22-10-2007, 02:50 AM
عضو جديد
تاريخ التسجيل: Mar 2007
المشاركات: 35
معدل تقييم المستوى: 37
اليك سيرتي الذاتية
Phone: ###########
Home-phone :########
Saleh Mohammed Abdullah Zarry Al ghamdi
Personal Information
§ Nationality: Saudi Arabia
§ 12-12-1401 AH
§ Place of Birth: Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
I am looking for position in a well-recognized company where challenge, commitment, and loyalty are needed.
§ The associated degree of College of Technology from the department of Computer Technology in the field Computer from College of Telecommunication & Electronics in Jeddah , by G.P.A 4.45 from 5 (with second honor degree) . The year of graduation 25/11/1423 AH , 2002/2003 AD .
§ Degree of Bachelor's of Engineering Technology for department of Computer Technology in the field of Computer from Riyadh College of Technology , by G.P.A 3.52 from 5 . The year of graduation is 19/1/1428 AH , 2006/2007 AD.
Reading, Running, Making new Friends . In addition, playing foot ball and volley ball.
Arabic (mother language).
English: - Speaking (Very good)
- Writing (Very good)
- Reading (Excellent)
§ I successfully completed a general English course at the EF English First school in Jeddah , and I have gotten Level 4.
. I completed the Training in my specialist at Saudi Telecom Company (STC) for Three months.
§ I trained about Local Area Network (LAN) in Computer & Internet Institute in Jeddah, for one month.
§ Skills in (Oracle 9i) language .
§ Skills in designing & using the macromedia Flash like (Swish program).
§ Skills in maintenance of computers.
§ Skills in Networks .
§ Skills in (Microsoft Office) like 2000,XP,2003.
§ Skills in computer language like (C++) and (HTML).
§ Skills in (Software Engineering ) to do the projects of programs .
§ Skills in the media production for the video movies and pictures .
التعديل الأخير تم بواسطة ام وصايف ; 06-11-2007 الساعة 02:40 PM
سبب آخر: ~~يمنع وضع الايميل وارقام الهاتف~~