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إستفسارات ونتائج الوظائف المدنية

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته بصراحه للاستفاده وطرح الاسئله حتى لو سؤال واحد وطريقته وحل الالغاز :d وانا من ضمن من يحتاج رغم صعوبة الاسئله بالنسبة...

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  #1421 (permalink)  
قديم 21-04-2015, 01:47 PM
عضو جديد
تاريخ التسجيل: Nov 2014
المشاركات: 15
معدل تقييم المستوى: 21
هندسةكهربائيةة يستحق التميز

يا اخوان ,, انا عندي بكرا اختبار بس احتمال كبير ما راح اقدر احضر لاني فالغربية والاختبار في الاحساء ...

السؤال لو وفقني الله و توظفت فالاحساء هل اقدر انقل لجدة او المدينة او حتى الدمام او الرياض ؟؟

وهل في مشكلة لو سحبت عليهم او لازم اكلمهم و اعتذرر ؟؟
و رواتبهم للمهندس كييف ؟؟

والله يعطيكم العافيه

التعديل الأخير تم بواسطة هندسةكهربائيةة ; 21-04-2015 الساعة 01:52 PM
  #1422 (permalink)  
قديم 21-04-2015, 04:03 PM
عضو نشيط
تاريخ التسجيل: Sep 2012
المشاركات: 171
معدل تقييم المستوى: 26
مرياام يستحق التميز

كلمهم عن ظروفك انوا ماتقدر تسافر للاحساء ممكن يختبروك في الغربيه
ولا يأجلوا لك الاختبار
موفق ان شاء الله

  #1423 (permalink)  
قديم 22-04-2015, 03:33 AM
عضو نشيط
تاريخ التسجيل: Dec 2013
المشاركات: 137
معدل تقييم المستوى: 214795
توته الشقيه محترف الإبداعتوته الشقيه محترف الإبداعتوته الشقيه محترف الإبداعتوته الشقيه محترف الإبداعتوته الشقيه محترف الإبداعتوته الشقيه محترف الإبداعتوته الشقيه محترف الإبداعتوته الشقيه محترف الإبداعتوته الشقيه محترف الإبداعتوته الشقيه محترف الإبداعتوته الشقيه محترف الإبداع

اتمنى اي شخص يدخل يفيدنا بخصوص القطع

  #1424 (permalink)  
قديم 22-04-2015, 03:20 PM
عضو سوبر
تاريخ التسجيل: Jul 2010
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عاقل جداااا محترف الإبداععاقل جداااا محترف الإبداععاقل جداااا محترف الإبداععاقل جداااا محترف الإبداععاقل جداااا محترف الإبداععاقل جداااا محترف الإبداععاقل جداااا محترف الإبداععاقل جداااا محترف الإبداععاقل جداااا محترف الإبداععاقل جداااا محترف الإبداععاقل جداااا محترف الإبداع

من عنده نماذج يفزع لنا

  #1425 (permalink)  
قديم 22-04-2015, 06:48 PM
عضو جديد
تاريخ التسجيل: Oct 2014
المشاركات: 33
معدل تقييم المستوى: 21
روري الكعيبري يستحق التميز

أتمنى تساعدننا أهم شيء افيدوني بالقطع على الأقل

  #1426 (permalink)  
قديم 22-04-2015, 09:11 PM
عضو نشيط
تاريخ التسجيل: Dec 2013
المشاركات: 137
معدل تقييم المستوى: 214795
توته الشقيه محترف الإبداعتوته الشقيه محترف الإبداعتوته الشقيه محترف الإبداعتوته الشقيه محترف الإبداعتوته الشقيه محترف الإبداعتوته الشقيه محترف الإبداعتوته الشقيه محترف الإبداعتوته الشقيه محترف الإبداعتوته الشقيه محترف الإبداعتوته الشقيه محترف الإبداعتوته الشقيه محترف الإبداع

منجد اتمنى اي احد يساعدنا بالقطع

  #1427 (permalink)  
قديم 23-04-2015, 08:02 AM
عضو متواصل
تاريخ التسجيل: Dec 2013
المشاركات: 96
معدل تقييم المستوى: 23
بتحلى بكرى يستحق التميز

