09-07-2012, 07:28 PM
عضو جديد
تاريخ التسجيل: Jul 2012
المشاركات: 21
معدل تقييم المستوى: 26
موعد ارامكو استفسار
السلام عليكم
اخواني انا جتني رسالة بعد تسجيلي بيومين في ارامكو طبعا انا من اهل الجنوب
وهذا نصها
Dear nasser hamad alshahrani,
Processing number .
Saudi Government ID number .
Thank you for your interest in the APNE Program.
You have been scheduled for APNE examination in English and
Mathematics which will be held as follows:
********: Prince Salman Center- Riyadh. (EAST HIGHWAY EXIT
Date : Wednesday 11 , July 2012.
Time : 4:00 pm.
1. Please plan to come early to your Exam time. If you are
late you will not be admitted to the exam.
2. Bring the original Government ID and a copy of this page
to the test ********. You will not be admitted into the test
center without them.
3. Please make sure that you have already attached the
following to your online application.
a. Graduation certificate
b. Saudi Government ID or the family booklet
4. Mobile phones are not allowed in the testing halls.
Please do not bring your mobile phone to the testing center
Wish you all the best.
Saudi Aramco
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طبعا ترجمتها بس ابي منكم المعلومات الاكيدة
وش اجيب معي من مستندات وووياليت اذا فيه نماذج تفيدني لان اختباري بعد بكره يوم الاربعاء بالرياض مركز الامير سلمان وتراني ميييح بالانجليزي يعني فزعتكم
اتمنى تردون علي باسرع وقت ممكن