
b- peripheral and somatic
c- sensory and automatic
d- central and peripheral

310 – The most important observation you can make and record in a patient with a head injury is any change in the
a- ***** pressure and pulse rate
c- level of consciousness
d- neurologic status of the extremities

311 – Which part of the nervous system is an extension of the brain and is protected by the spinal canal ?
a- spinal cord
b- motor nerves
c- meninges
d- brain stem

312 – Muscles allow body :
a- development
b- circulation
c- movement
d- structure

313 – How many vertebrate protect the spinal cord
a- 7
b- 33
c- 31
d- 12

314 – The four major functions of skeletal system ate form, support, movement, and:
a- shape
b- stature
c- locomotion
d- protection

315 – Keeping yourself safe is your first priority when pr***ding medical care as an EMT-B
a- true
b- false

316 – Diseases are caused by pathogens , which may be spread through the air or by contact with ***** and /or body fluids.
a- true
b- false

317 – Organisms that causes infection, such as viruses and bacteria are
a- pathogens
b- venoms
c- poisons
d- toxins

318 – In the practice of prehospital emergency care, all body fluids must be considered infectious
a- true
b- false

319 – Under OSHA guidelines, employers and employees share responsibility for precautions against exposure to *****borne pathogens
a- true
b- false

320 – Gloves, masks, and gowns are examples of
b- PPE
d- CDC

321 – It is imperative that the EMT-B changes gloves between every patient contact .
a- true
b- false

322 – Because EMT-Bs wear protective gloves while with patient, hand washing is not essential after each call
a- true
b- false

323 – Which of the following materials is NOT recommended for gloves to be used when there is the potential for contact with ***** and other body fluids ?
a- vinyl
b- cotton
c- latex
d- synthetics

324 – Personal protective equipment includes all of the following except
a- goggles
b- cotton scrub plants
c-a HEPA respirator
d- vinyl gloves

325 – In cases where TB is suspected, use a(n)
a- cotton mask
b- HEPA respirator
c- surgical mask
d- PPD gown

326 – A situation that would usually call for the use of a gown as protection would be one involving
a- a patient with diagnosis of TB
b- a patient with fractured leg
c- venous bleeding
d- childbirth

327 – HIVIAIDS presents a greater risk to health care ******* than hepatitis and TB
a- true
b- false

328 – An infection that causes an inflammation of the liver is
a- TB
b- pneumonia
c- kephosis
d- hepatitis

329 – The test that can detect exposure to t****culosis is the
a- PPD test
b- SAT test
c- Elisa test
d- PSA test

330 – A mother is delivered in her home . The baby's is crowing . you should
a- administer free flow oxygen to the newborn at 10 to 15 liter by minute
b- apply gentle pressure to the mother's abdomen to assist with delivery of the body
c- apply gentle pressure to the head with your fingers to prevent an explosive delivery
d- dry the newborn's head with a sterile dressing

331 – The hollow rogan in the female reproductive system where the fetus grow is called the
a- fallopian tube
b- ovary
c- cervix
d- uterus

332 – Once the baby's head has delivered, you should
a- time and assess the mother's contraction to estimate the length of the delivery
b- massage the mother's uterus to stimulate contraction to deliver the baby's body
c- gentle pull on both sides of the head to assist with delivering of the body
d- clear the airway by suctioning the baby's mouth and nose

333 – When treating a newborn with meconium staining, you should
a- rapidly clamp and cut the cord
b- record the time of the birth
c- suction and manage the air way
d- administer free-flow oxygen

334 – The part of the placenta that carries ***** and nourishment to the fetus is the
a- birth canal
b- peritoneum
c- umbilical
d- amniotic

335 – Which of the following organs is responsible for labor and delivery of the baby ?
a- uterus
b- placenta
c- cervix
d- perineum

336 – After delivering a baby, you should dry the baby completely . what should you do next?
a- cool the baby to stimulate crying
b- warp the baby in sterile saline sheets
c- cool the baby to increase its heart rate
d- warp the baby in a warm blankets

337 – After delivering, you see that the infant's face and trunk are syanotic . The infant is crying and has a pulde of 158/min. You should
a- dry the infant and pr***de free-flow oxygen
b- pr***de ventilations at a rate of 40 per minute
c- cool the baby to increase its circulation
d- calm the infant to slow down its respiration

