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الوظائف المدنية لطرح الوظائف الحكومية المدنية فقط

SHIFT COMMANDER وظيفة شاغرة بالشؤون الصحية بالحرس الوطني

الوظائف المدنية

وظيفة شاغرة بالشؤون الصحية بالحرس الوطني اعلنت الشؤون الصحية بالحرس الوطني عن توفر فرصة وظيفية شاغرة بمسمى " SHIFT COMMANDER " للعمل لديها : ...

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  #1 (permalink)  
قديم 04-08-2012, 01:08 AM
عضو موثوق به
تاريخ التسجيل: Dec 2011
المشاركات: 5,877
معدل تقييم المستوى: 4901989
فيصل العبدالرحمن محترف الإبداعفيصل العبدالرحمن محترف الإبداعفيصل العبدالرحمن محترف الإبداعفيصل العبدالرحمن محترف الإبداعفيصل العبدالرحمن محترف الإبداعفيصل العبدالرحمن محترف الإبداعفيصل العبدالرحمن محترف الإبداعفيصل العبدالرحمن محترف الإبداعفيصل العبدالرحمن محترف الإبداعفيصل العبدالرحمن محترف الإبداعفيصل العبدالرحمن محترف الإبداع
SHIFT COMMANDER وظيفة شاغرة بالشؤون الصحية بالحرس الوطني

وظيفة شاغرة بالشؤون الصحية بالحرس الوطني

اعلنت الشؤون الصحية بالحرس الوطني عن توفر فرصة وظيفية شاغرة بمسمى " SHIFT COMMANDER " للعمل لديها :

Qualification & Experience
Bachelor Degree Must have 6 years experience as fully paid member of a Fire Department at least three years in supervisory position Formal Training and qualification as Firefighter Able to read, write and speak English. Beneficial knowledge of fire science and detailed knowledge of fire rescue equipment. Must be physically fit and have sound leadership Valid Saudi driving license Must be computer expert

Job Description
1. Supervises the daily activities, operations and routines of a shift to the established Fire Department standards. 2. Assists and advises the Deputy Chif and/or Duty Senior Officer in all matters relating to fire safety, fire Protection, Life Safety and hazardous materials control program. 3. Ensures fair and impartial treatment of all his shift personnel. 4. Maintains record of shift and individual training, in a program defined by the Deputy Chief and/or Senior Training Officer. 5. Through subordinates, ensures the continual testing and maintenance of all Fire Department operational equipment, mobile and non-mobile. 6. Supervises tactics and strategies of responding crews at any emergency, until relieve by a Senior Officer. 7. Assigns personnel to fire safety inspections/patrols, as required, and ensures full and accurate completion of these duties, including follow-up quality assurance checks. 8. Ensure personally and through subordinates, the operational efficiency of his shift, by training and lectures, as per schedules. 9. Submits required reports on incidents and activities, and carries out all shifts, by tanning and including vacation scheduling to ensure minimum manning is maintained. 10. ***** rotating shifts as per schedule. 11. Performs other job related duties as assigned.

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