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Site was established in 2006
السيره الذاتية وطلبات التوظيف نأمل من الفتيات عدم نشر إيميلاتهم |
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cv.كلية تقنية.وخبرات. ومحتاااج وظيفية فالشرقية.واللي يوظفني لة مقابل مادي كبير
Personal Information[align=center] Name: Nationality: Saudi Home Phone # Mobile Number: 0505233931 E-mail al-hajri111@hotmail.com Place of Birth: Ras Tanura Date of Birth: 07/04/1403 Marital Status: Married Objective Education Gregorian Graduation Year: 1431h. Collage Name: Dammam College of Technology. Grade: 2.89. Country: Saudi Arabia Qualifications: - Has a diploma from Dammam College of Technology in the production with grade point average of 2.89 out of 5 on 1/30/1431 - Holds a high school certificate, natural science, from Hakeem ben Hezam high school in Umm Al Sahik. - Certificate of completion of the program cycle of Prince Mohammed bin Fahd bin Abdul Aziz for the rehabilitation and employment of Saudi youth in the computer and office applications, which included: Introduction to Computer Windows 2000 desktop publisher word 2000 spreadsheet 2000 Excel 2000 PowerPoint viewer from 23/06/2001 to 01 / 08/2001. - Certificate of attendance at a summer training program, Prince Mohammed bin Fahd bin Abdul Aziz for the rehabilitation and employment of young Saudis in the Computer English 05/01/1425 to 06/09/1425. - Has a license to operate public work compounds (Crane) - Has a certificate in First Aid & CPR from Sahara Petrochemicals. Experience: Currently working with National Port Services Co. Ltd in Jubail Commercial Port as Safety Coordinator since 5/12/2011. - Able to check the ship and check the their safety record. Such as the last emergency drill. - Check the shipment tack. - Authorized to stop unauthorized person entering the port. - Able to check the fire extinguisher and report if any up normality. - Able to check all work permits. 1st of experience, - Worked in the Arabian Pipeline & Services Co. Ltd, as production mechanic for 5 years from01/02/2005 to 13/10/2009 - Worked as general maintenance technician with Katoen Natie Khonaini Co Ltd. at Sahara Petrochemical Company in Jubail from 2/5/2010 to 4/12/2011 - Currently working with National Port Services Co. Ltd in Jubail Commercial Port as Safety Coordinator since 5/12/2011. Special Skills: - can speak and write both Arabic and English. References: - Available upon request[/align] |
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ارجو ارسال سيرتك الذاتية على aksadah@gmail.com |
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