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وظائف شاغرة بجامعة الملك عبد الله

الوظائف المدنية

وظائف شاغرة بجامعة الملك عبد الله : Please select the Search openings link below or log in to your account to apply for KAUST positions.

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  #1 (permalink)  
قديم 14-05-2013, 08:45 PM
عضو موثوق به
تاريخ التسجيل: Mar 2013
المشاركات: 879
معدل تقييم المستوى: 277946
ماهزني فراقك محترف الإبداعماهزني فراقك محترف الإبداعماهزني فراقك محترف الإبداعماهزني فراقك محترف الإبداعماهزني فراقك محترف الإبداعماهزني فراقك محترف الإبداعماهزني فراقك محترف الإبداعماهزني فراقك محترف الإبداعماهزني فراقك محترف الإبداعماهزني فراقك محترف الإبداعماهزني فراقك محترف الإبداع
Post وظائف شاغرة بجامعة الملك عبد الله

وظائف شاغرة بجامعة الملك عبد الله

Please select the Search openings link below or log in to your account to apply for KAUST positions.

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Featured jobs Browse a few of our hottest job opportunities below, but do not forget to click the Search openings link above for a complete list of available positions!
Clear checked Auto req IDJob TitleJob TypeOrganizationDivision / CenterDate updated 2405BRTeacher Development Program "TDP"Non-Academic Facilities and Community 15-Apr-2013

Job details Job 1 of 1 Job LocationSaudi ArabiaJob TitleTeacher Development Program "TDP"Job TypeNon-AcademicJob SummaryThe purpose of the TDP is to help Saudi get a start on teaching careers . This program helps prepare aspiring Saudi educators for a future in education. The TDP pr***des ******** with the knowledge and skills needed for effective teaching through a high quality pre-service teacher preparation program. High quality teacher preparation for Saudi Candidates results in increased student achievement.

Pr***des professional classroom instruction at the elementary, early childhood level or Physical Education. May specialize in and teach one or more specialty areas or teach all elementary classroom subjects. Will participate in teaching teams with Mentor teacher.
Major Responsibilities• Daily planning and preparation, managing the classroom environment, managing learning and supporting individual students with Mentor teacher.
• Integrate technology and differentiate instruction.
• Work in cooperation with other ******** and curriculum coordinators.
• Evaluate student progress using research- based formative and summative assessment practices on a regular basis.
• Communicate students' progress to parents.
• Recommend remedial or enrichment activities.
• Follow established policies and school guidelines
• Participate in co- and/or extra- curricular school activities
OrganizationFacilities and CommunityDivisionCommunity ServicesTechnical SkillsUsing Information and Communication TechnologyNon-Technical Skills or AttributesSigns of basic:
Communicating Clearly and Accurately Demonstrating Flexibility and Responsiveness
Fluent in English
Required EducationMust have graduated with a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0 (out of 4), or the *****alent, for both bachelor’s and master’s degrees.

Preference degree in Education.
Required ExperiencePreference for candidates with less than 12 months working experience prior to TDP assignment.

تفاصيل اكثر

https://jobs.kaust.edu.sa/1033/ASP/TG/cim_home.asp?partnerid=25118&siteid=5182&codes=Ext ernal_TG



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