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العودة   حلول البطالة Unemployment Solutions > الحياة العلمية والعملية > التدريب المهني والفرص الدراسية > الإستفسارات التدريبية والدراسية


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الإستفسارات التدريبية والدراسية

ارجوكم ابي ترجمه واضحه لها الرساله Dear ali ahmad hakami,Processing number ...........Saudi Government ID number ............... Thank you for your...

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  #1 (permalink)  
قديم 01-07-2012, 09:51 AM
عضو متواصل
تاريخ التسجيل: Dec 2011
المشاركات: 44
معدل تقييم المستوى: 27
ابه يستحق التميز
تكفون ترجمة رساله ارامكو

ارجوكم ابي ترجمه واضحه لها الرساله

Dear ali ahmad hakami,Processing number ...........Saudi Government ID number ............... Thank you for your interest in the APNE Program. You have been scheduled for APNE examination in English andMathematics which will be held as follows: ********: DH North ITC, PELC, Building # 9133, Room 201.Date : Thursday 05 , July 2012.Time : 07:30 am. 1. Please plan to come early to your Exam time. If you arelate you will not be admitted to the exam. 2. Bring the original Government ID and a copy of this pageto the test ********. You will not be admitted into the testcenter without them. 3. Please make sure that you have already attached thefollowing to your online application.a. Graduation certificateb. Saudi Government ID or the family booklet 4. Mobile phones are not allowed in the testing halls.Please do not bring your mobile phone to the testing center Wish you all the best.Saudi Aramco

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