30-08-2014, 12:46 AM
عضو متواصل
تاريخ التسجيل: Dec 2009
المشاركات: 41
معدل تقييم المستوى: 31
خريجة احياء دقيقة شكرا
القطع كانت عن ( قصة اكتشاف البنسلين لفيلمنج – الحشرات – نقص المياة )
و هذه الاسئلة و إجاباتها :
Q- How is penicillin different from Pencillium notatum ? A-penicillin is separated from penicillium notatum . Q- why wasn't pencillin gevin to people to save their lives as soon as it was produced ? A-it's effects were changeable . Q- In world war , why did most wounded men die ? A-The wounds let bacteria enter their bodies . A-can stop people from getting acertin disease . Q-Why didn't felming enter medical school until he was 21 years ? A-he had to work to earn money . A-bacteria which cause diseases Q-why did Fleming grow germs ? Q-how many years passed between the discovery of pencillin and use it ? Q-to advanteges of pencillin are mention ..one of the advantage is … A-it's comes from a very common moulds Q-The word Fundamentalmeans .. Q-an insect's legs and wings are … A-between its head and it's abdomen Q-…an organism that has…. A-has a very large thorax مجهود الاخت احياء جاني نفسه في الاختبار