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Site was established in 2006
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Since you like translation so much التعديل الأخير تم بواسطة fullmoon ; 13-07-2008 الساعة 03:55 PM |
may Allah help you
ok what do you mind translating a book . i see that it is more useful in this world and in the hereafter then you will be able to participate in the king's competion more than the financial reward you will gain for this effort |
actually I am searching for the suitable book I'm looking for a useful topic
I understand not much about ninja التعديل الأخير تم بواسطة انشراح الفجر ; 13-07-2008 الساعة 04:41 PM |
For every one who knows a book in need of translation from English into Arabic, please provide me of its title I hope it is about one of those subjects wo man in the western countries religion home educating children or any other useful topic [/GLOW] التعديل الأخير تم بواسطة انشراح الفجر ; 14-07-2008 الساعة 03:06 AM |
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(( لا تنسى ذكر الله )) |