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وظائف المنطقة الغربية جدة - مكة - الطائف - المدينة المنورة - ينبع - ومايتبعها

Job vacancies in saudi arabia مطلوب مهندسين

وظائف المنطقة الغربية

السلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته مطلوب شغل عدد من الوظائف الهندسية في مختلف المجالات A. Project Manager Job Description: o Identify and engage...

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  #1 (permalink)  
قديم 25-11-2014, 10:57 AM
الصورة الرمزية sam0101
عضو نشيط
تاريخ التسجيل: Jun 2007
الدولة: بلاد الحرمين
المشاركات: 123
معدل تقييم المستوى: 37
sam0101 مبدعsam0101 مبدع
Job vacancies in saudi arabia مطلوب مهندسين

السلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته

مطلوب شغل عدد من الوظائف الهندسية في مختلف المجالات

A. Project Manager

Job Description:
o Identify and engage appropriate level of cross-functional representatives forming a team to deliver the project brief; ensure resource issues are resolved.
o Manage project team meetings and other methods of communication demonstrating strong meetings management and facilitation skills and championing quality outputs at all times.
o Create alternative high-level project plans at the beginning of the project, agree lead alternative with the business.
o Create, own and communicate a detailed project plan for every project showing key decisions and milestones.
o Drive delivery of project according to agreed project plan escalating issues as appropriate.
o Maintain project documentation and reporting to communicate clear status of projects, key timings, issues & risks.
o Maintain quality communication with relevant Change Program Manager ensuring actions and plans are clearly defined.
o Drive implementation of projects resolving risks & issues or offering alternatives to remove barriers and create contingency plans. Ensure appropriate level of communication to the business.
o Manage stakeholders through senior forums, escalating issues and risks and driving solutions.
o Bi-monthly Progress Reporting (every 2 weeks), including meetings and report submissions.
o Weekly Coordinator Meetings and Reports of current and/or upcoming Work items.
o Daily coordination meetings and/or workshops with NWC, when needed and/or requested by NWC, for specific items of the Works.
o All of which shall be acceptable to NWC.

