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قسم الدراسات العليا

السلام عليكم اخواني واخواتي وتقبل اللة صيامكم وقيامكم طبعا نعرف التسجيل لبرنامج الابتعاث بدا واقول لجميع المسوفين الشروط الف مبروك مقدما الفترة...

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  #10 (permalink)  
قديم 20-11-2012, 07:16 PM
عضو متواصل
تاريخ التسجيل: Jul 2012
المشاركات: 92
معدل تقييم المستوى: 26
بكالريوس ودبلوم يستحق التميز

he Academic English Studies program at Lewis & Clark College. Contact information: phone- 503-768-7310, website- http://www.lclark.edu/~aes/. AES offers an on-campus housing option, please contact them for additional information.

o The ELS Language Center at Concordia University. Phone: 503-280-8552, website: http://www.els.edu/Centers/Portland/default.els?ISO=en ELS Language Center also offers an on-campus housing option, please contact them for additional information.

o For a more flexible schedule and low instructor to student ratio you can also try contacting Kaplan English Programs in Downtown Portland. Phone: 503-222-5556, Kaplan does not have on-campus housing.

o Columbia School of English. Phone: 503-775-8983, website:http://www.englishcolumbia.com/index.htm. Located in SE Portland with on-campus apartment or home-stay housing options, please contact them for additional information..

o There is also an ESL program offered at Chemeketa Community College in Salem, OR (about 45 minutes from Portland).http://www.chemeketa.edu/programs/esl/index.html For more information contact the ESOL Office at: 503-399-6298 or by email at cccesl@chemeketa.edu.

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اي واحد تنصحو فيه؟؟؟؟؟؟


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