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قسم أرشيف الوظائف مرجع الوظائف القديمة

وظائف في البنك الفرنسي

قسم أرشيف الوظائف

مساعد أداري : Administrative Assistant Job Purpose: To pr***de broad secretarial and administrative services to the division. Accountabilities:...

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قديم 11-04-2014, 02:57 AM
الصورة الرمزية المتحيزم
عضو نشيط
تاريخ التسجيل: Jun 2011
المشاركات: 193
معدل تقييم المستوى: 134
المتحيزم محترف الإبداعالمتحيزم محترف الإبداعالمتحيزم محترف الإبداعالمتحيزم محترف الإبداعالمتحيزم محترف الإبداعالمتحيزم محترف الإبداعالمتحيزم محترف الإبداعالمتحيزم محترف الإبداعالمتحيزم محترف الإبداعالمتحيزم محترف الإبداعالمتحيزم محترف الإبداع
وظائف في البنك الفرنسي

مساعد أداري : Administrative Assistant

Job Purpose:
To pr***de broad secretarial and administrative services to the division.

•Maintains a good communication flow between Division/Group and other BSF organizations;
•Maintains confidentiality and effective filing of confidential documents;
•Prepares reports in Excel or Powerpoint format for the Division/Group;
•Controls and manages office supplies and fixed assets;
•Records and maintains the vacation schedule of Division/Group personnel;
•Takes and places calls/messages;
•Receives and attends to guests and visitors;
•Arranges travel bookings and accommodation
•Composes routine letters and memos;
•Performs other related duties that maybe required by the Division/Group Head from time to time.

•Fluent English.
•Advance computer knowledge.
•Good communication skills.
•Good appearance.


مطور شبكات : IT Developer

Analyze the requirements, design of small size applications and develop business application software as part of the project teams or support teams.

 0-4 years experience.
 Extensive knowledge and hands on experience in particular area of technical expertise. This will cover one or more of the following skill areas:
 Programming languages and technologies used in major systems
 Office automation environments and software packages including productivity tools and applications i.e. development tools, office suites, e-mail, etc.
 Data processing techniques and contemporary computer technology
 Industry related technologies
 Brief understanding of the following:
 Hardware components
 Network systems, software and hardware
 LAN/WAN topologies and protocols
 Operating Systems (NT, Novell, UNIX, O/S2, DOS) and their corresponding network structures
 Well developed knowledge of banking business operations

 Well developed analytical skills.
 Well developed design skills.
 Well developed problem solving skills.
 Well developed customer service skills.
 Good communication skills - written and verbal.
 Ability to translate technical information into appropriate business language.
 Ability to handle multiple activities.
 Ability to work both independently, with minimal supervision, and as part of a team.
 Good Arabic and English language skills.
الخلفية التعليمية

Degree in Computer Science or related field.


وظيفة : PMO Coordinator

1. Participate in PMO related processes, practices and activities.
2. Handle periodic / routine management reporting. Excellent MS-Office skills.
3. Assist implementing Project Management Methodology and ensure adherence to it.
4. Ensure adaptability to PMO mandates, initiatives, processes and procedures in all IT areas.
5. Assist and coordinate with colleagues in PMO in documents validation.
6. Take initiatives in proposing new ideas and solutions.
7. Assist PMO and coordinate with business lines in formalizing the projects and budget preparation for ensuing year.
8. Prepare periodical reports including project status reports etc.
9. Organize and attend PMO related meetings and note minutes of the meetings.

1. Participate in PMO related processes, practices and activities.
2. Handle periodic / routine management reporting. Excellent MS-Office skills.
3. Assist implementing Project Management Methodology and ensure adherence to it.
4. Ensure adaptability to PMO mandates, initiatives, processes and procedures in all IT areas.
5. Assist and coordinate with colleagues in PMO in documents validation.
6. Take initiatives in proposing new ideas and solutions.
7. Assist PMO and coordinate with business lines in formalizing the projects and budget preparation for ensuing year.
8. Prepare periodical reports including project status reports etc.
9. Organize and attend PMO related meetings and note minutes of the meetings.

Knowledge & Experience:

 Degree in Computer Science or related field.
 2-3 years of experience in IT area with exposure to PMO affairs.
 Excellent MS-Office skills. Excellence in IT related knowledge is a must.
 Knowledge of project management methodology, processes and tools.
 Basic knowledge of IT planning and budgeting process
 Any certification in this area is an added advantage
الخلفية التعليمية

Degree in Computer Science or related field.


التقديم عن طريق البنك السعودي الفرنسي .

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