338 – How do placenta previa and abruption placenta differ?
a- abruption placenta is a reliable sign that the infant is at high risk for an explosive delivery placenta previa signals a slow , painful delivery
b- placenta pervia occurs when the placenta is covering the ervicalios . Abruptio placenta occurs when the placenta separates before delivery of the infant, no matter where it is located
c- abruptio-placenta occurs in early pregnancy . Placenta previa occurs in late pregnancy
d- placenta previa is associated with severe abdominal pain . Abruptio placenta is associated with severe headaches

339 – After birth, you notice the infant's face and trunk appear blue . This is called
a- circumoral cyanosis
b- pallor cyanosis
c- peripheral cyanosis
d- central cyanosis

340 – After the placenta is delivered, it should be
a- wrapped in a towel, keep cool over ice, and transported to the hospital for inspecting
b- examined for missing tissue and then thrown away
c- wrapped tightly with gauze and placed in a Biohazard container
d- wrapped in a towel, placed in a plastic bag, and transported to the hospital for inspection
رد مع اقتباس
  #50 (permalink)  
قديم 02-06-2012, 08:01 AM
عضو جديد
تاريخ التسجيل: May 2012
المشاركات: 30
معدل تقييم المستوى: 26
ايادالفهد يستحق التميز

341 – Placenta previa is a true emergency because
a- the placenta does not deliver and the mother is at a high risk for shock
b- the placenta is abnor****y located in the uterus. It interferes with delivery of the baby, and puts the mother at risk for shock
c- when it happens in early pregnancy, the mother is at a high risk for seizures and shock
d- the placenta is located high in the uterus, the baby is at risk for a fast delivery, and the mother is at risk for shock

342 – Proper card for a premature infant should *******
a- giving oxygen with an infant size face mask
b- placing hot water bottles on the infant to keep it warm
c- warming the patient compartment of the ambulance to 90 degree to 95 degree F .
d- allowing the mother , father, and any other family members to handle the infant .

343 – You arrive at the scene where the mother has already delivered her baby . Your partner is caring for the infant . You note a large ***** loss from the mother, and she appears to sill be bleeding . you should
a- prepare the mother for transport since 1,000 ml of ***** loss normal following delivery
b- let the mother go to the bathroom and then apply vaginal pads around the vagina to soak up the remaining *****
c- massage the uterus by kneading it with your fingers fully extended
d- instruct the mother to lie with her knees drawn up and elevate her buttocks to control the bleeding

344 – What does the term crowing mean?
a- the baby's head is too large for delivery
b- the baby's head is visible at the cervix
c- the perineum has been torn
d- the baby is in a transverse position

345 – The fetus develops inside a fluid-filled, bag like membrane called the:
a- funds
b- placenta
c- cervix
d- amniotic sac

346 – You have delivered an infant who is not breathing . After suctioning and physical stimulation, there are no respirations . You should
a- administer free-flow oxygen
b- start chest compression at a rate of 60 per minute
c- clamp and cut the umbilical cord
d- pr***de ventilations at a rate of 40:60 per minute

347 – Your patient is in active labor . You note that the infant's foot is presenting through the vagina. You should immediately
a- elevate the patient's pelvis and rapidly transport while giving the patient oxygen
b- insert a sterile gloved hand into the vagina to relieve pressure on the umbilical cord
c- prepare the patient for delivery as this is a reliable sign that delivery is coming soon
d- located and massage the uterus by kneading it with your fingers fully extended

348 – The newborn should be placed in which position until the umbilican cord is cut ?
a- on the mother's stomach
b- at the level of the vagina
c- in the father's arms
d- elevated on the pillow
349 – When the baby's head has delivered you should immediately :
a- apply vaginal pads to the perineal area to reduce the ***** loss
b- massage the uterus by kneading it to speed up delivery of the baby's body
c- suction the mouth and nose to clear the infant's airway and check the ******** of the umbilical cord
d- insert a sterile gloved hand into the vagina to relieve pressure around the baby's neck

350 – What is postpartum hemorrhage ?
a- ***** loose caused by abruptio placenta
b- ***** loss in excess of 500 ml during the first 24 h following delivery
c- large ***** loss from the umbilical cord
d- ***** and mucous draining from the vagina at the beginning of labor

351 – Premature infants are at a higher risk for
a- infection
b- breech birth
c- hyperthermia
d- explosive deliveries

352 – Pulmonary resuscitation is essay for a new born if
a- its breathing rapid
b- the breathing rate is greater than 50/min
c- the baby weights more than 7lb
d- breathing is absent

353 – Which of the following organs pr***des mourishment to and removes waste products from the baby?
a- placenta
b- cervix
c- perineum
d- vagina

