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Site was established in 2006
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شركة eDesign تطرح وظيفة Account executive للسعوديين بالرياض
السلام عليكم و رحمة الله وبركاته
Help the potential customers in selecting the best solution for their problem and passing their needs to the creative team and be the center of communication between both the client and the designing team. Post Signature Communicate all customer requirements/ adjustments & pass all art work from the designing/ development team to the client and vice versa until the project completion
Skills Perception & Analysis Organizing & Planning Decision-making Initiative Flexibility Oral Communications (Arabic & English) Written Communications (Arabic & English) تكون الأولوية لذوي الخبرات والحاصلين على الشهادة الجامعية في نفس المجال لذا نتمنى من كل من يجد بنفسه هذه الشروط ارسال السيرة الذاتية على الايميل التالي مع ضرورة ذكر "Account executive" كعنوان للرسالة Jobs@edesign.com.sa والله ولي التوفيق. |
موضوع مغلق |
(( لا تنسى ذكر الله )) |