ياجماعه ليش محد يرد علينا
لاتقولوا الاسئله ولا شىء
بس قولوا هل هيا تغيرت او لا

  #1428 (permalink)  
قديم 23-04-2015, 04:24 PM
عضو جديد
تاريخ التسجيل: Nov 2011
المشاركات: 30
معدل تقييم المستوى: 27
فهدالعت يستحق التميز

اجتنا اليوم القطع (القمر الازرق ...البعوض..تعلم اللغة الانجليزية...الماء
القرامر مرررره اسهل من الاختبارات السابق تعبت نفسي ع الفاضي في التعمق في القواعد لدرجه اني ما حليت
الفوكاب بعضها معاد ه
اللسنينق هو اللي خبصت فيه مرره ماوضح لي

Have you ever heard someone use the phrase “once in a blue moon?” People use this
expression to describe something that they do not do very often. For example, someone might say that
he tries to avoid eating sweets because they are unhealthy, but will eat chocolate “once in a blue moon.”
Or someone who does not usually like to go to the beach might say “I visit the shore once in a blue
moon.” While many people use this phrase, not everyone knows the meaning behind it.
The first thing to know is that the moon itself is never actually blue. This is just an expression. The
phrase “blue moon” actually has to do with the shape of the moon, not the color.
As the moon travels around the earth, it appears to change shape. We associate certain names
with certain shapes of the moon. For example, when we can see a small part of the moon, it is called a
crescent moon. A crescent is a shape that looks like the tip of a fingernail. When we cannot see the moon
at all, it is called a new moon. When we can see the entire moon, it is called a full moon. Usually, there is
only one full moon every month. Sometimes, however, there will be two full moons in one month. When
this happens, the second full moon is called a “blue moon.”
Over the next 20 years, there will only be 15 blue moons. As you can see, a blue moon is a very
rare event. This fact has led people to use the expression “once in a blue moon” to describe other very
rare events in their lives.
1) Which of the following would be a good example of someone doing something “once in a blue
A. Mary likes to go to the mountains every weekend. Mary goes to the mountains once in a blue
B. Tom rarely remembers to take out the trash. Tom takes out the trash once in a blue moon.
C. Cindy hates to wash the dishes. Nevertheless, she does it every day. Cindy washes the dishes
once in a blue moon.
D. Ming sometimes forgets to do his homework. Ming forgets to do his homework once in a blue
2) When does a blue moon happen in nature?
A. when there are two full moons in one month
B. when the moon has a blue color
C. when we cannot see the moon at all
D. when we can only see a small part of the moon
© Copyright Read Theory LLC, 2012. All rights reserved.
3) Using the passage as a guide, it can be understood that which of the following sentences does not
contain an expression?
A. Thomas has lost his mind.
B. An apple a day keeps the doctor away.
C. I'll mow the grass after I finish my homework.
D. It's never a bad time to start something new.
4) As described in paragraph 3, what is another example of something that has a crescent shape?
A. your thumb
B. a distant star
C. the letter “C”
D. the letter "H"
5) In the final paragraph, the author states: “Over the next 20 years, there will only be 15 blue moons.”
This means that over the next 20 years, a blue moon will happen
A. once a year
B. less than once a year
C. more than once a year
D. not enough information is pr***ded
6) As used in the final paragraph, which is the best antonym for rare?
A. common
B. strange
C. colorful
D. infrequent
7) In the final paragraph the author writes, "As you can see, a blue moon is a very rare event." The
purpose of this statement is to
A. answer an earlier question
B. pr***de an example
C. support an upcoming conclusion
D. challenge a previous statement
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Answers and Explanations
1) B
