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وظائف منطقة الرياض وظائف منطقة الرياض فقط

Payroll Officer Male Saudis

وظائف منطقة الرياض

Greeting, A vacancy is open for Payroll Officer with one of the largest company in Middle East. Only for Saudis Males Job Description :- The Payroll...

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  #1 (permalink)  
قديم 29-05-2013, 12:55 PM
عضو مهم
تاريخ التسجيل: Feb 2012
الدولة: الرياض
المشاركات: 250
معدل تقييم المستوى: 27
العوبثاني يستحق التميز
Payroll Officer Male Saudis


A vacancy is open for Payroll Officer with one of the largest company in Middle East. Only for Saudis Males
Job Description :-
The Payroll Officer undertakes all activities within HR to achieve company objectives in a timely and efficient manner.
Collect process and communicate relevant data in a timely manner, prioritizing where necessary
Create and maintain accurate files and reports
Develop internal and external relationships to benefit the business
Review and make recommendations for change in all processes regarding the specific department to improve contribution to the business
Act as ambassador for department and company at all times
Ensure department complies with company, local market and legal policies, procedures and guidelines

Graduate of accounting degree is a must
English language skills is a must
Arabic language skills is a must
Previous payroll experience desired
Familiarity with Oracle database helpful
One to three years of Payroll experience with Oracle HRMS
Good Communication and PC Skills
Able to work accurately within deadlines

[align=center]Send Updated CV along with 4x6 photo to this Email


Kind Regards

(( لا تنسى ذكر الله ))

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الكلمات الدلالية (Tags)
male, officer, payroll, saudis

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