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وظائف منطقة الرياض وظائف منطقة الرياض فقط

مطلوب (ماجستير) حاسب آلي للعمل :: بالسنة التحضيرية بالجامعة

وظائف منطقة الرياض

IT Trainers Qualification: Master Degree in ( IT, Computer, Instructional Technology) and the bachelor degree must be in the same field. Gender -...

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  #1 (permalink)  
قديم 11-08-2015, 05:30 PM
تاريخ التسجيل: Feb 2011
المشاركات: 316
معدل تقييم المستوى: 0
محمد بوعزيزي يستحق التميز
مطلوب (ماجستير) حاسب آلي للعمل :: بالسنة التحضيرية بالجامعة

IT Trainers

Qualification: Master Degree in ( IT, Computer, Instructional Technology) and the bachelor degree must be in the same field.

Gender - Male

Nationality - Must be Saudi

Experience:: If Candidate is having relevant field experience it will be advantage for them

Job Description:

· To conduct classes for the students based on the specific curriculum.

· To take part in regular and extra academic tasks as per the need and guidance by the Academic Supervisor and higher levels.

· To attend the Scheduled Team Meetings and exhibit team work and take guidance from Supervisors.

· To handle runtime academic issues of the students and the issues related to academic infrastructure.

· To responsibly handle the Labs assigned and make sure of the required Lab Infrastructure available and report to the Supervisor.

· Promote eLearning amongst the Learners

· To prepare and conduct internal class tests, assignments, quizzes and the examinations as required.

· To take part in staff development programs as and when organized.

· To explore new methodologies of teaching Techniques.

· To abide with the professional and ethical disciplinary standards of the organization.

· To invigilate examinations whenever required.

· To evaluate answers of the examinations as required and generate the Mark sheets or Result Reports.

· To maintain the Daily Training Reports in the specified formats and produce it to Supervisor.

· To maintain the students data (Performance and others) and produce it as and when instructed by the Supervisor.

· Keep themselves updated with latest developments in the IT Industry.

· Take feedback from the students from time to time and customize the style of teaching according to the requirement of the students.

· Give the presentations to the fellow trainers on various topics assigned to him from time to time. Also share their experiences in teaching to other fellow trainers for improvement of the teaching quality.

Working Hours: 8:00 PM – 5:00 PM ( From Sunday to Thursday)

Full Package: 8000-10,000 (Basic Salary+ Housing + Transportation)


· 30 Days paid vacation per year

Medical Insurance

Professional Development

يجب كتابة بالعنوان ماجستير حاسب آلي.

وإلا لن ينظر بالسيرة الذاتية


(( لا تنسى ذكر الله ))

مواضيع ذات صله وظائف منطقة الرياض

ظˆط¸ظٹظپط© ط£ط®طµط§ط¦ظٹ طھط·ظˆظٹط± ط§ظ„ط£ط¹ظ…ط§ظ„ - ط´ط±ظƒط© ظ…ط¹ط§ط¯ظ† Ma'aden ط¨ط§ظ„ط±ظٹط§ط¶
ظˆط¸ظٹظپط© ظ…ظ†ط¯ظˆط¨ ظ…ط¨ظٹط¹ط§طھ - ط´ط±ظƒط© طµظ†ط§ط¹ظٹط© ط¨ط§ظ„ط±ظٹط§ط¶
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ظˆط¸ط§ط¦ظپ ط¥ط¯ط§ط±ظٹط© ط´ط§ط؛ط±ط© - ط¨ظ†ظƒ ط§ظ„ط¨ظ„ط§ط¯ ط¨ط§ظ„ط±ظٹط§ط¶ ظˆط¬ط¯ط©
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ظˆط¸ظٹظپط© ظ…ط¯ظٹط± ط§ظ„ط§ظ…طھط«ط§ظ„ ط£ظ…ظ† ط§ظ„ظ…ط¹ظ„ظˆظ…ط§طھ - ط¨ظ†ظƒ ط§ظ„ط¨ظ„ط§ط¯ Bank Albilad ط¨ط§ظ„ط±ظٹط§ط¶
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