354 - you have suctioned, dried, and wrapped the newborn in a blanket . the baby is still not breathing . You should stimulate the baby by :
a- holding it with its head slightly higher than its body
b- clamping and sutting the umbilical sheets
c- cooling it off with saline-soaked sheets
d- flicking the soles of the feel and rubbing its back

355 – If a pregnant patient experiences a seizure, you should :
a- massage the uterus to relax any contractions
b- prepare for an immediate delivery
c- perform a rapid assessment, particularly of the airway, and transport the patient on her left side
d- look for vaginal bleeding due to placenta previa

356 – When assisting a ***** during the second stage of labor , you should
a- check for the umbilical cord around the infant's neck once the head is delivered
b- keep constant pressure against the infant's head from the time it presents in vagina until it is delivered
c- allow the infant's head to hang dependent from the vagina without support to help the drainage of fluid from the airway
d- suction the nose and mouth once the infant's body is born

357 – What is the birth canal called?
a- vagina
b- perineum
c- fundus
d- cervix

358 – Clues to congestive heart failure ******* :
a- bradycardia and anxiety
b- embolism
c- swelling and dyspnea
d- pain and discomfort

359 – Signs and symptoms of asthma typically ******* :
a- aphasia
b- decreased pulse rate
c- chest pain
d- wheezing sounds

360 – The skin of a hypoglycemia patient is often :
a- cold and clammy
b- cyanotic
c- warm and dry
d- red
361 – The pancreas produce a hormone called :
a- glucose
b- progesterone
c- insulin
d- pancreatitis

362 – Prolonged seizure activity may cause :
a- hyperglycemia
b- diabetes mellitus
c- epilepsy
d- hypoxia

363 – A fetus grows in the mother's
a- placenta
b- cervix
c- vagina
d- uterus

364 – If after cutting the umbilical cord fetal bleeding continues, you should
a- transport immediately
b- reclamp the cord
c- apply another tie or clamp
d- untie the cord

365 – Profuse bleeding can occur from wounds of the face and scalp because the area is very
a- muscular
b- compact
c- spongy
d- vascular

366 – Which of the following articulates to the hummers ?
a- spine
b- mandible
c- ulna
d- sternum

367 – Which of the following muscle types move bones ?
a- smooth
b- voluntary
c- involuntary
d- unstriated

368 – The medication that is carried by many people at high risk of developing anaphylactic Shock is :
a- insulin
b- aspirin
c- dilantin
d- epinephrine

369 – Uncontrolled diabetes may lead to :
a- psychogenic shock
b- anaphylactic shock
c- neurogenic shock
d- metabolic shock

370 – When body cells receives less oxygen than they need, they are said to be :
a- hypoxic
b- hyperoxic
c- hyperbaric
d- anabolic

371 – Emergency care for an inguinal hernia ******* :
a- pushing the hernia back inside the abdominal wall
b- placing the patient on his stomach
c- applying an ice pack to the hernia site
d- all of the above

372 – When the head of the femur is pulled or pushed from the pelvis socket, the patient experiences a :
a- femur fracture
b- hip fracture
c- hip dis********
d- femur dis********
373 – The structure within the ***** that contains the hemoglobin molecule is the :
a- glucose
b- erythrocyte
c- leukocyte
d- isotonic

374 – The ………………..is the bone in the anterior leg .
a- femur
b- fibula
c- patella
d- tibia

375 – In layman's term, the ………….is called the shoulder blade .
a- radius
b- scapula
c- clavicle
d- ulna
376 – The pulse that is found on the top of the foot is called the …………pulse .
a- posterior fibial
b- medial tibial
c- popiteal
d- dorsal pedis

377 – An open soft tissue wound with smooth, linear edges, is called
a- a laceration
b- a hematoma
c- an incision
d- an abrasion

378 – Loss of sensation due to destruction of nerve endings is associated with:
a- a first-degree burn
b- a second-degree burn
c- a third-degree burn
d- a fourth-degree burn

379 – If the rule of nines is used to calculate the percentage of body surface area burned, the back and buttocks of an adult represent what percentage of body surface area burned?
a- 5%
b- 11%
c- 18 %
d- 1%

380 – If the pediatric rule of nines is used to calculate the percentage of body surface area burned,the anterior leg represent:
a- 18 percent of the patient's body surface area
b- 1 percent of the patient's body surface area
c- 4.5 percent of the patient's body surface area
d- 7 percent of the patient's body surface area

381 – A heart rate of less than 60 per minute is defined as:
a- normocardia
b- bradycardia
c- irregular
d- tachycardia

