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إستفسارات ونتائج وظائف القطاع الخاص لإستفسارات ونتائج وظائف القطاع الخاص فقط

وظائف شاغرة في شركة السويدي | الجبيل الصناعية

إستفسارات ونتائج وظائف القطاع الخاص

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  #1 (permalink)  
قديم 09-08-2012, 11:55 PM
الصورة الرمزية احمد اليحيى
عضو مهم
تاريخ التسجيل: Jan 2012
الدولة: الخبر
المشاركات: 295
معدل تقييم المستوى: 214775
احمد اليحيى محترف الإبداعاحمد اليحيى محترف الإبداعاحمد اليحيى محترف الإبداعاحمد اليحيى محترف الإبداعاحمد اليحيى محترف الإبداعاحمد اليحيى محترف الإبداعاحمد اليحيى محترف الإبداعاحمد اليحيى محترف الإبداعاحمد اليحيى محترف الإبداعاحمد اليحيى محترف الإبداعاحمد اليحيى محترف الإبداع
وظائف شاغرة في شركة السويدي | الجبيل الصناعية

Marketing Manager

Years of Experience10 - 15 yearsRequired No.1Job DescriptionTo Plan, direct and coordinate the marketing plan and ensure company is properly represented to clients / potential clients in order to secure a profitable share of the market.

Lead the business and marketing strategy development process. Responsible for achieving ******* growth and margin expansion goals.

Complete and continually update customer segmentation processes for the global Oil and Gas Industry.

Network and develop business relationships with key leaders and decision makers in the Oil & Gas Industries.

Oversee and evaluate market research and adjust marketing strategy to meet changing market and competitive conditions.

Review the client enquires to establish that the technical and commercial requirements are of a nature to enhance the company standing in the market and commensurate with its preferred filed of operation.

Responsible for pre qualifying with all the identified clients.
EducationBachelor Degree (Mechanical Engineering) & MBA in MarketingSkills and QualificationsMinimum 12-15 years of total experience out of which 5 years in relevant experience of having handled similar function in Oil & Gas Industries.


Construction Division Manager

Years of Experience15 - 20 yearsRequired No.1Job DescriptionTo oversee overall Projects of the Construction Division as a Profit Center Head.

To devise comprehensive Annual and 3 years Business plan of Division. To ensure the proper estimation and execution of the projects. To identify areas where new opportunity exists. To ensure continuous updating of the methodology, best practices, processes, norms applicable to the division. To pr***de timely support to the Project Team and clients. To facilitate in the migration of the division to be an EPC contractor.
EducationBachelor Degree in Mechanical EngineeringSkills and Qualifications15 Years of experience of Plant Construction out of which 3 – 5 years in similar position and Minimum of 10 years of experience as Project Manager in the Construction, revamp, turnaround for Oil and Gas, Petrochemical Refinery Sector. Experience in Middle East /KSA in particular would be an added advantage.

You can also email your application at

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