In the first and last paragraphs, we learn that the phrase “once in a blue moon” describes very rare events. If Tom rarely remembers
to take out the trash, then it makes sense to say he takes out the trash “once in a blue moon.” Therefore (B) is correct. (A) is
incorrect because Mary goes to the mountains every weekend. This happens more often than the blue moon. (C) is incorrect
because Cindy washes the dishes every day. This happens more often than the blue moon. (D) is incorrect because Ming
sometimes forgets to do his homework. This happens more often than the blue moon.
2) A
In the third paragraph, the author tells us that when there are two full moons in one month, the second moon will be called a “blue
moon.” Choice (A) is correct. The passage does not pr***de information to support choices (B), (C), and (D). Therefore they are
3) C
In paragraph 1 the author introduces the phrase "once in a blue moon." Then the author tells us that eople use this expression to
describe something that they do not do very often." This lets us know that the phrase "once in a blue moon" is an expression. In
paragraph 2 the author writes, "The first thing to know is that the moon itself is never actually blue. This is just an expression." This
lets us know that an expression contains information or facts that are not actually true. The sentence in (C) does not contain any
facts that are not actually true. Therefore it is the correct choice. (A) is incorrect because a person cannot actually lose his or her
mind. (B) is incorrect because eating an apple a day does not necessarily keep someone from having to visit the doctor. (D) is
incorrect because there are some times in which it is ****** a bad idea to start something new. For example, it's a bad idea to learn
how to fly a kite in a lightning storm.
4) C
crescent (noun): the figure of the moon in its first or last quarter, resembling the segment of a ring thinning to points at the ends.
In paragraph 3, the author says that “a crescent is a shape that looks like the tip of a fingernail.” Of all the choices, the letter “C” is
the one most similar to this shape. Therefore (C) is correct. The passage does not pr***de information to support choices (A), (B),
and (D). Therefore they are incorrect.
5) B
This question involves some math. If a blue moon will happen 15 times over the next 20 years, this is the same as saying it will
happen 15 out of 20 times, or 15/20. Since 15/20 is less than one, we know that the blue moon will happen less than one time per
year. This means (B) is correct. The passage does not pr***de information to support choices (A), (C), and (D). Therefore they are
6) A
rare (adjective): something that does not happen very often.
The question asks us to find the best antonym. Antonyms are words that have opposite meanings. In the last paragraph, the author
describes a blue moon as a “very rare event.” In this paragraph and the rest of the passage, blue moons are described as events
that do not happen very often. Therefore, common, a word that means happening very often, is the best opposite of rare. Choice (A)
is correct. The passage does not pr***de information to support choices (B), (C), and (D). Therefore they are incorrect.
7) C
To answer this question correctly, it helps to use context. In the final paragraph the author writes, "As you can see, a blue moon is a
very rare event. This fact has led people to use the expression “once in a blue moon” to describe other very rare events in their
lives." The key phrase here is "This fact has led people to." This is meant to show that the fact that a blue moon is a very rare event
lends support to the conclusion that the expression “once in a blue moon” to describe other very rare events i n their lives. This
means choice (C) is correct. The passage does not pr***de information to support choices (A), (B), and (D). Therefore they are