382 – After ***** enters the heart through the right atrium, which valve does the ***** flow through next?
a- pulmonary valve
b- mitral valve
c- aortic valve
d- tricuspid valve

383 – The thickest chamber of the heart is the:
a- left ventricle
b- left atria
c- right atria
d- right ventricle

384 – The common name " wrist bones (8/wrist) ", has what anatomical name?
a- carpalges
b- carpals
c- phalanges
d- metacarpals

385 – If the ***** vessel the " Great Saphenous " is injured, what area of the body would need to be treated?
a- upper arm
b- abdomen
c- upper leg
d- neck

386 – All of the following can be found in the various layers of the skin except:
a- papilla
b- sebaceous gland
c- bulb
d- lesser omentum
387 – All of the following are part of the digestive system except:
a- hepatic flexure
b- cystic duct
c- pyloric sphincter
d- ducts deferens

388 - All of the following are part of the reproductive system except:
a- psoas muscle
b- labium minus
c- uterus
d- seminal vesicle

389 – The normal range for a child's pulse at age 1:5 years is:
a- 80-150
b- 60-90
c- 60-120
d- 120-180

390 – When a bone is fractured, the damage to ***** vessels, nerves, and other soft tissues may be a greater significance than the fracture .
a- true
b- false

391 – Poisons that are swallowed are:
a- ingested
b- absorbed
c- injected
d- inhaled

392 – The membrane surrounding the brain and spinal cord is the :
a- meninges
b- mesentery
c- peritoneum
d- pleura

393 – In which of the following is there usually no deformity?
a- sprain
b- dis********
c- angulated fracture
d- closed fracture

394 – The formed elements in the ***** carry oxygen are called:
a- white ***** cells
b- red ***** cells
c- albumins
d- platelets

395 – In which quadrant is the liver located:
a- upper right
b- lower right
c- upper left
d- lower left

396 – In which of the following positions should a patient with congestive heart failure be transported?
a- supine with feet elevated
b- sitting up
c- prone
d- supine

397 – When a diabetic goes into diabetic coma, he/she may have:
a- exercised too much
b-taken too much insulin
c- not taken enough insulin
d- not eaten

398 – Biological death:
a- follows clinical death and is not reversible
b- is not reversible
c- begins immediately with cessation of breathing and circulation
d- follows clinical death

399 – Prolapsed umbilical cord describes the condition in which the cord is:
a- wrapped around the baby's neck
b- presenting through the vagina before the baby presents
c- torn loose from the uterus
d- presenting through the vagina after the baby presents

400 – The second stage of labor begins when the:
a- amniotic sac ruptures
b- cervix starts to dilate
c- baby moves into the birth canal
d- placenta delivers

401 – Steps to control maternal bleeding after delivering *******:
a- massaging the uterus
b- letting the baby nurse
c- covering the vaginal opening with a sanitary napkin
d- all of the above
402 – You arrive an scene and find a 69 years old patient who is unable to move his right arm or leg and has unequal pupils, he is probably experiencing:
a- seizure activity
b- a heart attack
c- congestive heart failure
d- a stroke

403 – Anatomically, the term superior in relation to other human body structure is defined as:
a- bigger than
b- better than
c- in front of
d- toward the head

404 – When using the AVPU scale to evaluated a trauma patient, the A stands for:
a- *****
b- agitated
c- anoxic
d- aggressive

405 – With respect to the diaphragm, the lungs are:
a- distal
b- proximal
c- superior
d- anterior

406 – All of the following are signs of shock except:
a- ashen or cyanotic coloration
b- anxiety
c- restlessness
d- constriction of the pupils
407 – The respiratory system contributes to acid-based balance by regulating the retention and elimination of:
a- carbonic acid
b- oxygen
c- carbon dioxide
d- bicarbonate

408 – Bicarbonate is a primary component of the:
a- hemoglobin
b- respiratory system
c- ***** buffers
d- ******s

409 – Which of the following may result from hyperventilation ?
a- respiratory acidosis
b- respiratory alkalosis
c- metabolic alkalosis
d- hypoxemia

410 – A person who has ***** type ……………is called a universal donar.
a- B
b- A

411 – Inspiratory stridor suggest:
a- bronchial
b- lower airway obstructive pulmonary disease
c- chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
d- upper airway obstruction
412 – A medication which decreased a body function or activity is called:
a- stimulant
b- synergism
c- depressant
d- antagonism

413 – A dis******** occurs when:
a- a bone is pulled from it's socket
b- a bone is broken in two places
c- the patient experiences crepitus
d- there is a loss of syn***al fluid

