25-06-2015, 06:49 AM
عضو جديد
تاريخ التسجيل: Jun 2015
المشاركات: 27
معدل تقييم المستوى: 20
المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة زيد ناصر
السلام عليكم
اختبرت وللاسف لم اعدي الاختبار جاء قطعة الماء والقهوة والاستماع حليت وكنت واثق وللاسف اغلب الاجابات
خطا مدري فيها لفة فيها شئ ركزوا يا شباب فيها
كم مرة اقدر اختبر في السنة ؟ الاختبار لو اعيده تتغير الاسئلة
اذا ممكن يا اخوان تحطون الاسئلة مع اجوبتها في مرفق او موضوع واحد او يرسلها على الخاص لان الصفحات
كثيرة لو راح ارجع ادور تـخذ وقت
واذا في شئ يفيدنا نتجاوز الاختبار ساعدونا فيه والله يوفق الجميع
الله يعوضك بخير يارب تقدر تعيد الاختبار في السنه عندك فرصتين احجز موعد بأي وقت ..
هل قطعة القهوة اللي جاتك هذي هيا :
Coffee is one of the most popular drinks in the world. You can find coffee shops on almost every corner of large cities in Canada. Many people like coffee in the morning because it helps them wake up. Coffee has caffeine in it. Caffeine gives people more energy.
Coffee comes from the seeds of a coffee plant. These seeds are called beans. The coffee beans are roasted and ground to make coffee. Coffee plants grow in hot places. They need a lot of sun and a lot of rain.
When people first discovered the coffee plant, they did not use the plant to make a drink--they ate parts of it! They chewed the berries of the plant when they travelled to give them energy. Some people even used the leaves from the coffee plant to make wine.
Later, people started to find new ways to use coffee. They roasted and ground the beans. Then they put the beans in hot water to make a drink. The drink first became popular in Egypt and Turkey. Later, it became popular in Europe.
Each country has its own way of drinking coffee. In North America, people add cream and sugar. In France, people put hot milk in their coffee. Europeans drink strong black coffee, and Italians like to add cinnamon or chocolate. Irish coffee is the strongest coffee. It has
whiskey in it
Q1: How is Arabic coffee the same as other types
A1: They are both best if made with fresh beans
Q2: Where do you think they mix coffee with cardamom?
A2: Qatar
Q3: How is coffee served to group of friends?
A3: The highest ranking guest is served first
Q4: What would be a good title of the passage?
A4: The test of coffee