السلام عليكم ورحمه الله وبركاته
كما وعدتكم اني باذن الله اوافيكم بالمستجدات
الحمد لله وبفضل من الله سبحانه اختبرات اليوم
ولاكن قبل لا اختبر جيت للموظف وقلت له كم نسبة النجاح لي قالي 65%
و فوق للبكالوريس
قلت له لا تعلمني كم النتيجه بس علمني امسك الباب ولا امسك وظيفه
ما اطول عليكم مشينا للاختبار وكنا مجموعة اشخاص
وقلبي يدق في الثانيه 100 دقه من الربكه
حاولت جاهد اني اسلك لنفسي والحمد لله زاد الربكه يوم دخلت القاعه
ويوم جلست تعوذت من ابليس اللعين وقلت هي قسمه ونصيب اذا الله كاتب لي الخير اعدي باذن الله
وانطلقت وقلت بسم الله طبعا اول مره اخش الاختبار
وجاني اول شي قطعة Organic food فقط لا غير قطعه وحده فقط لاختبار ال
( Reading
Organic food
Organic food is very popular these days. It can also be very expensive. Some organic food costs twice as much as non-organic food. Parents of young children, and even some pet owners, will pay high prices for organic food if they think it's healthier. But many others think organic food is just a waste of money.
There is one main difference between organic and non-organic food. Organic farms do not use agricultural chemicals such as pesticides that stop insects from damaging crops. In many countries foods that claim to be organic must have special labels that guarantee they're grown organically.
Some people think organic also means "locally grown", and originally this was true. But over time organic farming has become big business, with many organic foods now being grown by large agricultural companies that sell their products far from where they're grown. Processedfood made with organic ingredients has also become more popular. At first, only small companies produced these products. But as demand overtook supply, big food companies that had been selling non-organic products for many years also began selling organic products. Small organic food companies found it difficult to compete with these big companies, and many didn't stay in business much longer.
Is organic food safer and more nutritious? This is an important part of the debate. Many farmers and consumers believe it is. They think agricultural chemicals can cause serious illnesses like cancer, but there isn't much evidence proving this is true. However recent studies have shown that eating organically-grown produce reduces your chances of developing ***** disease. Many doctors think it's more important to stop dangerous bacteria from contaminating foods. These bacteria can contaminate both organic and non-organic fruit and vegetables, and doctors recommend washing produce carefully before eating it. Meat, fish and chicken can also become contaminated, so washing your hands before handlingthese foods is also very important. Many doctors also believe we should reduce the amount of sugar in our diets, and there is a lot of evidence to support this idea. They recommend carefully checking the list of ingredients on processed food and drinks for all the words that really mean sugar, like glucose, sucrose and fructose. And they remind us that the aim of most big food companies is to make lots of money, even if they damage our health while doing so. This means processed foods that are called "organic" can also be very unhealthy if they contain lots of sugar.
Most people agree that naturally grown food tastes better. Is tastier food worth the extra money? That's a matter of opinion. Whether organic food is healthier or not is still not clear, so more research is needed. However, consumers of organic food often say "better safe than sorry" when it comes to what we eat.
?What is the main difference between organic and non-organic food
use of pesticides
?Which is usually more expensive?
.organic food
? Many small organic food companies found it difficult to _______ .
stay in business
? Recent studies show that eating organic produce can _______ your chances of having ***** disease.
?Dangerous bacteria can contaminate
. organic and non-organic food
? All processed foods should have a label listing the product's
. ingredients
? Many doctors now believe eating too much _______ food is bad for our health.
. sweet
? Processed organic foods can also be unhealthy if they contain lots of
. glucose
? The aim of most big food companies is to make the healthiest _______ they can
. profits
? Most people agree that naturally grown food tastes
. better
وجتني من الاساله هذي 5 اسالة فقط
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طبعا الفوكابلري كانت سهله عباره عن اكمل الفراغ ويحط جمله وتشوف الكلمه المناسبه للجمله وتحطها
والله ماهي صعبه جدا جدا بس يبيلها تركيز شوف الكلمه المناسبه وحطها وبث
وانتقلت الى listening
السيننيق يقولك
where is she?
اين هي ؟
وحاط لك الاجابه
At school
وكذا يعني
Did you arrive in the morning?
والاجوبه تحتها
علشان اسهل عليكم
انا استخدمت الجواب الاقرب للاجابه اذا ما عرفت الجواب يعني الاشياء الي مالها دخل طلعتها براء وكذا اجوبتي
بعدها انتقلت الى
جاني عن basic grammar
وخلصت ولاختبار وللمعلومية فقط اللغة عندي متوسطه ماهي جيده
رجعت للموظف قلت تذكرتني قال ايه بقولك انك
والله ما سالت عن الدرجة
الاختبار كان سهل الى متوسط بس مافي صعوبه
راجعت المواضيع الي في المنتدى
بعض الشباب منزلين اشياء فادتني حيل في الاختبار والحمد لله من فضل رب العالمين
توكلو بالله اولا
وركزو في الاساله الي منزلينها الشباب واموكم طيب والله يوفقكم جميعا
اتمنى اني ما نسيت شي ولا تنسون الشباب الي ساعدونا في القروب من دعائكم
: tsfiq: