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السيره الذاتية وطلبات التوظيف نأمل من الفتيات عدم نشر إيميلاتهم

مهندس ميكانيكي من أمريكا

السيره الذاتية وطلبات التوظيف

مهندس ميكانيكي متخرج من جامعة أمريكية يبحث عن عمل ولديه الجدية في العمل والمصادقية CV Jafer Alkhames +966561111178 +966566927772 ...

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  #1 (permalink)  
قديم 10-06-2014, 04:19 PM
الصورة الرمزية اسيرالصمت
عضو متواصل
تاريخ التسجيل: May 2007
الدولة: الرياض
المشاركات: 50
معدل تقييم المستوى: 37
اسيرالصمت يستحق التميز
Red face مهندس ميكانيكي من أمريكا

مهندس ميكانيكي متخرج من جامعة أمريكية يبحث عن عمل ولديه الجدية في العمل والمصادقية

Jafer Alkhames
+966561111178 +966566927772 jmrk2222@hotmail.com

To obtain a position as an engineer and apply the disciplines that I have learned from my engineering experience to assist in executing all job related responsibilities

Bowling Green State University, Bowling Green, OH
Bachelor of Science in Engineering Technology
Expected Graduation: May 2014

Certificates and Ratings

  • Lean Six Sigma – Black Belt § Supply Chain Management
  • OSHA General Industry Safety Plan § Future Global Leaders Fundamentals of Lean Sigma - Green Belt § Production Planning & Control
  • Lean Sigma Leadership - Green Belt §Intercultural Communication
§ Financial Management Basics
§ Organizational Quality
§ Characteristics of Successful Employees
§ Time Management


  • Renewable Energy § Sustainable Technology
  • Estimating and Cost Control § Electronic systems
  • Metallic matters and processing § CAM & Rapid Prototyping


Research Intern August to December 2014
Bowling Green State University, Bowling Green, OH
· Interned for Dr. Waggoner, chairman of the Technology Department assisting, researching and manufacturing; Hydraulic bicycle, dcv valve, “square” hydraulic cylinder, Hot weir, Home Cutter.

Research Intern May to August 2013
Bowling Green State University, Bowling Green, OH
§ Interned for Dr. Waggoner, chairman of the Technology Department assisting, researching and manufacturing; Initial stages of hydraulic bicycle design, SayBolt Viscometer, Wind Mill Turbine Propeller.

Research Intern May to August 2012
§ Bowling Green State University, Bowling Green, OH
Interned for Dr. Waggoner, chairman of the Technology Department assisting, researching and manufacturing; Lego 3-D Scanner to set up initial stages for 3-D scanner and printing for the engineering department.


Customer Service - Manager October 2005 to September 2008
Mobily Telecom, Dammam, Saudi Arabia
§ As manager, helped customers with phone activation, handled complaints, and led team members for daily, weekly, and monthly tasks. While also focusing on compiling monthly financial and performance reports as well as creating weekly work schedule for employees.

Marketing Representative March 2003 to August 2005
Nestle, Dammam, Saudi Arabia
§ Worked in stocking merchandise and ordered appropriate merchandise on a daily basis to meet customer demand while collaborating with co-******* and upper management.

Marketing Representative November 2001 to February 2003
Procter & Gamble, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
§ Stocked merchandise and ordered appropriate merchandise on a daily basis to meet customer demand whileconsulting with co-******* and upper management.


§ AutoCAD Experience § CNC Programing
§ Solid Works experience § Statics
§ Master CAM – Rapid Prototyping § Metrology
§ Customer Service § Sustainability

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