414 – Nifedipine is anti-hypertensive, it is a calcium channel blocker that reduces coronary artery spasm in angina, it also decreased peripheral vascular resistance and ***** pressure. The question is this : should this drug be given to a patient receiving IV beta blockers:
a- yes
b- no
c- depends on amount of beta blocker given
d- non of the above

415 – A heart rate above 120 beats per minute is called:
a- bradycardia
b- tachycardia
c- ventricular fibrillation
d- atrial fibrillation

416 - It is a hot summer day and your squad is sent to a metal foundry for a "mandown" on arrival you find a 22 year old unresponsive male patient . His pulse is rapid, and he is flushed. His skin is hot and dry to the touch. This patient is probably suffering from:
a- heat exhaustion
b- heat stroke
c- diabetic coma
d- insulin shock

417 – Grand mal seizures have three distinct phases-tonic, clonic, and:
a- postictal
b- partial
c- generalized
d- psychomotor
418 – Prolonged seizure activity may cause:
a- epilepsy
b- hypoxia
c- hyperglycemia
d- diabetes mellitus

419 – You are called to a house where a 68 year old female patient is sitting in a chair complaining of difficulty breathing. Her ankles are swollen and she has engorged pulsating neck veins. She is mostly likely showing signs and symptoms of:
a- atherosclerosis
b- hyperventilation
c- congestive heart failure
d- angina attack
420 – A firefight is sufferings from a form of shock brought about by fluid and salt loss . you should classify this condition as :
a- heat cramps
b- hypothermia
c- heat exhaustion
d- heat stroke
421 – If a patient has a history of trauma to the left flank and has pain in that region, which of the following organs might you suspect as being injured?
a- ******
b- heart
c- liver
d- gall bladder

422 – Hemothorax refers to
a- collapse of one half on the lung
b- air in the chest cavity
c- ***** in the chest cavity
d- fluid in the abdomn

423 – Which fracture occurs most often in children because their bones are still pliable?
a- transverse
b- greenstick
c- oblique
d- spiral

424 – The stridor associated with anaphylaxis is caused by ………….
a- mucosal edema
b- bronchodilatation
c- respiratory center depression
d- spasm of the vocal cords
425 – After ***** leaves the right atrium, which valve does the ***** flow through next ?
a- tricuspid valve
b- aortic valve
c- pulmonary valve
d- mitral valve

426 – The most common cause of death during the myocardial infarction is:
a- dysrhythmia
b- cardiac rupture
c- valvular failure
d- muscle loss

427 – Which is the dominant pacemaker of the heart:
a- purkinje system
b- AV node
c- AV junction
d- SA node

428 – The thickest chamber of the heart is the:
a- left atria
b- left ventricle
c- right ventricle
d- right atria

429 – Which of the following is a colloid solution?
a- ringers lactate
b- normal saline
c- dextran
d- all of the above

430 – A known diabetic who is unconscious, pale, clammy skin, with stable vital signs is suffering from:
a- CVA
b- insulin shock
c- diabetic coma
d- acute MI

431 – The beta cells of the pancreas produce:
a- anti-diuretic
c- insulin hormone
d- Thyroxin hormone

432 – The most significant sign of abdominal injury is:
a- hematuria
b- tenderness
c- rigidity and guarding
d- pain

433 – Lidocaine is usually given for:
a- systole
b- supraventricular tachycardia
c- ventricular tachycardia
d- atrial fibrillation

434 – Anaphylaxis following an insect is treated with:
a- epinephrine
b- Benadryl
c- morphine sulfate
d- aminopyline

435 – Which of the following is not a method of transmission of the hepatitis virus?
a- *****
b- feces
c- saliva
d- sexual contact

436 – What is the chief extracellular electrolyte?
a- sodium
b- potassium
c- hydrogen
d- calcium

437 – the presence of S3 heart sounds is associated with:
a- cardiac tamponade
b- aortic aneurysm
c- bundle branch block
d- congestive heart failure

438 – The S1 heart sound is caused by closure of the:
a- tricuspid valve and aortic valve
b- semilunar valves
c- mitral valve and pulmonic valve
d- atriventricle valves

439 – A patient who is hyperventilation may have which acid-base condition?
a- respiratory alkalosis
b- respiratory acidosis
c- metabolic acidosis
d- metabolic alkalosis

440 – What heart valve prevents the backflow of ***** into the right atrium?
a- tricuspid valve
b- mitral valve
c- bicuspid valve
d- aortic valve
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