28-12-2014, 06:14 PM
عضو متواصل
تاريخ التسجيل: Nov 2014
المشاركات: 66
معدل تقييم المستوى: 21
إداري مطبخ او إدارية مطبخ في فندق خمس نجوم( Kitchen Admin )
Applicant Profile Required for Kitchen Clerk.
Primary role.
Assist senior chefs in the day to day administration of the kitchen. This will ******* correspondence, updating training records, HACCP Records, Recipes, notice boards, production sheets, preparing reports, organising files, maintaining diaries, following up on matters related to the kitchen operation, Supplier Audits, checking reports and data related to the kitchen operation, preparing daily PO for all food items, and entering this into the Birch street system, amending par stock levels, updating and circulating function information sheets.
Skills: Must have.
Computer Literate in
Microsoft Office Word
Microsoft Office Excel
Microsoft Powerpoint 2007
Microsoft Office Outlook
Good command of English verbally and written.
Skills: Preferred.
Knowledge of HACCP
Previous Experience in a F&B control position (cost controller, storekeeper, etc)
Experience in filing and storing of records
Driving Licence.
Personal profile.
Organised, Methodical, Observant
Flexible to hours, environment or tasks.
Ability to work at pace and under pressure.
Ability to take initiative and work proactively without direct supervision
Main Place of Work.
Office situated within the kitchen environment.
Accompanying senior chefs, to some meetings, site visits, Suppliers premises.
Smart casual while outside the food preparation environment. White coat, hairnet and any other dress requirements as may come into force related to food hygiene or HACCP while in the food preparation areas, including office.
Working Hours.
Predominantly 8.00am to 5.00pm however a lot of variation including evenings and weekends will be required depending on the shift patterns of the senior chefs and the work load of the operation.
المميزات :
1. راتب مغري
2. تدريب على راس العمل
3. وجبات مجانية خلال فترة الدوام في كفتيريا الموظفين.
4.تامين طبي للموظف و اذا كان متزوج تضاف عائلته الى التامين الصحي.
5. اجازة يومين في الاسبوع.
يشترط :
1.ان لا يتجاوز عمر المتقدم عن 35 سنة .
2. ان يكون المتقدم متفرغ للعمل و ليس طالبا او مرتبطا باي عمل اخر.
3. انلا يكون المتقدم مسجلا لدى اي شركة اخرى في التامينات الاجتماعية.
4. إجاد اللغة الإنجليزية
5. إجادة مهارات الحاسب الآلي.
ويفضل من لديه خلفية في الأغذية والمشروبات
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