Experience: Not less than 12 years of practical experience in Sewage treatment plant project.
Education: Bachelor of Engineering (Mechanical, Chemical, Civil)
Age: 35 – 50 Years
o Fluent English (Writing – Reading – Speaking).
o Computer Skills: - (Word, Excel, MS Project, Primavera 6….).
B. Planning and Cost Control Engineer
Job Description:
o Preparing a monthly report for each project showing the progress rate, the amount of resources that used and the costs for each article per project.
o Develop job cost management execution plan and cash flow.
o Develop preliminary turnaround or project cost from job estimates.
o Ensure the project completion within the specific duration.
o Making the necessary adjustments to the work program according to the new information during the implementation and identifying the necessary cash flow.
o Estimates the amount of resources used for each project at the end of work and compare it with what was planned.
o Specify the actual productivity of the resources of each project resource after the end of work and compare it with what was planned.
o Make a database for the company that contributes in pricing process and planning for future projects.
Experience: Not less than 10 years of practical experience in projects.
Education: Bachelor of Engineering (Mechanical, Chemical, Civil)
Age: 35 – 50 Years
o Fluent English (Writing – Reading – Speaking).
o Computer Skills: - (Word, Excel, MS Project, Primavera 6….)
C. Design Manager
Job Description:
o Manages performing the required design within the allocated budgeted hours (as per agreed upon project plan).
o Manages performing the required design tasks with the lowest number of errors (as per internal and external customers’ requirements) with a minimum wastage of time for reworks Customer.
o Manages and maintains effective relationships with the internal and external customers, consultants, contractors and subcontractors and any other involved parties on the project.
Experience: Not less than 12 years of practical experience in projects.
Education: Bachelor of Engineering (Chemical, Mechanical, Civil)
Age: 35 – 50 Years
o Fluent English (Writing – Reading – Speaking).
o Computer Skills: - (Word, Excel, Autodesk, MS Project, Primavera 6….)
D. Senior Treatment Process Engineer
Job Description:
o Review project specs.
o Create the process that achieve project requirements within project budget.
o Design P&I and Layout for the project.
o Prepare required process calculation.
Experience: Not less than 12 years of practical experience in projects.
Education: Bachelor of Engineering (Chemical, Mechanical, Civil)
Age: 35 – 50 Years
o Fluent English (Writing – Reading – Speaking).
o Computer Skills: - (Word, Excel, MS Project, Primavera 6….)
E. Senior Mechanical Engineer
Job Description:
o Manages performing the required design within the allocated budgeted hours (as per agreed upon project plan) with the lowest number of errors (as per internal and external customers’ requirements) with a minimum wastage of time for reworks Customer.
o Determines the size of water piping, preparation of piping layout and conduct pump head calculations…etc.
o Prepares the control system layout and sequence of operation, equipment schedules.
o Reviews of suppliers’ documents and liaise with suppliers for technical inputs and inquiries.
o Performs all mechanical designs and construction drawings.
o Maintains and stores project records, data and documents.
- Experience: Not less than 8 years of practical experience in projects.
- Education: Bachelor of Engineering (Mechanical)
- Age: 30 – 50 Years
- Qualification:
o Fluent English (Writing – Reading – Speaking).
o Computer Skills: - (Word, Excel, MS Project, Primavera 6….)
F. Senior Electrical Engineer
Job Description:
o Manages performing the required design within the allocated budgeted hours (as per agreed upon project plan) with the lowest number of errors (as per internal and external customers’ requirements) with a minimum wastage of time for reworks Customer.
o Determines the equipment loads.
o Prepares the control system layout and sequence of operation, equipment schedules, Load sheet, Single line diagram, Cables layout…etc.
o Reviews of suppliers’ documents and liaise with suppliers for technical inputs and inquiries.
o Performs all electrical designs and construction.
o Maintains and stores project records, data and documents.
Experience: Not less than 8 years of practical experience in projects.
Education: Bachelor of Engineering (Electrical)
Age: 30 – 50 Years
o Fluent English (Writing – Reading – Speaking).
o Computer Skills: - (Word, Excel, MS Project, Primavera 6….)
G. Senior Instrumentation / Control Engineer
Job Description:
o preparing engineering calculations, drawings and documents including instrument indexes, datasheets, junction box grouping & cable schedules, wiring drawings, loop drawings, instrument hook-ups, location layouts, functional logic diagrams, C&E diagrams, sizing calculations for control valves, flow elements & thermo wells (wake frequency). SADA, DCS design and programing.
Experience: Not less than 8 years of practical experience in projects.
Education: Bachelor of Engineering (Mechanical, Civil)
Age: 28 – 50 Years
o Fluent English (Writing – Reading – Speaking).
o Computer Skills: - (Word, Excel, MS Project, Primavera 6….)
H. Construction Manager
Job Description:
o To determine the manpower and physical resources required, and establish objectives for their acquisition, utilization and productivity;
o To plan and establish timely allocation / acquisition of manpower and physical resources at the right quantity and competence / quality and deploy when and where required;
o To assign responsibilities and delegate authority commensurate with their abilities;
o To determine the appropriateness of information for developing shop drawings and method statements, in full compliance with the:
o Contract Drawings,
o Specifications and Applicable Standards
o To determine performance measures that ensure appropriate data is both collected and pr***ded in a meaningful form from which performance can be judged, i.e.
o Inspection Test Plans
o Quality control records
o To monitor and measure overall performance against planned targets and report findings.
o To execute the works as per the sequences adopted in the approved work Programme.
o To coordinate the different executions Sections & groups to guaranty the full efficiency of the allocated resources.
o To coordinate with the material procurement department to assure the materials are delivered to site at the proper time.

Experience: Not less than 12 years of practical experience in projects.
Education: Bachelor of Engineering (Mechanical, Electrical, Civil)
Age: 35 – 50 Years
o Fluent English (Writing – Reading – Speaking).
o Computer Skills: - (Word, Excel, MS Project, Primavera 6….)
على من يأنس في نفسه الكفاءة و القدرة فليتفضل مشكوراً بارسال سيرته الذاتية على البريد التالي :


و بالتوفيق للجميع
  #2 (permalink)  
قديم 25-11-2014, 12:01 PM
الصورة الرمزية Akab'r
مشرف سابق
تاريخ التسجيل: Sep 2011
المشاركات: 5,095
معدل تقييم المستوى: 6284976
Akab'r محترف الإبداعAkab'r محترف الإبداعAkab'r محترف الإبداعAkab'r محترف الإبداعAkab'r محترف الإبداعAkab'r محترف الإبداعAkab'r محترف الإبداعAkab'r محترف الإبداعAkab'r محترف الإبداعAkab'r محترف الإبداعAkab'r محترف الإبداع

يعطيك العافية .. بالتوفيق

  #3 (permalink)  
قديم 25-11-2014, 01:34 PM
عضو متواصل
تاريخ التسجيل: Sep 2014
المشاركات: 43
معدل تقييم المستوى: 21
سوما نوري يستحق التميز

بالتوفيق ..

موضوع مغلق

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