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قسم أرشيف الوظائف مرجع الوظائف القديمة

البنك الإسلامي للتنمية

قسم أرشيف الوظائف

يعلن البنك الإسلامي للتنمية بمدينة جدة عن توفر فرصة وظيفة شاغرة وفق التفاصيل الواردة ادناه . مسمى الوظيفة والشروط : DB1445 - Monitoring and Evaluatin...

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  #1 (permalink)  
قديم 15-06-2012, 01:40 AM
تاريخ التسجيل: Dec 2011
المشاركات: 1,589
معدل تقييم المستوى: 0
مهندس الكيميائي محترف الإبداعمهندس الكيميائي محترف الإبداعمهندس الكيميائي محترف الإبداعمهندس الكيميائي محترف الإبداعمهندس الكيميائي محترف الإبداعمهندس الكيميائي محترف الإبداعمهندس الكيميائي محترف الإبداعمهندس الكيميائي محترف الإبداعمهندس الكيميائي محترف الإبداعمهندس الكيميائي محترف الإبداعمهندس الكيميائي محترف الإبداع
البنك الإسلامي للتنمية

يعلن البنك الإسلامي للتنمية بمدينة جدة عن توفر فرصة وظيفة شاغرة وفق التفاصيل الواردة ادناه .

مسمى الوظيفة والشروط :

DB1445 - Monitoring and Evaluatin Specialist
Business Unit: Operations ********** Operations & Projects
Department: Operations Planning & Services Department Country: Saudi Arabia
********: Jeddah, Saudi Arabia Closing Date: 30-Jun-2012

Job Purpose:

Develop a Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) framework and through it systemise and standardise the effective monitoring and evaluation of ISFD projects in IDB Member Countries to ensure efficiency and effectiveness of poverty reduction projects.


Prepare and assist in the presentation of regular business reports to keep management abreast of the latest developments and progress of project portfolio and general ISFD operational and administrative statistics.
Develop a comprehensive monitoring and evaluation framework including the results framework, key performance indicators (KPIs), deliverables and time-frames.
Assist in the preparation of evidence-based, policy oriented reports based on on-the-ground analysis.
Ensure that ISFD projects and programs have base-line data against which results can be effectively tracked.
Participate in the development of an active and robust data-base of the ISFD portfolio, which can first be used to track progress, and secondly, to generate analytical reports, matrices, etc.
Support the supervision of the implementation phase and monitor performance of ISFD project or program interventions within portfolio and ensure compliance with designated disbursement benchmarks, performance indicators.
Contribute substantively in monitoring the performance of built-in poverty reduction objectives and components in ISFD projects and programs, and those that have received ISFD funding through co-sponsorship.
Record and evaluate innovative practices, processes and policies for potential replication.
Closely monitor innovative practices, key success factors, degree of success and further areas of improvement.
Prepare and present periodical reports to keep the ISFD Management abreast of the latest developments in the business area.
Contribute substantively in the preparation of the ISFD annual, and other regular progress reports.
Engage in networking with Governments, private sector institutions, NGOs, philanthropic organisations and individuals.
Contribute to the database and platform for networking with partners.
Demonstrates devotion and interest to interact and share knowledge and skills with colleagues in the department and the Operations Complex.
Coordinate the production of major/complex reports, which require the successful coordination and integration of input from multi-disciplinary staff.
Participates in initiatives at the country and sector level to establish an operational framework and approach to knowledge dissemination and/or development of knowledge products.

Qualification & Experience:

Master's degree in a relevant field.
5 years of relevant experience.
Fluency in English required. Proficiency in additional language of the Bank is preferable.

Skills & Competencies:

Proven track record developing monitoring mechanisms for measuring the effectiveness of development programs using human development indicators, benchmarks and related international reporting, and working knowledge of current industry practices. Good knowledge of human and social development issues.
Sound understanding of poverty reduction and development issues and practices.
Experienced in measuring and benchmarking development indicators using quantitative and qualitative monitoring mechanisms.

Core / Technical Competencies:

Building Relationships
Motivation to Learn
Passion for Excellence
Client Orientation
Drive for Results
Problem Solving
Analytical Thinking
Knowledge, Learning and Communication
Language Proficiency
Business Process Knowledge
Project Design for impact & Sustainability
Sector or Country Dialogue and work
Project management
Policy Formulation & Advisory
IDBG Financing Instruments
Development Effectiveness
Projects Procurement Skills
Knowledge and experience in Development Arena (HD)
Shareholder and Stakeholder Engagement
Data Collection and Management
Cross sectoral knowledge
Sustainability in Development
Portfolio Management (incl. M&E).

Note: you will be required to attach the following:
1. Resume / CV

لتقديم :


رد مع اقتباس

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