hen we are young, we learn that tigers and sharks are dangerous animals. We might be scared
of them because they are big and powerful. As we get older, however, we learn that sometimes the most
dangerous animals are also the smallest animals. In fact, the animal that kills the most people every year
is one that you have probably killed yourself many times: the mosquito.
While it may seem that all mosquitoes are biters, this is not actually the case. Male mosquitoes
eat plant nectar. On the other hand, female mosquitoes feed on animal blood. They need this blood to live
and produce eggs. When a female mosquito bites a human being, it transmits a small amount of saliva
into the blood. This saliva may or may not contain a deadly disease. The result of the bite can be as
minor as an itchy bump or as serious as death.
Because a mosquito can bite many people in the course of its life, it can carry diseases from one
person to another very easily. Two of the most deadly diseases carried by mosquitoes are malaria and
yellow fever. More than 700 million people become sick from these diseases every year. At least 2 million
of these people will die from these diseases.
Many scientists are working on safer and better ways to kill mosquitoes, but so far, there is no
sure way to protect everyone in the world from their deadly bites. Mosquito nets can be placed over beds
to protect people against being bitten. These nets help people stay safe at night, but they do not kill any
mosquitoes. Mosquitoes have many natural enemies like bats, birds, dra****lies, and certain kinds of
fish. Bringing more of these animals into places where mosquitoes live might help to cut down the amount
of mosquitoes in that area. This is a natural solution, but it does not always work very well. Mosquitoes
can also be killed with poisons or sprays. Even though these sprays kill mosquitoes, they may also harm
other plants or animals.
Although mosquitoes may not seem as scary as larger, more powerful animals, they are far more
dangerous to human beings. But things are changing. It is highly likely that one day scientists will find a
way to keep everyone safe from mosquitoes and the diseases they carry.
1) According to the author, some people are more afraid of tigers and sharks than mosquitoes because
tigers and sharks
A. kill more people than mosquitoes
B. are big and powerful
C. are found all over the world
D. have no natural enemies
2) Based on the information in paragraph 2, we can understand that
I. male mosquitoes and female mosquitoes have different eating habits
II. male mosquitoes are harmless to humans
III. female mosquitoes are responsible for transmitting diseases to humans
A. I only
B. I and II only
C. II and III only
D. I, II, and III
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3) In paragraph 2 the author writes, "This saliva may or may not contain a deadly disease." The purpose
of this statement is to
A. oppose a previous argument
B. question an upcoming conclusion
C. confirm a hypothesis
D. support a later statement
4) As used in paragraph 2, minor most nearly means
A. insignificant
B. deadly
C. frustrating
D. dangerous
5) Based on information in paragraph 3, it can be understood that if you get sick with malaria or yellow
fever, your chances of survival are
A. terrible
B. mediocre
C. good
D. excellent
6) It can be understood that the introduction of dra****lies might reduce the number of flies in a given
area because dra****lies
A. work together with mosquitoes
B. kill mosquitoes
C. cannot be killed by poisons or sprays
D. attract bats
7) Which of the following best summarizes the information in paragraph 4?
A. Mosquito nets pr***de adequate protection from deadly mosquitoes.
B. Poisons and sprays pr***de adequate protection from deadly mosquitoes.
C. The introduction of the mosquito's natural enemies pr***des adequate protection from deadly
D. There is no perfect solution to the mosquito problem.
8) Which of the following words best describes the author's overall attitude towards the prospect of
solving the mosquito problem?
A. despondent, meaning hopeless or dejected
B. exasperated, meaning extremely irritated or annoyed
C. *****ocal, meaning doubtful or uncertain
D. optimistic, meaning hopeful or taking a favorable view
© Copyright Read Theory LLC, 2012. All rights reserved.
Answers and Explanations
1) B
In the first paragraph the author says, "We might be scared of them because they are big and powerful." In the last paragraph , the
author says that we might be more afraid of tigers and sharks than we are of mosquitoes because tigers and sharks are "larger, and
more powerful." This lets us know that (B) is correct. In paragraph 1, the author tells us that of all animals, the mosquito "kills the
most people every year." This eliminates (A). The passage does not contain information to support choices (C) and (D). Therefore
they are incorrect.
2) D
In paragraph 2 the author writes, "Male mosquitoes eat plant nectar. On the other hand, female mosquitoes feed on animal bloo d."
Using this information, we can understand that male mosquitoes and female mosquitoes have different eating habits. This supports
option (I). In paragraph 2 the author writes, "Male mosquitoes eat plant nectar. On the other hand, female mosquitoes feed on
animal blood. They need this blood to live and produce eggs. When a female mosquito bites a human being, it transmits a small
amount of saliva into the blood. This saliva may or may not contain a deadly disease." Since male mosquitoes eat plant nectar (and
