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السيره الذاتية وطلبات التوظيف نأمل من الفتيات عدم نشر إيميلاتهم

Looking for a career not a job

السيره الذاتية وطلبات التوظيف

Education Bachelor of Science in Mechanical and Manufacturing Aug, 2013 Engineering Technology GPA 3.3 Northern Kentucky University –...

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  #1 (permalink)  
قديم 05-08-2013, 02:27 PM
عضو جديد
تاريخ التسجيل: Apr 2013
المشاركات: 8
معدل تقييم المستوى: 0
عمررررررررر يستحق التميز
Looking for a career not a job


Bachelor of Science in Mechanical and Manufacturing Aug, 2013
Engineering Technology GPA 3.3
Northern Kentucky University – School of Engineering Technology
Highland Heights, KY

Associate Degree of Science in Mechanical Maintenance Oct, 2010
Engineering Technology GPA 3.00
Jubail Industrial College


Automated Manufacturing System / Planning & Design for Industrial Facility
Project Management & Problem Solving / Strength of Materials/
Tool Design, CNC & CAM / Advanced CADD/
Applied Dynamic / Pumping Machinery & Installation
Fluid Mechanics / Applied Thermodynamics/

Work Experience

Coop trainee at SABIC Jun-Oct,
Inspector of stationary equipment 2010
• Participated in Turnaround and Inspection for SADAF plants
• Performed internal and external inspection to several stationary equipment such as boilers, heat exchangers and tanks

Computer & Engineering Skills

• Developed proficiency in advanced design & Finite Element Analysis utilizing CAD, Pro-Engineer 5.0 software, and customized & professional CADD techniques
• Solid understanding in performance analysis and components of the steam power plant. Selection, operation and maintenance of its stationary and rotating equipment such as boilers and pumps
• Developed Knowledge and hands-on skills in materials, advanced manufacturing operations, tools, and equipment used in automation such as CNC machinery and Mitsubishi Robots
• Excellent technical writing and communication skills
• Developed knowledge of statistical methods, data collection and research paper

Senior Project
Designed and constructed a motorized wiper that wipes 13 foot white board in 5 seconds. Several manufacturing processes were performed. Proper RPM, Torque, and Velocity were calculated for motor selection
رد مع اقتباس
  #2 (permalink)  
قديم 06-08-2013, 02:35 PM
الصورة الرمزية سعودي جائع
عضو مميز
تاريخ التسجيل: May 2012
المشاركات: 920
معدل تقييم المستوى: 304153
سعودي جائع محترف الإبداعسعودي جائع محترف الإبداعسعودي جائع محترف الإبداعسعودي جائع محترف الإبداعسعودي جائع محترف الإبداعسعودي جائع محترف الإبداعسعودي جائع محترف الإبداعسعودي جائع محترف الإبداعسعودي جائع محترف الإبداعسعودي جائع محترف الإبداعسعودي جائع محترف الإبداع

بالتوفيييييق ان شاء الله

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