01-06-2012, 04:52 PM
تاريخ التسجيل: Jul 2010
المشاركات: 1,050
معدل تقييم المستوى: 0
you mean you haven't graduate yet ?!!
well, for me it is quiet differ from you , being a gurl means a total different life style than being a guy but I can help from the academic view I mean you shouldn’t stop learning at a certain point at all just don’t go say oh, I have finished skool so no need to learn or improve a certain skill coz I have the feelin that I have it all already, we can never ever grasp or understand a concept or even a thought I mean this is the life every single day of it is a new lesson at least for me lol
being a social person or an outdoor, you wouldn’t believe how much I get from being homme !! you know the word homme is a slang word stands for ppl who stay a lot at home not that pereverb weird word lol jk
so, now I'm looking for a job in one of the institutes in our nearby place, they offer me job to be an English trainee and set me a n oppinment for the interview im scared to hell lol but yh I ignore that offer actually, found a better one yaay!! I feel like if my social life is getting back to life again wat a feeiln lol so, this new job is in here
FOLLOW the link and help me a lil bit your efforts would be highly appreciated @^^