not animal blood), and it is the bite that causes the transmission of diseases, we can understand that male mosquitoes do not bite
humans. Therefore they are harmless to humans. This supports option (II). In paragraph 2 the author writes, "Male mosquitoes eat
plant nectar. On the other hand, female mosquitoes feed on animal blood. They need this blood to live and produce eggs. When a
female mosquito bites a human being, it transmits a small amount of saliva into the blood. This saliva may or may not contain a
deadly disease." Since male mosquitoes eat plant nectar (and not animal blood), and it is the bite that causes the transmission of
diseases, we can understand that female mosquitoes are responsible for transmitting diseases to humans. This supports option
(III). Therefore (D) is correct.
3) D
To answer this question correctly, it helps to use context. At the end of paragraph 2 the author writes, "This saliva may or may not
contain a deadly disease." In the next sentence the author writes, "The result of the bite can be as minor as an itchy bump or as
serious as death." Using this information, we can understand that the reason why the result of the bite can be as minor as an itchy
bump or as serious as death is because the mosquito's saliva may or may not contain a deadly disease. This lets us know that the
purpose of the statement in question is to support a later statement, which, in this case, is the next sentence. Choice (D) is correct.
The passage does not pr***de information to support choices (A), (B). and (C). Therefore they are incorrect.
4) A
minor (adjective): relatively small in size, quantity, or degree.
In paragraph 2, the author says that when a mosquito bites a person, “The result of the bite can be as minor as an itchy bump or as
serious as death.” Here, the author contrasts an itchy bump with death. An itchy bump is not very serious when compared to death.
An itchy bump is a small, insignificant problem, while death is aptly described as "serious." This makes (A) the correct choice.
Although itchy bumps can be frustrating, this is not as good a contrast for "serious" as insignificant. Therefore (C) is incorrect. (B)
and (D) are incorrect because the author contrasts the itchy bumps with deadly ones. The author means to show that an itchy bump
is harmless, not deadly or dangerous.
5) D
At the end of paragraph 3 the author writes, "More than 700 million people become sick from these diseases every year. At least 2
million of these people will die from these diseases." This lets us know that of the 700 million people who become sick, only around
2 million do not survive. Because 2 million is an extremely small percentage of 700 million (2/700 or .002%), we can understand that
if you get sick with malaria or yellow fever, your chances of survival are excellent. This means (D) is correct. The passage does not
pr***de information to support choices (A), (B). and (C). Therefore they are incorrect.
6) B
In paragraph 4, the author says that, “Mosquitoes have many natural enemies like bats, birds, dra****lies, and certain kinds of fish.
Bringing more of these animals into places where mosquitoes live might help to cut down the amount of mosquitoes in that area.”
(B) is the only choice that uses information supported by the passage to pr***de a reason why dra****lies would reduce (or ma ke
less) the number of mosquitoes in a given area. Therefore it is correct. The passage does not pr***de information to support choices
(A), (C), and (D). Therefore they are incorrect.
7) D
In paragraph 4, the author writes, "Many scientists are working on safer and better ways to kill mosquitoes, but so far, there is no
sure way to protect everyone in the world from their deadly bites." The author continues to discuss possible solutions and their
respective drawbacks. This lets us know there is not perfect solution to the mosquito problem. Choice (D) is correct. The passage
does not pr***de information to support choices (A), (B), and (C). Therefore they are incorrect.
8) D
In the final paragraph the author concludes the passage by saying, "But things are changing. It is highly likely that one day scientists
will find a way to keep everyone safe from mosquitoes and the diseases they carry." This lets us know that although the problem
may look grim now, there is a good chance that scientists will be able to solve it in the future. Thus, the author's attitude towards the
prospect of solving the mosquito problem can best be described as optimistic. Therefore (D) is correct. Despondent and
exasperated are too negative to accurately describe the author's attitude. Therefore choices (A) and (B) are incorrect. The author
does not express uncertainty about the prospect of solving the mosquito problem. Therefore the author is not *****ocal. Choice (C)
is incorrect.

  #1429 (permalink)  
قديم 23-04-2015, 04:26 PM
عضو جديد
تاريخ التسجيل: Nov 2011
المشاركات: 30
معدل تقييم المستوى: 27
فهدالعت يستحق التميز

هدي القطع جتنا نفسها بالضبط

  #1430 (permalink)  
قديم 23-04-2015, 09:01 PM
عضو نشيط
تاريخ التسجيل: Dec 2013
المشاركات: 137
معدل تقييم المستوى: 214795
توته الشقيه محترف الإبداعتوته الشقيه محترف الإبداعتوته الشقيه محترف الإبداعتوته الشقيه محترف الإبداعتوته الشقيه محترف الإبداعتوته الشقيه محترف الإبداعتوته الشقيه محترف الإبداعتوته الشقيه محترف الإبداعتوته الشقيه محترف الإبداعتوته الشقيه محترف الإبداعتوته الشقيه محترف الإبداع

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة فهدالعت مشاهدة المشاركة
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واذا فاكر شىء ممكن يفيدنا خبرنا
موضوع مغلق

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