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الوظائف المدنية لطرح الوظائف الحكومية المدنية فقط

فرص وظيفية لدى مستشفى الملك فهد التخصصي - الدمام

الوظائف المدنية

فرص وظيفية لدى مستشفى الملك فهد التخصصي - الدمام Nuclear Medicine Assistant Consultant Job Details Job Location: Dammam, Saudi Arabia Job Role:...

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  #1 (permalink)  
قديم 12-04-2013, 02:45 PM
عضو موثوق به
تاريخ التسجيل: Dec 2011
المشاركات: 5,877
معدل تقييم المستوى: 4901989
فيصل العبدالرحمن محترف الإبداعفيصل العبدالرحمن محترف الإبداعفيصل العبدالرحمن محترف الإبداعفيصل العبدالرحمن محترف الإبداعفيصل العبدالرحمن محترف الإبداعفيصل العبدالرحمن محترف الإبداعفيصل العبدالرحمن محترف الإبداعفيصل العبدالرحمن محترف الإبداعفيصل العبدالرحمن محترف الإبداعفيصل العبدالرحمن محترف الإبداعفيصل العبدالرحمن محترف الإبداع
فرص وظيفية لدى مستشفى الملك فهد التخصصي - الدمام

فرص وظيفية لدى مستشفى الملك فهد التخصصي - الدمام

Nuclear Medicine Assistant Consultant

Job Details

Job Location: Dammam, Saudi Arabia

Job Role: Healthcare/Medical

Number of Vacancies: 1

Preferred Candidate

Career Level: Mid Career

Degree: Doctorate

BASIC **********

The Consultant will exercise the highest possible standard of patient care according to his/her clinical privileges and available resources and assume direct responsibility for the care of patients admitted under her/his care. The Consultants will participate in the training and teaching program of the hospital and of junior staff while managing the medical/clinical resources and administrative responsibilities for which he/she is responsible.



- Graduate from a recognized medical school
- Certification in Medical Specialty by an Approved Specialty Board
- Saudi board or American board in Specialty/Fellowship program in the Country of origin of the applicant
- Qualified to be registered with the Saudi Council for Health Specialties

Qualification Required for the job:

American Board of Nuclear Medicine certified or *****alent


No post board experience required


As per Job Description

Board certified in Nuclear Medicine (United States or *****alent)



Nuclear Medicine Consultant

Job Details

Job Location: Dammam, Saudi Arabia

Job Role: Healthcare/Medical

Number of Vacancies: 1

Preferred Candidate

Career Level: Mid Career

Years of Experience: Min: 3

Degree: Doctorate

BASIC **********

The Consultant will exercise the highest possible standard of patient care according to his/her clinical privileges and available resources and assume direct responsibility for the care of patients admitted under her/his care. The Consultants will participate in the training and teaching program of the hospital and of junior staff while managing the medical/clinical resources and administrative responsibilities for which he/she is responsible.



- Graduate from a recognized medical school
- Certification in Medical Specialty by an Approved Specialty Board
- Saudi board or American board in Specialty/Fellowship program in the Country of origin of the applicant
- Qualified to be registered with the Saudi Council for Health Specialties

Qualification Required for the job:

1. American Board of Nuclear Medicine certified or *****alent
2. One year Fellowship Certification in PET Imaging


3-5 years post board certification clinical experience


As per Job Description.


1. Board Certified in Nuclear Medicine (United States or *****alent) 2. Certified in PET Imaging.




(( لا تنسى ذكر الله ))

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